Step-by-step guide on how to clean plastic windows correctly and without streaks

foto26728-1Plastic windows do not require special care. They do not need to be painted or insulated for the winter. The durable material is easy to clean, but not all products are suitable for this.

In order for the structure to shine with cleanliness, and the service life of the coating does not decrease, it is necessary to listen to the recommendations of the manufacturers and the tips of experienced housewives.

How to properly wash plastic windows (slopes, frames) outside, how to remove the remnants of polyurethane foam, old adhesive tape, we will tell in the article.

Mine according to the instructions without special devices

Experienced housewives know that washing a window does not mean rubbing the glass to a shine, all parts of the structure deserve attention. You should start with preparation: remove curtains, nets, free the window sill. Then proceed to the main part.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. foto26728-2Cleaning of frames with soapy water. For heavy contamination, professional fluids must be used.
  2. Removing dirt and streaks from double-glazed windows. You can use a sponge with a special tool, moving from top to bottom (repeat twice).
  3. Processing of glass and profile joints. This is where the greatest amount of dirt accumulates. Do not allow alcohol-based solution to come into contact with the seal.
  4. Rubbing glass. To avoid staining the glass, use a dry cloth or microfiber cloth.
  5. The final stage is the windowsill. Even stubborn dirt should not be removed with aggressive household chemicals.

How to keep the outside clean?

A magnetic brush and a telescopic mop can be dispensed with if:

  • you need to wash the windows in a private house, you can use a stepladder and do it from the side of the street;
  • the sashes open inward - in this case, the process must be started with them.

In other cases, without risk to the life and health of the hostess, it is possible to clean the glass from the outside only with the use of special assistants.

Outside, the glasses are subject to rapid and severe contamination, so as not to wash them twice, it is better to immediately use effective industrial solutions.

Folk remedies

To safely clean plastic windows, you can use budget funds:

  1. foto26728-3Soap. It must be grated (preferably household), dissolved in water, applied with a sponge to the surface, rinsed with clean water and wiped dry.
  2. Vinegar. Eliminates stains, repels insects. 50 g of the substance must be mixed with 200 g of warm water. Apply to glass surface with a spray bottle, wipe dry.
  3. Glycerol. With a solution (add 60 ml to 40 ml of water), it is necessary to wipe the glass. Suitable for the prevention of dirt, 2-3 drops of ammonia are added to the liquid to fight stains.
  4. Ammonia... Effective in the fight against nicotine plaque, cleans and disinfects the surface. You must mix 2 tbsp. l ammonia and 400 ml of water, apply to the surface and wipe with a dry, lint-free cloth.
  5. Lemon juice... Ammonia and vinegar have a pungent smell that not everyone likes. In this case, you can prepare a solution of lemon juice (50 ml) and water (200 ml). The processing principle is the same.

When cleaning glasses with a solution of vinegar and ammonia, it is necessary to avoid getting liquid on the rubber seal and profile, the aggressive composition of substances can damage them.

Household chemicals

Manufacturers of plastic windows recommend using products specifically designed for them. The most popular are:

  1. Spray Clin "Windows and Mirrors" - Alcohol based cleaner will clean and form a water-repellent film on the glass surface. Convenient to use, economical, does not require polishing, does not leave streaks. Price - from 120 rubles.
  2. Muscle ammonia liquid easy to apply to glass surfaces thanks to the dispersion spray. Does not leave streaks, copes with stubborn dirt (oil, soot). Price - from 120 rubles.
  3. Cif - alcohol based liquid, effectively fights off greasy stains and stubborn dirt, cleans glass effortlessly. Convenient to use, economical thanks to the atomizer. Price - from 100 rubles.
Comparing industrial products and solutions prepared at home, the housewives agreed: they give the same result, but the first category allows you to put the window in order faster, and the second practically does not affect the family budget.

Useful devices

Assistants who make life easier for housewives and relieve them of the need to risk their lives are not a luxury, but a necessity in every home.

Mop with telescopic handle

foto26728-4Irreplaceable assistant in hard-to-reach places... The set includes a pen and two attachments: one with a glass cleaning sponge and a rubber one for removing water.

The advantages of the device are low weight and adjustable handle length. The first time you may not be able to wash the window flawlessly, certain skills are required. It is necessary to work in smooth movements from top to bottom.

The main criterion for choosing is the length of the handle, it must be more than 2 m... Optimal - the height of the glass unit plus 50 cm.

Magnetic brush

The device consists of two identical parts, covered with a sponge and a magnet that allows you to hold the two halves in the same position.

Principle of operation:

  • dip the sponges into the prepared soapy solution;
  • put the cord of the device on your hand to hold the brush in case of a fall;
  • put one part on the outside of the glass, the second on the inside;
  • start moving the inner half from the edge of the glass to the center, the outer one will exactly repeat the movements.
The device saves the hostess time, takes care of her safety, there is a minus - not all models operate on two or three-chamber double-glazed windows.

