Working on mistakes, or how to erase eyebrow dye from skin

foto7501-1A common situation that women face when dyeing their eyebrows is getting paint on the skin. Then it cannot be washed off with plain water.

To eliminate such flaws, you can use various tools that are always at hand or professional washes.

Most effective ways than to erase paint for eyebrows from the skin will be discussed in the article.

What can be removed at home?

Preparing for eyebrow tinting, it is advisable to purchase in advance a special cosmetic liquid to remove the dye from the skin. They are sold in the cosmetics department.

Those who prefer everything natural are advised to use the home remedies that are always available on the farm.

Oil (cream)

The use of any vegetable oil or fatty cream is a very effective way, albeit a long one.

You can proceed as follows:

  1. foto7501-2Take olive (sunflower or castor) oil and alcohol-containing lotion (or pure alcohol).

    A cotton pad is well moistened in oil and applied to the stains for 2 minutes. After that, wipe with lotion. Such manipulations are repeated 2-3 times throughout the day.

  2. Heat vegetable oil, but do not bring to a boil. Rub it into contaminated skin and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then remove with alcohol.
  3. Lubricate the contaminated area with any greasy cream and wait 15-20 minutes, then remove the residue along with the paint with a napkin.

How to remove hydrogen peroxide?

3% hydrogen peroxide will do.... Cotton swabs are used to treat the skin. Undiluted peroxide is kept for no more than 2-3 minutes and washed off. If this is a solution (3-4 ml per glass of water), then leave for 15 minutes.

After cleansing, lubricate the skin with any greasy cream to avoid irritation. If necessary, the procedure is repeated, but not earlier than after 5 days.

This option is not acceptable for women with sensitive skin and dermatological diseases.


To neutralize the effects of eyebrow staining, you can take any alcohol-containing liquid. Usually they use ammonia.

foto7501-3Instructions for use:

  • mix 13 ml of alcohol with 7-8 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • dip a cotton swab into the resulting composition and effortlessly rub the stained areas with it for 3 minutes;
  • then wash with warm water and treat eyebrows with cream or moisturizing toner.

If required, you can repeat these steps after an hour.

Do not use ammonia if there are small abrasions, wounds or other damage on the dermis.

Lemon juice

The juice of this citrus well brightens light pigmentation on the face, therefore it will cope with the remains of paint on the skin. You just need to do several procedures to achieve the desired effect.

Squeeze fresh juice from lemon and apply it with a cotton pad where necessary. After 15 minutes, it is washed off with water and the dermis is moistened.

It is not scary if a slight burning sensation is felt during the procedure. But in case of inflammation on the skin, using lemon juice is contraindicated.

How to wash with laundry soap?

foto7501-4One more at least productive option for the elimination of coloring pigment - this is a laundry or tar soap.

First, rub it on a fine grater and combine it with any ready-made scrub. Then apply the mixture to the desired area, wait 10-15 minutes and wash off.

Do not rub the soap too hard to avoid getting it into your eyes. This will inevitably lead to severe irritation. And also you can not resort to this method with super sensitive skin.

Kefir with parsley juice

In summer, it is recommended to use fresh parsley, which is pre-chopped and squeezed out.... Then it is mixed with kefir and applied for 10 minutes.

The mixture can run off, so make sure that it does not get into your eyes. It will not cause serious harm, but it can cause an allergic reaction.

The method is not particularly effective, but it will help with light painting of the skin.

Soda with shampoo

To get an effective home wash, combine ordinary soda (0.5 tsp) with a small amount of shampoo... It is rubbed into the stained areas and left for half an hour.

The product should not be used by women with dry skin type, as well as girls with acne near the eyebrows.

Liquid soap with salt

foto7501-5How to use a home scrub:

  1. Mix baby liquid soap with fine salt in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Mix well, but so that the grains of salt do not dissolve.
  3. Distribute the product over the skin and wait a quarter of an hour. Then they wash themselves.

The method will not work if the paint has already strongly eaten into the skin.


If none of the above is found, then you can take toothpaste. It is applied around the eyebrows for 30 minutes and washed off with water.

The paste should not be used frequently to remove paint in order not to irritate the skin. To minimize the risk, a cream must be applied after the procedure.

Effective professional washes

Major cosmetic manufacturers produce professional washes designed specifically for removing dye after coloring eyebrows. It is advisable to choose identical brands of dye composition and remover. Then you can count on a more effective result.

When using such formulations, a number of rules should be followed:

  • foto7501-6applied according to the attached instructions;
  • do not overexpose on the skin;
  • avoid contact with mucous membranes;
  • used for freshly painted areas of the dermis.

It is not recommended to use such liquids for pregnant and lactating women, as exposure to chemicals can adversely affect the baby.

Of the available assortment of washes, the following brands are most popular:

  • RefectoCil Color Cleanser;
  • Igora Remover;
  • Elan.

RefectoCil Color Cleanser

Professional Austrian development for eyebrow dye remover. Dermatologically tested and manufactured according to quality standards. The liquid does not have an aggressive effect on the skin.


  • Available in 150 ml bottles;
  • has an unobtrusive smell;
  • price - about 1,000 rubles.

For leveling the coloring pigment, a little product is enough. Therefore, it is spent sparingly.


Igora Remover

This lotion will be a real salvation for sloppy eyebrow coloring. This is a development from Schwarzkopf (Germany), so it easily copes even with long-lasting hair dyes. Due to its delicate texture, the liquid does not cause allergies and can be used for sensitive dermis.

The lotion contains castor oil to help nourish and hydrate the skin. Apply it to the painted areas and after 3 minutes remove it with micellar water.


  • volume - 250 ml;
  • no aroma;
  • with a neutral pH (therefore, it does not dry out the skin);
  • cost - 550-600 rubles.



This is a professional paint remover for Ukrainian brand paint. Due to the absence of ammonia in the composition, it safely removes contamination... In addition, it does not have a specific smell.

The liquid lasts for a long time, since 2-3 drops are enough for one cleaning procedure. It is produced in 60 ml bottles, which cost about 350 rubles.



You cannot completely insure against oversights when dyeing your eyebrows. But you can prevent a number of mistakes if you follow professional advice:

  1. Select exclusively high-quality coloring compositions of proven brands (otherwise they can cause a serious allergic reaction).
  2. When buying eyebrow dye, ask the seller if there is a similar brand of remover on sale.
To minimize contamination of the skin with the coloring composition, it is recommended to lubricate the area around the eyebrows with any fat cream or petroleum jelly before the coloring procedure.

It is better to wash the paint immediately, which will save you from hassle later.


Of the many options available for cleansing the skin after dyeing the eyebrows, the safest are those using natural products. But even some of them can cause an allergic reaction.

If there are no health problems, then it is more rational to opt for professional teams... In any case, it is important to be careful not to get the product in the eyes.



