Expert advice on how to quickly and easily remove liquid wallpaper from the wall
Any wall covering will become obsolete over time and need to be replaced.
If the liquid wallpaper has lost its presentable appearance, is dirty or just tired, it's time for repair.
Read about how to quickly and easily remove liquid wallpaper from the wall in the article.
Room preparation
To remove liquid wallpaper from the wall, you need to prepare the room. Procedure:
Remove all furniture from the room. If this is not possible, cover it with plastic wrap.
- De-energize the room.
- They remove switches, unscrew the sockets, remove the lighting fixtures.
- Dismantle the skirting boards.
- Cover the floor with cardboard, and cover it with plastic wrap on top.
- Windows and doors are covered with cellophane. The most convenient way is to attach it to tape.
If it is not possible to take out all the furniture from the room, it must be moved to the center of the room and covered with a film so that there are no gaps and openings left.
What do you need?
You need to take care of the toolkit in advance, since without it, it will not be possible to remove the covering from the walls. If the house has a grinder, then you can do only with it. A ladder is used to work at height.
If there is no sander, the wallpaper is removed manually. For this, a choice is stocked with substances such as:
- Liquid soap, laundry soap bar, or dishwashing detergent
- vinegar 9%;
- store products for removing wallpaper.
All of the above formulations do not need to be purchased. The choice is made in favor of one remedy.
Tools you need for manual removal of liquid wallpaper:
- ladder;
- putty knife;
- container with water;
- sponge or roller;
- iron;
- rags;
- garbage bags.
After all the tools and substances have been prepared, you can start processing the walls.
How to delete?
Coated wallpaper cannot be removed with the help of improvised means and even store-bought formulations.... It is so durable that it can only be mechanically cleaned with a grinder. There are no other options.
Removal instructions liquid wallpaper with varnish or paint applied to them:
- Plug in the sander. If the room is de-energized, use an extension cord. It must be protected with plugs from dust getting inside.
- Press the working attachment against the wall. It is recommended to start the process of removing wallpaper from the ceiling towards the floor.
- Systematically work out the wall in small sections.
- Do not leave the device turned on for more than 30 minutes. It will overheat and may burn out. The break in work should be at least 15 minutes. This will allow the sander to cool completely.
In advance, you need to tune in to the fact that the work will be long and laborious. It will take at least 12 hours to clean 15 square meters.
Without cover
Uncoated wallpaper is removed using liquid solutions. Any of them are used according to a single scheme, the difference is only in the time of exposure of the composition on the wall.
Instructions for use:
pour the selected agent into a suitable container;
- with the help of a metal spatula, notches are made on the wall - this is necessary in order for the solution to penetrate deeper into the surface of the coating and work more effectively;
- soak a roller or large sponge with a cleaning agent;
- process the wall, leave for the time indicated in the instructions;
- pick up the softened wallpaper with a spatula and remove them, if they do not go well, then the liquid composition is applied again and left for a while, after which the cleaning attempt is repeated again.
Holding time of different compounds on the wall surface:
- Soap solution - at least half an hour. It can be prepared on the basis of laundry soap (1 shaved bar and 4 liters of water) or on the basis of dishwashing liquid (10 liters of water and 600 ml of liquid detergent).
- Vinegar 9% - 15 minutes. It is pre-diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 8.
- Purchased funds, such as the Metylan Moment - 5-10 minutes. The average price of a liquid composition is 550 rubles per 500 ml. This volume is enough to process 40 m2 of a wall. You can place your order online.
You can quickly and effortlessly remove the wallpaper from the wall with a steam generator. If not, use a regular iron. Procedure:
- the device is connected to the network and heated to the maximum temperature;
- if an iron without steam function is used, a damp rag is applied to the wall, which is ironed several times with the iron;
- remove the rag;
- remove the coating with a spatula.
Regular uncoated liquid wallpaper can be removed in this way in 2 minutes.
Features of cleaning different surfaces
Depending on which surface the wallpaper is applied to, the ways to remove them will differ:
Do not use a sander to remove liquid wallpaper from drywall. It will damage the base material.
Only manual surface treatment is possible. In this case, drywall should not be allowed to get wet, therefore, improvised means are not used.
You need to apply those substances that act as quickly and efficiently as possible. The choice is made in favor of professional cleaners.
They are left on the surface for the minimum amount of time specified in the instructions. If it was not possible to remove the wallpaper from the first time, the procedure is repeated, but the holding time should also not be more than 5-10 minutes.
- You can remove wallpaper from a wooden surface using a construction hair dryer. They bring it up to the wall, plug it in and wait for the coating to become soft. In the molten state, it is easily cleaned off with a spatula. Having chosen this method of processing, it is important to ensure that the wood does not begin to char, since the power of the construction hair dryer is high.
- Concrete is the most unpretentious base. There are no restrictions on cleaning it. Concrete walls are treated with improvised mortars and store formulations. They are not afraid of prolonged contact with liquids.Coated wallpaper can be sanded off. The main thing is not to put too much pressure on the wall, so as not to remove the thick concrete layer with them.
Can I use it again?
Reuse liquid wallpaper possible if they were removed manually... With careful dismantling, they are operated 2-3 times. Before reuse, they are dried by spreading out in layers on polyethylene.
You can speed up this process by squeezing the wallpaper from the water. The layer thickness during drying should not exceed 3 cm.
If the wallpaper has been removed mechanically, it cannot be reapplied as it will turn to dust.
Helpful information
Removal tips liquid wallpaper from the wall:
So that when removing liquid wallpaper with a grinder, the material is not very dusty, the wall can be moistened with plain water. It is sprayed with a spray bottle.
- To shorten the time, it is not necessary to strip the wallpaper down to concrete. Many craftsmen remove only the relief, after which the smooth wall is primed, puttyed and applied with a new coating.
This is true for lacquered wallpaper. Particular attention should be paid to damaged areas that have chips or other damage.
- When working with electrical appliances, it is best to use an extension cord plugged into an outlet in another room. The wall from which the coating is being removed must be de-energized to avoid electric shock.
- For large areas it is recommended to use wide trowels and rollers. This will reduce the time and effort for cleaning the wall from the decorative coating.
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How to remove liquid wallpaper from the wall, the video will tell you:
You can remove liquid wallpaper from the wall in different ways. To remove them, use improvised means and store formulations. If the wallpaper is coated, then you will not be able to do without a sander. When working, you need to take into account the features of the wall on which they are applied.