Effective ways to remove super glue from glass

foto17922-1Super glue on the glass can be removed using special products or using homemade recipes.

As a material, glass is resistant to chemical attack by solvents, but it requires a number of rules to be followed.

If the work is done carefully, following the instructions, then the surface cleaning process will be successful. How and what to remove super-glue from glass, we will tell in the article.

How to clean the surface of the "Moment"?

foto17922-2The outdoor moment dries quickly, attaching securely to glass surfaces... To remove it, the glue must be softened.

This is achieved using solvents or high temperatures. In this case, the synthetic composition of the glue itself must be taken into account.

By becoming viscous, Moment is much easier to remove from the surface... It is cleaned with plastic brushes and scrapers. The use of metal objects (for example, a knife) for these purposes is not advisable. Additionally, you should take care of napkins and washcloths.

In order to peel off super glue, recipes are most often used based on products that are always in the household.


Acetone is one of the popular solvents that helps remove not only super glue, but other stains from glass as well. The peculiarity of its use is that the drug can lead to smearing of the adhesive layer on the surface to be cleaned.


  1. The sponge or napkin is soaked in undiluted acetone.
  2. Wet the glue stain well.
  3. Leave for several minutes for the glue to soften.
  4. Brush off the sticky compound.
  5. If necessary, the processing is repeated.
  6. The surface is washed.
  7. Wipe up.
If the glass is positioned horizontally, then the acetone-soaked napkin can be left directly on the surface to be cleaned.

How to remove with soapy water?

The use of a soap solution is highly effective in removing fresh traces of glue. Since the Moment hardens very quickly, you must try to wipe the stain as quickly as possible, while the glue is still viscous.

foto17922-3To do this, follow these steps:

  • remove the bulk of the glue with a rag or napkin;
  • wash off the remainder of the adhesive residue with soapy water;
  • wipe dry.

If it was not possible to wipe off the Moment before it adheres to the glass surface, you will have to use home or commercial solvents. In this case, it may be necessary to wash the place of contamination with soap after removing the adhesive mass.


The rubbing alcohol can only help remove the adhesive if the stain is well moistened. The area moistened with alcohol is left for 5-10 minutes... After that, the processing is repeated several more times, if necessary. The remnants of the glue are cleaned off, and the glass is washed and wiped off.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil will help out in cases where other remedies are not at hand. For small stains, you can use a sponge soaked in oil.

The treated areas are left to react for 30-60 minutes. After the mass of glue softens and becomes sticky, it is cleaned off with a plastic spatula or scraper.

The glass becomes greasy after oil. A final treatment with a glass cleaner will help to clean it completely.


foto17922-4Acetic acid can also serve as a solvent... It is effective on relatively fresh stains and may not pick up old ones.

The technology of work is similar to other methods. The sponge or sponge moistens the glue trail.

After that, it is kept for several minutes, and the moisturizing is repeated again. If the glue becomes more malleable, it is scraped off.

Wet wipes

Using wet wipes to remove super glue stains shows high efficiency on fresh stains... If the adhesive is still viscous and flowing, it can be quickly removed with a wet cloth.

By rubbing the dirt that has already dried up, you may not get a good result right away. To do this, it makes sense to actively rub the stain, helping yourself with a scraper.


Exposure to high temperatures softens the already frozen glue. Moment. You need to act very carefully so that the glass does not burst.

For work, you need a regular kitchen kettle, which is placed on the stove and brought to a boil. At the same time, hot steam begins to flow from the spout. He is directed to the stained area of ​​the glass.

As a result of this action, the sticky mass turns into a viscous mass and can be removed. scraping with plastic tools.

If there are several glue marks on the glass in different places, then the processing should be carried out sequentially: first heat and wipe off the glue from one area, and only then proceed to the next.


foto17922-5For removing super glue, many detergents are not effective, since they do not lead to dissolution of the Moment due to its water resistance and resistance to various influences.

One of the effective means is a wiper... It is applied to the surface and scraped off after a few minutes.

Liquid soaps and powders can assist in completing cleaning when the bulk of the adhesive has been removed from the glass.

How to erase stains with ammonia?

