The easiest and most effective ways than to wash off oil paint

foto7254-1Oil paint is a paint and varnish product that is made on vegetable oils or varnish.

It surrounds a person everywhere: on the street and indoors. You can get dirty with it anywhere: sitting on a bench in the park, grabbing the railing, touching the horizontal bar on the playground and more.

Knowing how to properly wash the oil composition from different surfaces, you can quickly deal with the problem if it arises. About how to remove oil paint from leather, clothing, ceiling and other surfaces, read the article.

Top 3 universal recipes

There are universal remedies that can be used in any situation, no matter where the oil paint has ended up.

Laundry soap

The product contains acids, alkalis and fats. These three components are excellent at breaking down oil formulations.

foto7254-2Mode of application:

  1. Moisten the stained product.
  2. Lather up the soap.
  3. Apply it to the contaminated area.
  4. If the paint has dried, then the foam is left for 5-10 minutes to act.
  5. Rub the contaminated surface.
  6. Wash off the composition with water.

Soap can be safely used for human skin, it can be used to wash various fabrics, clean wooden and plastic surfaces.


This petroleum product has the ability to break down paint molecules. Use it as follows:

  • apply the composition to a fabric or a cotton pad;
  • rub the stain;
  • remove residual gasoline with paper napkins;
  • wash the treated surface with water.

Butter combined with washing powder

The oil breaks down the molecules of the paint, and the detergent removes the fat and pigment.

Mode of application:

  1. foto7254-3Prepare a gruel based on oil and powder.
  2. Apply it to the stain.
  3. Leave on for 10-30 minutes.
  4. Remove the composition with a paper towel.
  5. Brush off any remaining paint.
  6. Rinse treated area with hot water.

The sooner processing is started, the easier it is to handle the paint.

How to wipe stains from different surfaces?

Depending on the nature of the surface that has been stained with paint, the method for cleaning it differs.

For human skin, gentle formulations in the form of a greasy cream are suitable, and wood coatings and fabrics can be treated with chemicals such as acetone or white spirit.

How to remove from human skin?

You can get rid of paint that has got on the skin with the help of any oily cream. The way to use it:

  • apply the cream to a cotton pad;
  • rub the skin with it until the stain is completely removed;
  • remove the remains of the cream with a paper napkin;
  • wash your hands with warm water and soap.

The baby cream has sufficient fat content. The likelihood of an allergic reaction to it is minimal.

foto7254-4Nail polish remover helps remove both fresh and old paint from leather.

Mode of application:

  1. Apply the cleaner to a cotton pad.
  2. Wipe the skin with it until it is completely cleansed.
  3. Wash your hands with warm water and soap.

Do not rub your skin too vigorously with nail polish remover to avoid injury.

How to remove from a paint brush?

You can remove paint from paint brushes with a solvent. It can be white spirit, acetone, gasoline, kerosene or any other similar composition.

Mode of application:

  1. Remove the remaining paint from the paintbrush with a soft cloth.
  2. Pour the solvent into a glass container.
  3. Dip the brush into the jar and drag it along the bottom. This is necessary in order to thoroughly rinse the bristles.
  4. Remove the brush from the solvent. Wipe it with a cloth again.

If necessary, repeat the procedure.

When the paint is fresh, you can use dishwashing detergent. Mode of application:

  • apply the detergent to a suitable surface;
  • move the brush in it in different directions;
  • immerse the instrument in warm water;
  • again move it over the surface with detergent;
  • repeat the procedure until the bristles are completely clean;
  • rinse the brush, you can additionally use soap.
The detergent will not be able to cope with dried paint. For this, strong solvents are used.

Well breaks down oil paint turpentine.

  1. foto7254-5Pour the turpentine into a suitable container.
  2. Dip a brush into it so that the liquid covers the entire pile.
  3. Leave to act for 1-4 hours.
  4. Soak the brush in the solution, remove and wipe with a soft cloth.
  5. Rinse in warm water using laundry soap.

If after the first time it was not possible to get rid of the paint, then the procedure must be repeated. For a complete brush cleanse 2-3 approaches may be required.

How to wash dried oil paint from brushes, video tips:

How to remove from the ceiling?

You can remove oil paint from the ceiling with a building hair dryer.

Use it as follows:

  • include the device in the network;
  • they warm up the coloring composition;
  • remove the softened layer with a spatula.
It is necessary to carry out processing carefully, using a protective mask, respirator, gloves. Hot paint will run thin and must be handled with care.

Avoid heating the ceiling surface where wires pass or plastic elements such as curtains or baseboards are located. This could cause a fire.

foto7254-6You can use a paint remover. Such formulations are sold at hardware stores, for example:

  1. Anti-paint (400 rubles per 1 kg).
  2. ALT APS-M 10 (200 rubles per 600 g).
  3. Docker (2000 for 4 kg).

The wash is easy to use. It is applied to the ceiling with a roller, left to act for the time specified in the instructions, and then removed with a spatula. It is necessary to work with chemical compounds in rooms that have good ventilation.

How to remove from a tree?

You can remove the oil composition from the tree using a chisel and a hammer. These tools will not damage the surface, as the person has the ability to control the force of pressure.

Mode of application:

  • take the chisel so that it is at an acute angle to the area to be cleaned;
  • knock down the paint with a tip, tapping on the base of the tool with a hammer;
  • continue processing until complete removal of the coloring composition.
You can also use a grinder with a fine abrasive sandpaper attachment. It does not scratch the wood surface, turning paint into dust. Only its top layer is removed.

You can clean the wood flooring with chemical reagents. If the layer is thin, then ordinary acetone will do. Use it as follows:

  1. foto7254-7All surfaces that do not need cleaning should be covered with plastic wrap.
  2. The acetone is poured into a convenient container, such as a paint tray.
  3. Moisten a brush in it and wring it out.
  4. The liquid is applied to the surface of the wood.
  5. Leave to react for half an hour.
  6. Clean the wood flooring with a stiff brush.

Places where paint does not come off must be processed again. Acetone irritates the skin of the hands, so you need to work with it with rubber gloves.

How to erase from fabric?

You can get rid of stains on things with gasoline and white clay. A gruel is prepared from these components, which is used as follows:

  • apply the composition to the stain;
  • leave to act for 3-4 hours;
  • remove the gruel with a brush;
  • wash the item in warm soapy water.

If it was not possible to get rid of the stain the first time, the procedure must be repeated.

How to remove oil paint from fabric, video instruction:

Important recommendations

When removing oil paints you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. foto7254-8Consider the type of surface. The method of removing the coloring composition will depend on this.
  2. Protect respiratory organs, skin of hands and mucous membranes when working with chemicals.
  3. Ventilate the area if the cleaning agent has a pungent odor.
  4. Before using a new compound for the first time, test it on a small area.
  5. Remove dust and other contaminants before removing paint.

When working with washes and caustic substances, it is advisable to use glass containers. Not all materials can withstand the effects of chemistry.

In the future, such containers must be disposed of. You cannot store food in them.


It is not difficult to remove the oil composition from the skin of your hands, from the ceiling or from a wooden covering, if you choose the right method. Following the instructions, you can successfully complete even the most delicate cleaning.

At the same time, there is no need to spend a lot of money on the purchase of expensive household chemicals. Cope with the problem by means of improvised means.