Scraper (rubber tie)

Another name for the brush is waterer... A rubber nozzle, 20-60 cm wide, fits snugly against the glass and forces moisture to escape in the direction of travel. The recommended direction is from top to bottom, the scraper is ineffective in case of chaotic movement.

When choosing, they are guided by the width of the nozzle, which depends on the width of the windows that will be processed with it.

Steam cleaner

foto26728-5A versatile device that works like an iron. Water is poured into the device, brought to a boil, an air stream saturated with steam comes out under pressure.

Ensures deep cleansing of all types of dirt... Powerful air flow and temperature will clean not only windows, any surface.

The window must be prepared in advance: clean the frame, remove excess moisture. After that, moving from top to bottom, the glass is treated with steam. The advantage is 100% cleaning result even in hard-to-reach places.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to weight and size, the device should be comfortable to hold. Better to trust well-known manufacturers.

Do not pour ordinary water into the device. Boiled, filtered is required. The best option is distilled.

Cleaning of individual parts

It is important not only to clean the profile, but also to pay attention to individual parts of the structure.

The fittings must be wiped clean, all moving parts must be lubricated with machine oil or special window grease. After cleaning, coat the seals with silicone grease.

Drainage holes must be free of dirt and dust, their clogging can lead to freezing of glass in winter. Wipe the locks and hinges with a damp cloth and remove moisture with a cloth. Events are held twice a year.

Mosquito net

It is better to wash the structure in the bathroom:

  1. The mesh needs to be rinsed with a shower head to remove the underlying dirt.
  2. Prepare a solution of ammonia and water (1: 3).
  3. Brush the surface with a medium-hard brush.
  4. Shake off excess liquid.
  5. Remove residues with a dry, lint-free cloth.

For cleaning small everyday mosquito net contamination (dust, various particles), you can use the sticky roller to clean clothes.

How to wash a mosquito net, the video will tell you:


Plastic slopes are treated like a profile. If there is no special detergent, you can use soapy water in combination with microfiber cloths.

No mechanical stress, abrasives or aggressive substances. To prevent the formation of condensation, it is necessary to treat the surface with a solution of glycerin and alcohol in a ratio of 1:20.

Window sill

foto26728-7The windowsill is more likely to be heavily soiled and stains of various origins. If the stain is fresh, a soapy solution will help.

To enhance the effect, the soap can be replaced with a few drops of dish soap. A good result is the addition of alcohol, vinegar.

Industrial plastic cleaners in spray form work well, but require compliance with safety measures in the work. Choosing the right rags is also important - soft sponges, microfiber cloths are perfect.

The dirtiest places on the windowsill are the cracks under the frame. You can clean them with a toothbrush.

Complex pollution

Sometimes specific contaminants form on the profile and glass, which an ordinary solution cannot cope with. How to deal with each of them is described in the table:

ProblemEffective remedy
Profile yellownessAmmonia, hydrogen peroxide
Installation foam on glassCosmofen, dimexide (treatment only with gloves!), Solvent
Masking tape, sticky protective film or tapeVegetable oil, drying oil, isopropyl alcohol, building hair dryer, scraper for cermet
PaintThinner, nail polish remover, metal ceramic scraper
LimeCif Gel
Cement on glassPhosphoric acid (avoid contact with the profile), Comet gel, acetic acid

During repairs, it is advisable to close the window with a film to avoid getting mortars on it. It is not recommended to clean complex dirt on plastic with a melamine sponge. It is effective, but forms microdamage on the surface.

Service price in cleaning companies

foto26728-8Professionals offer step-by-step window cleaning, which includes washing:

  • frames;
  • slopes;
  • window sills;
  • glasses.

Prices for services are calculated based on:

  1. Surface areas.
  2. Cleaning type.
  3. The use of special equipment.
  4. The cost of consumables.
  5. Deadline for the execution of work.
  6. Additional services.
The final cost depends on the region, on average in Russia it ranges from 250 to 350 rubles per sq. m.

Professional advice

The durable PVC profile is not afraid of temperature extremes and any weather conditions. But an incorrectly selected product can cause irreparable damage to the surface.

To avoid mechanical damage and dissolution of stabilizing substances, the profile surface you cannot use products that contain:

  • abrasive particles;
  • acids;
  • solvent;
  • petrol;
  • chlorine.

In addition, hard brushes, metal sponges and scrapers can damage the profile surface.

Taking care of surfaces do not forget about your own safety:

  1. Protect your hands with rubber gloves.
  2. Respiratory tract respirator (especially when working with ammonia-based solutions).
  3. Do not stand on the windowsill, it is better to use a stable stool or stepladder.

You will find a lot of important and useful information about fast and effective window cleaning in this section.

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Only compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations for care and use can guarantee the radiant cleanliness of plastic windows. The use of gentle detergents, soft napkins and sponges, preventive measures are what will prolong the life of the structure and keep it in perfect condition.



