Effective ways to remove glue from jeans
Working with glue requires the utmost care and accuracy. One careless movement, and a spot of glue flaunts on your favorite jeans.
Many consider such pollution to be irreducible. However, it is not. There are plenty of ways to get the glue off your jeans.
In this article we will tell you how and how to remove the glue from jeans at home using folk remedies and household chemicals.
How to remove stains at home?
Despite the fact that the glue is particularly resistant to moisture and high temperatures, you can remove it from jeans at home using numerous folk methods and household chemicals.
The easiest way to quickly remove a glue stain is to place the stained jeans in the freezer. It's simple: dry denim pants are placed in a plastic bag and then in the freezer for at least two hours.
During this time the composition on the fabric will freeze, become brittle and it will be very easy to scrape it off the fabric with a sharp object (for example, with a scissor blade, nail file, or fork teeth).
After the glue is removed, the jeans are washed in warm soapy water by hand or sent to the washing machine.
Acetone will help to remove dried glue stains from denim.
Algorithm of actions:
- A cotton pad, abundantly moistened with acetone, is applied to the stain on the jeans (it is necessary to ensure that the contamination is completely covered).
- Fifteen minutes later, the cotton pad is removed, and the dissolved glue is carefully cleaned off with a soft brush or sponge.
- Cleaned denim trousers are washed as usual.
It is also forbidden to use acetone to clean black jeans, since together with the glue residues from the fabric fibers, the solvent will remove the colored pigment.
Laundry soap
Laundry soap solution is good at fighting stains quick-drying glue (type Sec). It's simple: in a glass of very hot water (+ 80 ° C) dissolve 2 tbsp.shavings of laundry soap.
The resulting solution is abundantly moistened with the stain, and the jeans are left in this form for five to ten minutes. As soon as the adhesive on the fabric begins to dissolve, it is quickly peeled off with a hard object.
Stains of silicate (clerical) glue can be removed by careful treatment with laundry soap. In this case, they act according to the following algorithm:
- stained jeans are soaked for three hours in warm water;
- rub the glue with laundry soap (you can additionally walk over the stain with a soft brush);
- the soap is washed off under running water, and the jeans are sent for a second wash.
Medical ethyl alcohol
To remove the glue from jeans, a napkin made of natural fabric is thoroughly moistened with medical alcohol, applied to the stain and left for ten minutes. The alcohol will saturate the glue and can be easily cleaned with a soft brush.
To remove glue stains from jeans it is necessary to carry out a number of manipulations:
- Prepare a vinegar solution. To do this, dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of water. vinegar.
- The glue-stained area of the jeans is soaked in a vinegar solution for thirty minutes.
- The stain is wiped with a soapy sponge, after which the jeans are sent to the wash.
During the washing phase, add fabric softener to the water. This will help get rid of the unpleasant vinegar smell.
The drug Dimexide, in addition to its main purpose to relieve pain and inflammation, perfectly copes with the problem of glue stains on denim clothes.
It is enough to cover the spot for ten to fifteen minutes with a cotton swab, abundantly moistened with a concentrated solution of Dimexide... After this procedure, the remnants of the glue are cleaned off with a soft brush, and the jeans are sent to the wash.
Special means
On the shelves of hardware stores, you can see a sufficient number of special tools with which you can remove glue from jeans.
When choosing an anti-glue agent, you must carefully study the manufacturer's label with information about which surfaces the drug is intended for, the rules for its use, and the expiration date.
Top 3 most effective store-bought glue stain removers:
Super Moment Anticlea... This product is applied to the stain, after which the contaminated area is covered with a double-folded napkin (both on the front and on the back of the garment).
In this form, jeans are left for at least twelve hours, after which the napkins are removed, and the place of treatment with anti-glue is thoroughly washed under running water. The average cost of the Super Moment Antiklay is 105 rubles.
- Anticleus Strength - a composition capable of removing both liquid and already hardened glue from denim. It is enough to put a few drops of anti-glue on the stain, wait ten hours, and then remove the dissolved glue particles with a napkin. The average cost is 40 rubles.
- Remover Second - a drug from a Chinese manufacturer. It is distinguished by the ability to remove even old glue spots from the fabric in five to six hours. It is enough to apply the agent on the dirt, cover the dirt with absorbent paper or a cloth and leave the thing alone for a while. After five to six hours, the gins are rinsed under running water, easily cleaning off the remnants of the adhesive. The average cost of glue remover Seconds is 70 rubles.
Removal features depending on the type of glue
The choice of a method for removing glue from jeans is influenced by the brand of glue and its composition.
"Moment", "Superglue"
Remove Super Glue Stain quite difficult, but possible, if you use the following methods:
- Solvent Treatment (White Spirit)... For work, a small piece of gauze soaked in solvent is applied to the stain and left for fifteen minutes. Then the product is washed under running water and washed again as usual.
- Dimexidum treatment... Similarly to the actions with the solvent, a cotton swab dipped in Dimexide is applied to the spot for twenty minutes. After that, the item is rinsed and washed by hand or in a washing machine.
How to remove PVA?
To wipe off PVA glue with denim, you need to carry out a number of actions:
the contamination is gently wiped with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol (as an option, you can use nail polish remover or acetone);
- the stain treated with alcohol is thoroughly rubbed with laundry soap and left alone for thirty minutes;
- the item is washed by hand or in a washing machine.
In order for jeans to wash off for sure, it is necessary to start removing glue stains as soon as they appeared on the fabric.
You can quickly remove glue stains from jeans with laundry soap.
Algorithm of actions:
- Jeans are soaked in cool water.
- Rub the stain on a damp cloth thoroughly with laundry soap and leave the thing in this form for thirty minutes.
- Jeans are washed as usual.
How to scrub the rubber?
Chemicals such as solvent, gasoline will help to wipe off the stain of rubber-based glue (rubber). To do this, a cotton swab is moistened in a chemical liquid, with which a stain on clothes is very quickly rubbed. After the contamination is treated with laundry soap and the jeans are sent to the wash.
Do not leave cotton wool soaked in solvent or gasoline for a long time on the fabric... The fabric can change color when exposed to chemicals.
To remove stubborn stains of casein glue from jeans, ammonia or glycerin will help.
Algorithm of actions:
- a cotton sponge or a piece of gauze is moistened in ammonia (as an option, you can use glycerin);
- the moistened dirt is thoroughly rubbed with laundry soap and the jeans are soaked for twenty minutes in warm water;
- jeans are washed by hand or in a washing machine.
You can remove the stain from casein glue with gasoline. After processing the contamination, the jeans must be thoroughly rinsed under running water and washed in a soapy solution with the addition of conditioner. Otherwise, an unpleasant chemical odor may remain on your clothes.
Hot glue
Hot melt glue feature is that under the influence of high temperatures, the initially solid composition quickly becomes soft, plastic.
As a result, most of the hot melt adhesive remains on the gauze. The procedure is repeated until the jeans are completely clean. When cleaning the hot glue from jeans again, replace the used fabric cuts with clean ones.
Glue on jeans is not a problem if you use special household cleaning products or folk methods for removing stains of this type in a timely manner.