Reliable methods and tools than to remove paint from metal

foto7383-1Often a person faces the need to remove paint from metal. Any coloring composition deteriorates over time, rust can appear through it.

Sometimes paint stains appear on the surface of the product accidentally. To cope with the task, you need to act carefully, following the advice of professionals.

In this article, you will find out how you can remove the old paint with metal at home.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, you need to properly prepare... This complex includes:

  1. foto7383-2Purchase of tools and household chemicals. Depending on the chosen cleaning method, you will need: a grinder, a hair dryer, a paint remover, a spatula, kerosene, a brush, etc.
  2. Protect surrounding objects from dust and other contamination. For this, use plastic wrap.
  3. Prepare personal protective equipment. The classic set includes: gloves, construction glasses, respirator.
  4. Prepare the metal surface for the upcoming cleaning. Dust and other contaminants are removed from it. If you use household chemicals, you can clean the paint with a stiff bristled brush. This will increase the diffusion of the solvent and speed up the reaction.

When all the preparatory steps are completed, you can start working.

How to clean old paint from metal surfaces?

There are three main ways to remove paint from metal:

  1. Mechanical. The composition is cleaned off by applying physical force.
  2. Thermal. The coating is softened with high temperatures, after which it is removed with improvised means (most often with a spatula).
  3. Chemical. Use special washes and solvents.

Sometimes a combination of several methods is required.

How can you remove it mechanically?

foto7383-3The tools used to remove paint from metal surfaces are:

  • drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • sanding machine;
  • putty knife.

The most important point is choosing the correct accessory for your power tool. Priority - abrasive coatings.

Drill Brush Options:

  1. Radial. They are used to remove paint in hard-to-reach places such as inside a pipe.
  2. Cylindrical. They are narrow, it is convenient to use them to clean the paint in the gaps between the elements of heating radiators in the apartment.
  3. Disk. They are suitable for cleaning flat surfaces.
  4. Cup. They are used for rough work when a thick layer needs to be removed.

Options for wheels for grinders and grinders:

  1. Petal circle... It is used when an additional metal layer needs to be removed along with the paint.
  2. CD Nonwoven Grinding Wheels... They are suitable for gentle removal of the coating. The resulting scratches are easy to cover with a subsequent coat of paint.
  3. Cibo cleaning wheels... These attachments have a smaller abrasive grain and a fine nylon thread, so they work more delicately. It is these circles that are used if you want to remove only the top layer of paint, without damaging the metal surface.
Using a grinder or grinder, you can remove paint from flat surfaces that are not difficult to access.

To work out corners, bends and small details, manual labor is indispensable. For this, they resort to using sandpaper and a metal spatula.

Mode of application:

  • foto7383-4the selected tool is included in the network;
  • holding it at an acute angle to the surface, clean the paint;
  • if the layer is thick, then use coarse nozzles with a large abrasive, as the work progresses, they are changed;
  • so that less dust is formed during cleaning, the surface is sprayed with water - for this it is convenient to use a spray;
  • hard-to-reach places are passed manually, using sandpaper.

Mechanical cleaning is accompanied by the appearance of a large amount of dust and chips. Therefore, it is imperative to protect your eyes with plastic glasses that will fit snugly to your face.

Heat treatment at home

The principle of this method is to remove the coating with high temperatures.... Under their influence, it begins to melt, making it easy to remove with a spatula or spatula.

Tools that can be used:

  1. Building hair dryer... It is he who needs to be given preference when carrying out work.
  2. Blowtorch... She is a source of open flames. Under its influence, the paint burns out. It remains only to clean it off with a brush.
  3. Iron. They heat the surface of the metal through some material, for example, through a foil. In this way, it will be possible to work out only small surfaces. The method is considered the most time consuming and ineffective.

How to remove paint:

  • foto7383-5remove all unnecessary items - there should be nothing on the working area except the surface to be worked on;
  • remove dust and dirt from metal;
  • prepare a heating device;
  • calcine the paint evenly around the entire perimeter of the metal product, then you can start working on individual zones;
  • the softened composition is cleaned with a brush or spatula.

Paint may still remain on the metal surface after cleaning is complete. It is removed with a solvent. It can be applied only after the product has completely cooled down.