To remove the Moment, you can use either pure ammonia, or by preparing a mixture of it and dishwashing detergent.

For processing you will need:

  • 2 containers;
  • ammonia;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • plastic scraper;
  • 2 sponges;
  • napkin or rags.

Work progress:

  1. foto17922-6In a separate container, combine 1 tbsp. l. ammonia with 1 tsp. dishwashing detergents.
  2. Moisten the sponge in the prepared product.
  3. Apply to glue spot.
  4. Repeat wetting the glue spot several times after a while.
  5. Clean off the composition with a plastic scraper.
  6. In a new container, combine ½ l. water with 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
  7. Take another sponge and, periodically dipping it into the prepared liquid, actively rub the stain.
  8. Wipe the glass dry with a tissue.
When using ammonia, you should take care of good ventilation of the room due to the specific smell.

Top 3 special products

There are many solvents on the market that can help remove glue.The moment gives a strong connection of the parts, so even an accidental drop on the glass is not easy to remove.


Produced under the trade name "Super Moment Antiquely", This product is designed specifically to remove superglue stains... The drug can be used on various surfaces, including glass.

The tube is lightweight - 5 grams and is designed for one use. The cost of this product is from 120 rubles.


  1. Remove the tube from the packaging.
  2. Screw in the cap as far as it will go to pierce the membrane covering the upper hole.
  3. Remove the outer cap.
  4. Gently apply anti-glue to the stain.
  5. Leave the composition to act.
  6. After the stain has softened, the glue is peeled off.
  7. The surface is wiped with a brush.
  8. The glass is washed and wiped off.

Product pros:

  • convenient application;
  • Copes with epoxy and other adhesives stains;
  • compact form of release;
  • suitable for care of various materials.

Minuses: small volume.


Cleaner Contact

The glue is available in a tube and in a small bottle with a brush. The composition is the same, does not depend on the form of release. A small bottle has a volume of 4 grams and a brush that is fixed on the lid. The cost of packaging is about 100 rubles per tube or bottle.

The procedure for working with a bottle equipped with a brush:

  1. The product is applied with a brush to the stain with traces of super glue.
  2. Withstand several hours.
  3. Dissolved glue is removed with a dry cloth.
  4. If the moment is not completely eliminated the first time, the process is repeated.

How to use Contact in a tube:

  1. Screw on the two-piece cap until it stops to expose the membrane.
  2. Remove the top nozzle from the cap.
  3. Apply the product to the Moment.
  4. Withstand several hours.
  5. Erase the stain.


  • effectiveness;
  • convenient form of release that allows you to use the cleaner even pointwise;
  • affordable cost.


  • small volume;
  • reprocessing may be required.



The cleaner removes fresh and dry adhesive. Syringe-shaped tube volume - 5 ml, cost - up to 300 rubles. Usage - similar to the previous types of cleaners.

Syringe packaging allows you to regulate the supply of the cleaner and control the amount of the product in the package.


Despite the glass resistance to reagents, in the cleaning process, you must take into account the advice of professionals:

  1. The uneven heating of the glass must not be allowed, as it may crack.
  2. Exposure to abrasive substances (rough sponges, powders, etc.) can leave scratches on the glass.
  3. When exposed to solvents, the glue changes its shape, becoming viscous, and can spread over the surface.
  4. You need to remove the glue in the direction from the edge to the center of the spot.
  5. Do not use force and pressure when scrubbing the adhesive mass, as the glass may break.
  6. The glue drip must not be heated by using an open flame, since there is a risk of glass cracking and the appearance of black stains.
  7. The easiest thing to do is to remove glue that hasn't hardened or set.
  8. Work with solvents should be carried out with rubber gloves, organizing good ventilation of the room.
  9. When using a commercial super glue solvent for the first time, you must study the instructions for it.
  10. If you do not have a plastic scraper, which is convenient to clean off the super glue without the danger of damaging the glass, you can use an unnecessary discount or old bank card.

Find helpful tips and tricks for removing adhesive from glass surfaces here... Read about removing different types of adhesives from different surfaces. here.

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Any of these methods can be used to remove super glue from glass. If home remedies are not very effective, it is recommended to use commercial preparations designed to remove persistent traces of glue.



