Available tools than you can scrub acrylic paint from linoleum

foto7559-1Acrylic paint on linoleum is not uncommon. This often happens when performing repair work.

It is not difficult to get rid of the stain that spoils the appearance of the floor covering. The main thing is to choose the right product and observe the peculiarities of its use.

In this article we will tell you how to scrub acrylic paint from linoleum quickly and easily.

How to remove a fresh one?

foto7559-2Fresh acrylic paint is easier to get rid of than paint that has dried out.

If the stain was noticed immediately, you need to take a damp cloth and wipe the floor with it.... Do this until the linoleum is completely cleaned.

If the coloring pigment has penetrated the structure of the floor covering, it is recommended to use a solvent. It can be either acetone or nail polish remover.

A small amount of the cleaning compound is applied to a cotton pad to remove the dye residues... After treating linoleum with a solvent, thoroughly rinse the floor with plain water.

If this is not done, then acetone will lead to color fading and the appearance of whitish spots.

How to wash different types of paint?

If the paint has time to dry, it will be more difficult to remove it. It does not respond to ordinary water. You need to resort to the help of special means. Removal methods will vary depending on the type of paint.

Filming agents are used in the production of acrylic paint. Therefore, after it dries, it will be difficult to remove stains. Such formulations are resistant not only to water, but also to household chemicals in the form of powder or detergent.


You can deal with contamination with vinegar.

How to use it:

  1. foto7559-3Scrape off the top layer of paint with the dull side of a knife.
  2. Apply vinegar to a cotton pad or tissue.
  3. Wipe the stain. If it is not removed, then you can use a cloth in the form of a compress. Leave it on the surface of the floor covering for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Remove the stain completely with a fresh cloth soaked in vinegar.
  5. Clean the floors as usual.


If the vinegar could not cope with the stain, they resort to classic paint thinners. It can be gasoline or kerosene.

They are used as follows:

  • the stain must be scrubbed with a stiff-bristled brush.
  • apply purified gasoline or kerosene to a cloth.
  • rub the stain in a circular motion towards the center.
  • if the layer is thick, it can be smoothed out with a rubber trowel.
  • after removing the paint, the floors are washed with warm water.
To prevent the soaked paint from spreading on the floor and staining the clean linoleum, the stain is circled in a circle with a paraffin candle. This will set the scrubbing boundaries.

White Spirit

Mode of application:

  1. foto7559-4Rub the stain with a stiff brush or blunt object. This is done in order to get rid of the dried top film.
  2. Apply white spirit to cheesecloth or cotton swab.
  3. Rub the stain thoroughly with it until it disappears completely.
  4. Clean the floors with plain water.

You need to work with White Spirit with gloves so as not to damage the skin of your hands and nails. After removing the stain, the room is thoroughly ventilated.


You can remove pigment from flooring with hydrogen peroxide. Apply it in the following way:

  • apply the product to a cotton pad.
  • rub the stain. As the discs become dirty, they need to be replaced.
  • wash the floors with warm water.

Laundry soap

You can use laundry soap by making a concentrated solution from it.


  1. foto7559-5Grate a little soap, add water to it. The consistency of the cleaning agent should be mushy.
  2. Apply the composition to the contaminated area.
  3. Leave to work for 15 minutes.
  4. Rub with a regular soft bristled brush until foam forms.
  5. Remove excess product with a paper towel or dry soft cloth.
  6. Clean the floor as usual.


To cope with the paint that has got on the linoleum, you can use toothpaste. Use it as follows:

  • slightly moisten the stain with water;
  • apply the paste to the contaminated area;
  • rubbing the stain with an old toothbrush;
  • remove excess funds with a paper napkin;
  • wash the floor as usual.

The most common mistakes

To completely get rid of the paint and not damage the linoleum, you need to familiarize yourself with the main mistakes that people make when trying to remove stains:

  1. foto7559-6Use of abrasive cleaners. It is possible that they will cope with the coloring composition, but the linoleum will be hopelessly spoiled. Scratches will appear on it, which cannot be removed.
  2. The use of substances containing chlorine. The use of such compounds threatens the appearance of white spots on the flooring.
  3. Mechanical paint removal. You can try to gently peel off the top layer to facilitate the penetration of the liquid substance. However, scraping the floor with a knife or metal trowel is not permitted.

After completing the cleaning, wash the floor with water. This is done to remove chemical components from the linoleum. In the future, they will not corrode the paint of the coating itself.

Important recommendations

Useful tips to deal with dirt quickly and safely:

  1. When working with dyes, always have wet cloths at hand. With their help, you can quickly remove drops that can get on the linoleum.
  2. Before you start treating the floor with aggressive compounds, you need to test them on an inconspicuous area. The fact is that the coating may not withstand such cleaning. This rule is especially true for inexpensive materials.
  3. It is necessary to remember about personal protective equipment. When working with caustic compounds, be sure to use a respirator and gloves.
To prevent the paint from spreading on the floor, you need to erase it in a circular motion towards the center.

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Getting rid of paint on linoleum is not difficult. This can be done with the help of available tools, for example, using acetone or soap solution. When choosing a suitable substance, the type of paint must be considered.