Do not thermally remove paint from cast iron, brass and aluminum radiators. It is forbidden to glow decorative thin-sheet elements, especially those that form a composition with other materials.

How to quickly clean with chemicals?

How else to wash off the paint? The use of professional washes allows you to quickly get rid of the coloring composition, regardless of its type.

In practice, various solvents are used, including:

  1. Aerosol KUDO... The cost of 520 ml is 230 rubles.
  2. Veslee Remover Aerosol... The cost of a composition with a volume of 450 ml is 180 rubles.
  3. Cleanser Syntirol... For 1 kg of funds, you will need to pay 470 rubles.

Mode of application:

  1. foto7383-6Wash off all impurities from the surface to be cleaned.
  2. Cover areas that do not need to be worked out with plastic wrap.
  3. Apply chemical reagent. It is most convenient to use aerosol cans.

    The regular wash is poured into a suitable container and spread over the metal with a paint brush.

  4. Leave the composition to act. The exact time is indicated in the instructions for use for the selected product. It can be from several minutes to several hours.
  5. The swollen layer is removed with a spatula and a brush with stiff bristles.
  6. The metal surface is washed with a solvent such as gasoline and then with water.

All washes have a pungent odor, so you need to work with them outdoors or in rooms with good ventilation.

How to remove from the gate?

To clean the paint off metal gates you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • remove all contaminants from the metal surface;
  • walk along the gate with a grinder - the nozzle must be selected depending on the number of layers of paint;
  • work out hard-to-reach places (joints, welds, hinges) with a brush with metal bristles;
  • apply a solvent to the gate surface - this will get rid of the dye residues and degrease the metal.

After such cleaning, the gate will be completely ready for further processing.

If it was decided to remove the coating with a wash, then choose a thick composition: gel or aerosol. The gates are located vertically, so liquid products will drain from them and will not have the desired effect.

You need to clean the paint on a sunny day. Rain may cause work stoppages.

Features of the removal of different types of paints and varnishes

Any paint can be removed mechanically, thermally or chemically, but sometimes some methods are preferred.

Paint typeRemoval method
OilA thin layer can be removed with any remover, for example using acetone. A thick old layer requires mechanical cleaning. The most difficult areas are burned out.
AcrylicThe paint lends itself well to solvents and washes. To improve the efficiency of work, the surface should be cleaned.
PowderThe most effective way to remove paint is to burn it out. If this method cannot be applied to the product, then they resort to chemical agents, for example, Fail-4 or Remover.
Aerosol (from a can)You can get rid of this paint with sandpaper or a wire brush. For high-quality removal of the composition, the surface is treated with a solvent.

The most common mistakes

When removing paint from a metal surface the following mistakes should be avoided:

  1. foto7383-7Using a hot air gun or burner indoors. The paint will release toxins when heated, so poisoning cannot be avoided. Such work should be carried out in the fresh air.
  2. Firing of products from brass and cast iron. When heated, these metals scale and become brittle. This will lead to their rapid destruction.
  3. Work without personal protective equipment. Failure to follow basic safety measures increases the risk of injury.
  4. Mechanical cleaning of thin metal sheets. Pressing too hard can damage them. The product loses its shape or dents appear on it, which will be difficult to straighten.

In order to avoid mistakes when performing work, you need to know what kind of metal the product is made of and what type of paint it is coated with.

Important recommendations

When removing paint from metal you need to use the following recommendations:

  1. Observe safety precautions. Hands, respiratory organs and eyes need protection.
  2. Take care of cleanliness. Dust will be less generated if the surface is sprayed with water before mechanical cleaning.
  3. Do not overheat the paint so that it does not catch fire. You can start applying a metal remover or solvent only after it has cooled down. Such liquids are flammable.
  4. In order not to damage the surrounding surfaces, they are covered with matter.
You can enhance the rinsing effect by creating a steam effect. After applying the composition, the surface is protected with polyethylene. However, the cellophane and the remover should not come into contact.

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Getting rid of paint on metal will take some effort. It is important to take into account the features of the product, its thickness, as well as the type of coloring composition.

Most often, you have to resort to a combination of several methods. This is the only way to completely remove the old paint from the coating.



