Little tricks for removing hair dye from clothes

foto7436-1Most women have experienced a situation where hair dye gets on their clothes. This is a long-lasting composition, so it won't work to remove the stain with plain water. The pigment penetrates the fibers and is securely fixed in them.

How to remove paint for hair from clothes at home? To save a thing, you will need special tools, which we will discuss below.

How to remove a fresh stain?

The main principle of successful cleaning of clothes from paint is efficiency in carrying out work. The sooner you start removing stains, the better your chances of success.

The sequence of actions in the first 5-15 minutes after the happened trouble:

  1. foto7436-2Blot the stain with a damp, clean cloth or cotton pad. If you have any alcohol composition at hand, for example, perfume, you can use them.
  2. Wash the stain under cool running water using laundry or other soap.
  3. Hand wash the fabric.
  4. If the stain remains, then the thing is washed in a machine, as usual.

The water during the first processing of the product must be cool. Washing at high temperatures can cause the pigment to penetrate deeper into the fibers. Getting rid of it will be more difficult.

Another tip from resourceful housewives is to treat the stain with an antistatic agent and a melamine sponge. (it can be purchased at a hardware store for 50 rubles apiece).

You need to spray on the stain, leave for 5 minutes, and then rub the thing from the wrong side with a melamine sponge. Then the clothes are washed as usual.

Alternative methods of removal

Cope with hair dyethat got on clothes, you can use folk remedies. Everyone has them in their home, so no additional spending is required. Vinegar, salt, soda and some other substances can come to the rescue.

Glycerin, salt and vinegar

This is an affordable folk recipe that has been tested by time.

Features of its application:

  • foto7436-3apply glycerin to the stain, leave for 5 minutes;
  • moisten the cloth in concentrated saline solution, leave for another 5 minutes;
  • vinegar 9% is applied last to the paint, it is not recommended to take the essence, the composition is kept for another 5 minutes;
  • the end of processing is washing the thing in the usual mode.

Salt, glycerin and vinegar act in a complex on the paint, dissolving its molecules. This combination of active ingredients works just as well as oxygen bleach.

How to remove with vinegar and soda?

Use baking soda and vinegar to remove the stain. These two components react violently when combined with each other. Due to it, the pigment is pushed onto the surface of the fibers and it will be easy to remove it.

Mode of application:

  1. Moisten the stain with water.
  2. Sprinkle it with baking soda.
  3. Apply 9% acetic acid to the fabric.
  4. Leave the composition until the reaction is complete.
  5. When the fizz and foam is over, wash the garment in cool water using soap.
Vinegar is not used on delicate fabrics such as silk or wool. This can damage them.

How to remove with bleach solution?

Bleach containing bleach is equally effective and aggressive. It can only be used on white items made from durable fabrics.

foto7436-4To get rid of the paint act as follows:

  1. Dilute 100 ml of bleach in a liter of water.
  2. Soak a thing in it. The holding time of the solution can be up to 12 hours (if the item is not sewn from delicate fabrics).
  3. In the morning, clothes are washed as usual and rinsed thoroughly.

If it was not possible to cope with the stain, then you can boil the product in a solution of bleach. When working with the composition, you need to carefully ventilate the room, since chlorine vapors are toxic to humans.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is one of the safest and most affordable stain removers. It does not harm things and human health, but it perfectly removes the coloring pigment.

Mode of application:

  • apply peroxide to the paint so that the stain is completely saturated;
  • leave the composition for 15 minutes;
  • soak the item in cool water for 15-30 minutes;
  • wash the product as usual using detergent or soap.
If the stain cannot be removed, you can try soaking it in hydrogen peroxide overnight. During this time, the composition will definitely work.

Vinegar, water, and liquid soap

foto7436-5To deal with hair dye using vinegar and liquid soap, mix them in equal proportions.

For small stains, ½ teaspoon of each ingredient is sufficient.

Method of using the finished composition:

  • apply a soap-vinegar mixture to the stain;
  • leave to influence;
  • soak the item in warm water for 12 hours;
  • rinse clothes.

The procedure can be repeated as many times as necessary.

Special means

You can remove hair dye from fabric with a stain remover. Such products are designed to deal with difficult pollution.... They are sold in hardware stores, in departments with household chemicals.

When buying, you need to pay attention to the cost of the cleaning agent. As a rule, paint stains are well removed even with inexpensive formulations. Therefore, there is no need to overpay.

