Little tricks on how to remove the smell of fish from things, leather, room, car interior
The fishy smell has one unpleasant feature - it is deeply absorbed into almost all surfaces. It is not always possible to remove it by simply rinsing with water.
For this reason, many housewives refuse such a useful product, which is not worth doing. How to completely remove the smell of fish from clothes, dishes, refrigerator and more, read the article.
How to remove from different surfaces?
The fish impregnates with its aroma all surfaces with which it comes into contact... The smell is absorbed into things, into hands, into pots and pans. You can get rid of it with the help of simple improvised means that are in every home.
From clothes
In order for clothes to stop smelling like fish, they need to be washed, but not in the usual way, but with preliminary soaking. The most effective solutions:
vinegar - for 5 liters of water, 5 tablespoons of the essence will be required, the holding time of the clothes is 30 minutes;
- saline solution - for each liter of water, take a tablespoon of salt so that it dissolves well, the water must be warm, things are soaked for an hour;
- laundry soap - for ease of use, it is rubbed on a grater, in this form it dissolves well in water, clothes are soaked in the prepared solution for an hour.
After soaking, the items are washed as usual using powder and fabric softener. After processing, it is advisable to hang them out in fresh air for drying and ventilation.
If the smell appeared on things as a result of the ingress of fish juice on them, then when washing, it is recommended to add 100 g of baking soda to the powder... It can be poured into a typewriter or a basin.
How to remove the smell of fish from clothes, fabrics, the video will tell you:
From dishes
During frying and other methods of cooking fish, the dishes absorb the smell of fish. It often stays on even after washing with liquid detergent. In this case, the following substances come to the rescue:
- Salt. If you have to remove the smell from metal dishes, then first you need to wash it as usual and dry it. Then sprinkle the bottom with a layer of soda 1 cm thick and put the container on the fire. When the cookware is heated, the burner is turned off.After cooling, salt is poured, and the pan, saucepan or cauldron is washed as usual.
- Dry mustard... It can be used not only for metal, but also for plastic dishes, as well as plates, forks, etc. The powder is dissolved in warm water and all kitchen utensils that need processing are soaked in it. The holding time is 30 minutes, after which the dishes must be washed using detergent.
- Soda. First, the dishes need to be washed, after which soda is poured onto a damp surface and left for an hour.
From the pan
When boiling the product in a saucepan, it is better to use enameled dishes. The following tips will help eliminate the smell:
baking soda and vinegar - after washing the pan, soda is poured into it, which must be distributed along all the walls, using a sponge soaked in vinegar, the soda is extinguished, when the reaction is over, the pan is washed with clean water;
- cloves or cinnamon - the pan needs to be washed, filled with clean water, into which aromatic spices of your choice are added, you need to boil the water for at least 5 minutes, this method is good because it allows you to flavor the air in the room;
- Toothpaste - it perfectly neutralizes the fishy smell, in a small amount it is squeezed onto a sponge, which is used to wash the pan, it remains only to rinse it with clean water and ventilate it without a lid for 2-3 hours.
You need to wash the pan in cool water. The higher the temperature, the deeper the smell will be absorbed into the walls of the dishes.
How to get the fishy aroma out of the car?
A salon saturated with a fishy smell will cause dislike not only among the driver, but also among passengers. You can get rid of it by the following means:
- Activated carbon... It must be crushed into powder and abundantly covered with the place in which the fish was transported. After a day, the coal is removed, and the salon is washed using shampoo.
- Hydrogen peroxide... It should be poured into a spray bottle and used to treat the entire interior. After 12 hours it is washed in the usual way.
- Chlorhexidine... This antiseptic kills bacteria that cause strong odors. It is used by analogy with hydrogen peroxide. Water the area abundantly. Maintain the composition on the surface for at least 6 hours.
