To change the shade of hair by 1-2 tones, you can use improvised means. Most of them are in every woman's kitchen.
Unlike chemicals, they do not hurt or dry out the hair. Their cost is not overpriced, so cleaning can be done for little money.
However, in order to obtain a quality result, the products must be used correctly. We will tell you more about how to quickly wash off hair dye at home in the article.
Folk remedies for removing hair dye
You can wash off the hair dye using folk remedies. Some of them not only act as a mild solvent, but can also improve their condition.
How to wash off the paint with kefir?
Kefir contains lactic acid, which softens the hair shaft and penetrates into its structure. The bond between paint molecules becomes less strong, many of them are destroyed, the pigment is washed out.
With the help of kefir, you can weaken the effect of the paint on the tone.
Mode of application:
- take kefir without additives and flavors;
- apply it to your hair and distribute it evenly with a wide-toothed comb;
- put on a shower cap and leave the composition for an hour;
- wash your hair using shampoo.
In order not to harm your hair and not dry it out, you need to use the product no more than 2 times a week.
To enhance the effect, you can add auxiliary components to kefir:
- Salt and vegetable oil. For a liter of kefir, products are taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. l.
- 2 tsp soda and 3 tbsp. l. vodka per liter of fermented milk drink.
- One yolk and 3 tsp. vegetable oil for 5 tbsp. l. kefir.
Honey neutralizes paint. It works softly and smoothly. To lighten one tone, at least 4-6 procedures are required. You need to use only a natural product.
Mode of application:
slightly warm liquid honey in a water bath;
- apply it generously to your hair;
- put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel;
- leave to act for 8 hours;
- wash off the composition with shampoo.
Regular use of such a wash will restore the damaged hair structure.
Soda is safer than salon chemical washes, but this substance cannot be called absolutely harmless. This procedure can cause serious hair damage if used incorrectly. It is not recommended to wash off the paint with baking soda for women with dry scalp.
Mode of application:
- Dilute 10 tbsp. l of soda in a glass of warm water.
- Spread the composition evenly over the hair.
- Warm your head with a plastic cap and a towel.
- Leave to act for 30-60 minutes.
- Wash your hair with shampoo.
- Allow hair to dry naturally.
To remove pigment, you can use chamomile decoction. With its help, it is possible to lighten by 2-3 tones. The tool has no contraindications, the broth is absolutely harmless to humans (with the exception of allergic reactions).
Broth preparation method:
- brew 100 g of flowers in 0.5 l of water;
- kept in a water bath for 15 minutes;
- cool and filter the broth.
Means that enhance the effect of chamomile infusion:
- juice of half a lemon;
- 3 tablespoons of honey;
- 50 g glycerin;
- a pinch of saffron.
Mode of application:
- Apply chamomile decoction to damp hair.
- Insulate them with polyethylene and a towel.
- Leave on for 40 minutes.
- Wash your hair with shampoo.
Laundry soap
You can use laundry soap to wash it off. It contains alkalis and acids that can break down paint. However, you need to use it correctly so as not to harm your hair.
Mode of application:
- wet your head;
- apply soapy lather;
- leave to act for 2 minutes;
- wash your hair with warm water;
- apply a caring balm.
Laundry soap dries out the skin and hair and can lead to dandruff.
You can wash off the paint with Aspirin. This tablet contains acetylsalicylic acid, which helps to remove pigment. Thanks to Aspirin, it will be possible to lighten by 3 tones.
Mode of application:
- Crush 2 Aspirin tablets.
- Dilute it in 0.5 liters of water.
- Apply the composition to slightly damp hair.
- Wash your hair. You don't need to use shampoo.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil washes out paint well. With its help, you can lighten by 2-3 tones. A pleasant bonus will be the shine and strength of the hair, as well as an increase in the speed of their growth.
Mode of application:
- slightly heat the oil in a water bath;
- apply the composition to moisturized hair;
- wrap with plastic and a towel;
- leave to act for 8 hours;
- wash your hair with shampoo.
To get rid of oily shine, the hair will have to be washed at least 3 times.
Sour cream
Sour cream contains lactic acid, which washes out the paint. It is best to use a product with an average fat content of 25-30%. This sour cream will not spread and will not make your hair greasy.
Mode of application:
- Moisten hair slightly.
- Apply sour cream to them.
- Warm up with a shower cap and a towel.
- Leave for an hour.
- Wash your hair with shampoo.
Lemon juice
Lemon will help make your hair 3 tones lighter. Ascorbic acid acts as a clarifier.