Features of the choice of stain remover:

  1. foto7436-6The composition of the product. It can include several cleaning components at once, for example: surfactants, enzymes, active oxygen, acids, chlorine. Do not use detergents with aggressive ingredients for washing delicate fabrics.

    The modern and most gentle components are enzymes and active oxygen. They do not destroy the fibers of the fabric and push the pigment to their surface.

  2. Purpose of funds... There are stain removers that are only suitable for washing white or only colored items.
  3. Release form... Liquid products are considered universal; powders are not used for washing delicate items.
  4. Temperature at which the agent starts to work... There are stain removers that are activated only at 40-60 degrees. However, some items cannot be washed in hot water.

Top 3 best

Effective stain removers that help fight hair dye on things:

  1. Vanish Oxi Action Gold Gel... It is a versatile and inexpensive formulation that can be used on a variety of fabrics. It contains surfactants, enzymes and active oxygen.It will work even in cool water.

    It is applied to the stain, left for 1-3 hours, after which the product is washed as usual. The cost of 0.45 ml of the product is 180-200 rubles.

  2. BOSS Bleach Maximum plus... It is an economical powder suitable for washing white and colored items. It contains soda ash and hydrogen peroxide. The tool works at low temperatures (from 30 degrees and above).

    The soaking time is 40 minutes. Then the thing needs to be washed as usual. The cost of a box weighing 600 g is 100 rubles.

  3. foto7436-7Antipyatin soap... As part of the product: glycerin, bile, fatty acid salts, chlorine, sodium hydroxide. These are quite aggressive components, so you should not use detergent for delicate items.

    It is also used with caution for the processing of colored things, since it can remove not only hair dye, but also the fabric's own pigment.

    The contaminated area is moistened with water, after which it is well soaped and rubbed with hands. To provide the best effect, the product is left for 15-30 minutes, after which the item is washed as usual. The cost of soap is 50 rubles. One bar is enough for a long time.

To get rid of the paint, it is recommended not only to soak the item in the stain remover, but also to add it to the powder during washing.

It is necessary to strictly observe the holding time of the composition on things, and then thoroughly rinse the product in warm water. If you do not follow this recommendation, then the fabric can be damaged.

What can be used to wash off different types of fabric?

To effectively get rid of the stain and not damage the thing, you need to take into account the type of fabric from which it is sewn. Important Features:

  1. Cotton. If the garment is made of strong and dense fabric, then it can be treated with chlorine bleach. Such products will withstand washing at a temperature of 90 degrees. They can also be boiled, but only in extreme cases.

    The optimum washing temperature is 40 degrees. To remove stains, you can use almost any home remedy and any household chemicals.

  2. foto7436-8Knitwear. This material is considered gentle. It does not withstand friction well, so you can only brush off the stain from the wrong side of the thing.

    It is better not to use powder stain removers; preference should be given to gels and liquid detergents. The washing temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.

  3. Jeans. The fabric is quite dense, so paint can be removed from it with both powder and liquid stain removers. Only white clothes can be soaked for several hours.

    Colored jeans can fade and become pale if treated with aggressive compounds. The optimum washing temperature is 30-40 degrees.

  4. Synthetics. Remove paint from synthetic items with liquid stain removers. You can use hydrogen peroxide, laundry soap, or ammonia. Do not rub the contaminated area or wring it out. The optimal washing temperature is 30 degrees, but if necessary, it can be increased to 60-70 degrees.
Regardless of the type of fabric, you need to familiarize yourself with the information that is on the label of each item.

Important recommendations

In order not only to remove the stain from the thing, but also not to worsen its appearance, you need to take into account the following tips:

  • foto7436-9before the first use of the new composition, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​tissue;
  • when choosing a stain remover, you need to take into account the type of fabric and the information that is presented on its label;
  • wipe off the paint starting from the edge of the spot towards its center;
  • when working with aggressive compounds, for example, with bleach, gloves must be used, and when boiling the product, the room is thoroughly ventilated.

Even if it is not possible to immediately clean the stain from the paint, it must be moistened with cool water and rubbed with a clean cloth or damp cloth. It will be difficult to get rid of the dried composition.


Hair dye can be removed from clothing with professional stain removers. If such a composition was not at hand, then home remedies will come to the rescue: vinegar, soda, hydrogen peroxide.

If it was not possible to completely clean the fabric the first time, you need to repeat the procedure again or resort to another cleaning method.



