Chic, shine, beauty, or how to clean your bathroom tiles from plaque and dirt

foto27361-1The tiles in the bathroom are hygienic and beautiful. But during operation, plaque and streaks form on the tile, and the grout in the joints darkens.

Keeping the tiles clean requires the use of improvised and special tools. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the intensity of dirt and the type of tile itself.

We will tell you how and what to clean the tiles in the bathroom in the article.

Tools for cleaning tiles

It is possible to carry out hygienic cleaning of the bathroom with a high-quality sink of the tiles even without special preparations. Means that are already at home will do.


Baking soda is a safe substance that is used in cooking and for cleaning various surfaces. Recipes based on this drug are non-toxic and give good results.

The order of work:

  1. foto27361-2Pour 500 ml of warm water into a container.
  2. Pour in 100 grams of baking soda.
  3. Stir.
  4. Using a rag or napkin, clean the stained tiles.
  5. Leave for exposure (for heavy contamination - for half an hour, for light - for a quarter of an hour).
  6. Clean intensively.
  7. Wash off.

To wash glossy tiles, it is more efficient to use soda ash instead of baking soda.


The acid in table vinegar is an effective means of removing lime.

For cleaning, you need to take 1.5 liters of warm water and pour ½ cup of vinegar into it. The prepared solution is used to treat the tiles.

If the dirt is fresh, then using a brush, they can be removed immediately. If the tiles have rusty streaks, then you can use the same solution with some modifications:

  • dip a sponge in a vinegar solution;
  • squeeze out;
  • dip a sponge in salt;
  • rub the stained area;
  • wash off.

For old stains it is necessary to soak the composition on the tiles for a few minutes before washing.


Ammonia will help deal with mold-infested tile areas... This tool is used after the main washing of the tile as a finishing treatment. It is necessary to use ammonia in a diluted form: per liter of water - 2 tbsp. l.

Lemon acid

foto27361-3Citric acid will help to cope with lime on the tile.

For tiles in disrepair you can use a citric acid solution (1 tablespoon per liter of water)... For light dirt, even freshly squeezed lemon juice will cope with the task.

Acid must be used carefully. When flowing into the joints, the grout can react with the grout.


You can use regular laundry soap as a means of regular cleaning when the tiles are not running. The sponge is moistened in water and soaped well, until foam forms. The foam composition is applied to the tile for half an hour, after which it is washed off with water.

Whitening soap can be used to care for white tiles.


Pharmaceutical hydrogen peroxide has a whitening effect... Rubbing the areas with undiluted peroxide will help eliminate stains and whiten yellowed seams.

When processing porous materials, repeat the procedure several times.

Top 3 special detergents

The assortment of household chemicals is widely represented by special means for washing the bathroom, and tiles in particular. Such preparations allow you to qualitatively clean the surface, eliminating even stubborn dirt.

Cillit Bang "Antinalet"

The acidic cleaning agent effectively removes:

  • rust,
  • soap stains,
  • lime.

The product is applied to the stained surface with a spray or sponge. After 5 minutes, it is removed, and the tile itself is washed with plenty of water.

The average price is 270 rubles.


Unicum spray

The drug allows you to remove limescale from tiles and process the seams with high quality... Unicum is an antibacterial agent that removes odors well.

The composition contains chlorine and surfactants. Spray treatment is simple, the drug is well distributed. Manufacturer - Israel.

The price is about 250 rubles per bottle.



Concentrated detergent is available in liquid form. Cleans Mellerud gently and effectively without harming surfaces.

Suitable for ceramics and natural stone that does not contain limestone, since the composition contains acids. Qualitatively removes rust and lime. Manufacturer - Germany.

The liquid is applied to a moistened surface both diluted (1: 5) and in pure form. For best results, the product must be rubbed with a brush. Washed off with plenty of water.

The average price is about 550 rubles.


How to clean tile joints?

When tiling the bathroom with tiles, tile joints are the most demanding places to maintain... They have a more porous surface compared to tiles, and it is in the seams that mold most often forms and dirt accumulates.

It is convenient to use brushes with small bristles for processing the joints of tiles. For example, old dentists.

Chlorine preparations

Sand the white seams one of the chlorine products can help, for example, Domestos or Whiteness... This treatment also serves as a preventive measure against mold. But it cannot be used on colored grout.

Steam cleaner

If possible, the seams between the tiles, like the tile itself, can be treated with a steam cleaner. This method is hygienic and does not require the use of additional cleaning agents.

Hydrogen peroxide

foto27361-7To whiten white grout, use the following mixture:

  • hydrogen peroxide - ¼ st .;
  • water - ½ tbsp.;
  • liquid soap - 1 tbsp. l.