From hands
Hands that smell like fish are not enough just to wash with soap, they will need additional processing. For this purpose, the following means are used:
- slice of lemon - they wipe the skin of the hands after washing;
- light beer - a cotton sponge is impregnated in it, with which hands are treated;
- hydrogen peroxide - it is applied to a cotton pad and wiped with fingers and palms;
- laundry soap - it has a strong aroma that can displace pungent odors.
In order not to suffer with the removal of the fishy odor from the skin of your hands, you need to cut the product in thick rubber gloves.
From furniture and carpets
A fishy smell that has been embedded in a carpet or upholstered furniture is difficult to remove. To achieve the goal, you will have to use "heavy artillery" in the form of the following means:
- Ammonia... In 5 liters of water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of alcohol and 2 tablespoons of powder. The resulting composition is treated with the surface and wait for it to dry completely. Then it remains only to vacuum and process it with clean water.
- Hydrogen peroxide... The stain is poured with it abundantly, left for 12 hours, after which the procedure is repeated. Then the area must be treated with a steam generator or ironed through damp gauze. You can use peroxide only on light-colored carpets without a pattern, so as not to provoke a color change.
- Cleaner for carpets and upholstered furniture... Such formulations are sold in stores. One of the effective tools is Vanish. It not only removes odors, but also cleans the surface to be treated. It is applied for 2-3 hours, after which the foam is collected with a vacuum cleaner.The price of such a tool is about 300 rubles.
From the refrigerator
To eliminate the smell of fish from the refrigerator, you can:
alcohol - to process the refrigerator, you can use ordinary vodka, soak a sponge with it and wipe all the walls of the refrigerator, after which it must be rinsed with clean water;
- coffee - freshly ground natural grains should be poured into a saucer and placed in a clean refrigerator for 2-3 days;
- potatoes - the vegetable, peeled from the peel, is cut into slices and laid out on the shelves, in a couple of days it will absorb extraneous odors.
Any product can only be used in a clean refrigerator. If fish blood remains on the shelves or on the seal, then any formulations will be ineffective.
How to get rid of the smell of stale, old fish when cooking?
Ways to get rid of the stale fish smell when cooking:
- Before cooking, the fish must be rinsed in clean running water and soaked in a saline solution. He will absorb not only the smell, but also destroy some of the microbes that provoked its appearance.
- In addition to salt, you can add a small amount of vinegar to the marinade.
- Just before cooking, sprinkle the fish with lemon juice.
- Spices and some foods help reduce unpleasant odor: carrots, onions, parsley.
- Soaking the product in soy sauce helps well in the fight against foreign aromas.
How to remove from the apartment during frying, cooking or baking?
Ways to eliminate fishy odor with different types of heat treatment:
if the fish has a pronounced smell, before cooking it must be soaked in brine with the addition of vinegar, pepper and bay leaf;
- when frying, the smell will be less intense if, after heating, a few drops of lemon juice are added to the pan with vegetable oil;
- you can give the fish a "delicate" taste and get rid of the smell if you add a little milk to the broth during cooking;
- so that the fish does not emit a strong smell when baking, it is placed in the oven in foil or in a sleeve - this advice will eliminate the need to wash the dishes;
- if you plan to leave the fish head while cooking, then be sure to remove the gills.
To flavor the room in a frying pan, you need to ignite the salt, and then the zest of lemon or orange. Coffee beans are used in a similar way. He will tell you how to remove the smell of river fish before cooking this article.
Helpful information
Tips to get rid of fish odor effectively:
- You need to wash the dishes immediately after cooking and cutting fish.
- To remove the smell from a meat grinder or combine, you need to scroll through a few slices of lemon in them.
- Store fish in the refrigerator in an airtight container.
- Practical housewives use separate dishes and cutting boards to prepare fish.
You will find a lot of useful and important information on how to remove the smell from different types of meat and cook it correctly. here.
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A fishy smell is not a reason to stop cooking. and eating the product. It is well neutralized with acids and various absorbents.
If the smell is fresh, then it will be possible to cope with it quickly, but in the fight against the absorbed aromas, you will have to make an effort. Nevertheless, nothing is impossible. The main thing is to choose the right remedy.