Mode of application:
- squeeze the juice of one lemon and dilute it in a liter of warm water;
- rinse your head with this composition after each wash;
- let your hair dry naturally.
This is a gentle and safe way to get rid of the coloring pigment. The result can be seen after 3 applications.
For faster lightening, you can use the following mask:
- Mix the juice of 1 lemon with 2 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
- Apply the composition to the hair, insulate it.
- Wash off the mask with shampoo after 1.5 hours.
Enhances the effect of lemon juice with kefir, vodka, cognac and vegetable oils.
Burr oil
Burdock oil is one of the most popular home hair care products. However, few people know that it is capable of washing paint out of them.
To do this, you need to do the following mask 2-3 times a week:
- heat burdock oil in a water bath;
- distribute it through your hair;
- insulate with a shower cap;
- leave for 12 hours;
- wash your hair with shampoo.
How to remove stains from hands and face without harming the skin?
To remove paint from the skin, you need to use gentle products.
For facial treatment, apply:
- Vegetable oil.
- Tonics containing a small amount of alcohol.
- Make-up remover milk.
- Wet wipes.
To wipe away stains from other parts of the body, you can use formulations such as:
- Cologne or vodka.
- Soda scrub (a spoonful of soda is diluted with a small amount of water to obtain gruel).
- Laundry soap.
You need to use any tool carefully. After treatment, the skin is rinsed with warm water.
Read more on how to remove hair dye from your face. here... Tips for removing hair dye from your skin in general here.
What can be removed from clothes?
Get rid of hair dye on clothes you can use tools such as:
- glycerol;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- dishwashing liquid;
- petrol;
- White Spirit.
For more information on how to remove hair dye from clothes, read here.
How to remove from furniture at home?
If hair dye gets on furniture, you need to start removing it immediately. The longer it stays on its surface, the more difficult it is to get rid of it.
To remove the coloring composition, such means as:
Vinegar and soda in equal proportions. The product is applied to the stain and wiped off with light movements until the gruel foams.
You can leave the product on the furniture for 30 minutes. In this way, you can easily get rid of paint on plastic furniture.
- Vegetable oil. It is used for cleaning leather surfaces. The oil is applied to a cotton pad, which is used to wipe the dirty area of the furniture.
- Soap solution. For its preparation, the bar is ground on a grater and dissolved in a small amount of hot water. Using a sponge, it is applied to the stained surface. This is a versatile recipe that works for all types of furniture.
How to remove coloring pigment from nails?
To remove stains from nails, you can use tools such as:
- petrol;
- nail polish remover;
- kerosene.
All these funds are used according to a single algorithm. The selected composition is applied to a cotton pad and gently rubbed the surface of the nail with it. Immediately after removing the paint, wash your hands with plenty of soap and water.
It is unacceptable to leave gasoline or kerosene on nails for a long time. This can lead to a worsening of their condition.
How to wipe off the surface of the bathtub?
After painting, dark marks may remain on the bathtub. You can withdraw them using the following means:
With vinegar and baking soda. You need to sprinkle soda on the stain and pour a little vinegar over it. After completion of the reaction, the surface of the bath is wiped with a brush or sponge.
- Laundry soap.It is foamed and applied to the surface of the bath with a sponge. After 10 minutes, clean it with a brush and rinse with clean water.
- With ammonia. They rub the surface of the spot. It will be difficult to treat the entire bath with such a product due to its pungent odor. Therefore, when working, you need to protect the respiratory system.
The sooner the cleaning starts, the easier it is to cope with the coloring composition.... If the stains are ingrained, then you can resort to using chlorine bleach.
This household chemical removes paint well, but can cause poisoning in the body. You can work with it only with gloves and a respirator. After cleaning, the bath is thoroughly ventilated.
Important recommendations
To wash off hair dye quickly, effectively and safely, you need to use the following recommendations:
- If food is used as a wash, it must be fresh.
- The proportion of ingredients must not be exceeded. You should be especially careful with chemicals such as baking soda, laundry soap or Aspirin.
- If discomfort or burning occurs, the applied composition is immediately washed off.
- To enhance the effect, the head must be insulated with polyethylene and a terry towel.
- After clarification, you cannot visit the pool for a week. Reagents may be present in the water that can change the color of the hair.
It is quite possible to make the hair lighter with the help of folk remedies.... They will not be able to wash out the pigment on a par with specialized products. However, it is quite possible to achieve a visible effect.
Most products not only wash out the dye, but also heal the hair and scalp. Therefore, a well-organized procedure brings health benefits.