All ingredients are mixed. Such a product can be stored. But if a brush has already been dipped into it during cleaning, the solution is used only for one procedure, and the residues are poured out.

Whitening Markers

A special bleaching marker will help freshen the grout with parallel treatment of the joints from mold.If the mold damage is serious and deep, then it must be completely removed and replaced with a new one containing components that protect against fungus and mold.

When starting to clean the joints, you need to take into account that strong compounds can damage the grout.

The video will tell you how and how to clean the tile joints:

Features of removal of various types of contamination

Soiling bathroom tiles is a natural process. A humid environment, the ingress of soapy water and temperature changes lead to the fact that various types of pollution can be deposited on the tile.


The use of household cleaning products in most cases involves complex cleaning. Preferring simple recipes it is advisable to take into account the type of pollution:

  • water leaks, traces of splashes and dust can be easily removed with warm water and soda;
  • yellowing and mold can be removed with laundry soap, solutions with acid, ammonia;
  • the rust is removed by salt and vinegar.


foto27361-8In addition to the pollution associated with the operation of the bathroom, stains and splashes after construction and repair work can be a problem.

To remove the remnants of building mixtures from tiles, a separate approach will be required, including the use of solvents.

The easiest way to remove the sealant is while it is fresh. In this case, you can simply use a damp cloth or soapy sponge. Cured sealant is removed using a scraper and treatment with special solvents.

You can start with the use of White Spirit and other improvised means. If they are ineffective in a hardware store, you can pick up a special sealant remover.

Paint smudges are removed with solvents. It is not advisable to use a blade, as it can leave scratches on the tile.

To remove cement plaque, you can also use improvised means and special ones. For example, the drug HG. To wipe off the primer - alcohol.

What does the type of cladding affect?

Tiles with different characteristics can be selected for tiling surfaces in the bathroom. All its features must be taken into account in the cleaning process..

Matte coating

On a matte surface, traces of water and soap splashes appear after drying in the form of a whitish coating. Due to the specifics of the tile, it is advisable to use mortars with good penetrating ability. For example, vinegar solution for tiles on the wall and soda solution for flooring.

The matt wall covering can be rubbed with glycerin after cleaning. Doing this with floor tiles is not recommended as they will become slippery.


Embossed tiles are more difficult to keep clean than matte and glossy tiles. An uneven surface with grooves and ridges encourages dirt to collect on the surface.

To deal with dark spots in grooves, you will need a brush and cleaning products that provide good penetration.


foto27361-9Glossy tiles should not be washed with abrasive products. The best choice is liquid and gel non-corrosive preparations, which are applied and distributed with a sponge or rag.

Also suitable for cleaning from dirt mirrors and glass cleaner... This approach will give the tile a streak-free shine.

A moisture repellent may be applied to the top to keep the smooth surface clean and shiny.

Floor tiles

Cleaning of floor tiles is carried out in the same way as for wall tiles. The same purchased products and home formulations will do..

The regularity of cleaning the floor depends on the intensity of use, it should be carried out regularly. Most often, tiles with a matte surface are chosen as floor tiles.

11 recommendations

Clean tiles efficiently and without errors the following expert recommendations will help:

  1. Do not clean with metal scrapers or brushes, as this may damage the surface.
  2. Tile cleaning should be done regularly, taking care not to run condition. Quick cleaning is wiping away the splashing water after taking a shower, maintenance cleaning - at least once a week, general cleaning - at least once a month.
  3. It is advisable to test strong household chemicals before the first use on an inconspicuous area.
  4. Whitish bloom on the tiles will form more slowly if the tiles are wiped dry with a napkin after each shower.
  5. If repair work is carried out when the tile is already laid, it must first be covered with a protective film.
  6. Proper ventilation in the bathroom will prevent condensation and mold.
  7. For better preservation, grouting joints are recommended to be treated with moisture-resistant impregnation.
  8. Always remove any remaining cleaning agent from the tile.
  9. It is convenient to use an old toothbrush to wash hard-to-reach areas (in corners, at joints of complex shapes).
  10. A tile with a damaged surface loses its resistance to strong cleaning agents.
Chlorine cleaning products can be used very limited - only on white tiles, and with good ventilation. In this case, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment.

All the most important and useful information about bathroom cleaning is collected in this section of the site.

Related videos

Video tips will help you clean the tiles in the bathroom:


The easiest way to clean the tiles in the bathroom is in unused cases. You can use improvised and special tools, acting in accordance with the instructions.



