Tips and recipes on how to remove eyebrow dye at home
In the process of dyeing the eyebrows, the color may not turn out as originally planned. The most common problem is a very dark shade that looks unnatural and needs correction.
How to wash off eyebrow dye at home if you don't like the result? It is possible to correct the situation even at home - simple recipes and professional washes will come to the rescue.
Selection of the optimal product
As drugs neutralizing paint, you can use the usual means that can be found on the farm. If the paint did not have time to absorb and fix, then it will be much easier to wash it off than in cases where several days have passed after unsuccessful staining.
Vegetable oil and fat cream
Sunflower (or olive) oil can help reduce the brightness of the paint.
For work you will need:
- sponge or cotton swab;
- medical alcohol;
- napkins;
- sunflower oil;
- oily face cream.
- Soak a sponge in oil.
- Rub the brows gently for a few minutes until the shade is lighter.
- Moisten a napkin with alcohol.
- Rub it over your eyebrows.
- After a quarter of an hour, the procedure can be repeated.
- Lubricate eyebrows with a fat cream and hold for 30-40 minutes.
- Remove the remaining cream with a napkin.
How to erase with lemon juice?
Lemon juice is a natural natural clarifier due to the acids it contains. The effect of lemon juice on the skin is aggressive, so it must be applied carefully.
For clarification you will need:
- sponge or cotton swab;
- bowl or plate;
- lemon (1/2 pc.);
- face cream.
The procedure is quite simple:
- Squeeze lemon juice into a prepared container.
- Soak a sponge or swab in juice.
- Apply a sponge to your eyebrows.
- Leave for 10-15 minutes.
- Wash with water.
- Apply a greasy face cream to your eyebrows.
- Remove excess cream after 40 minutes.
The juice should be freshly squeezed; it should not be prepared in advance.
Laundry soap
Laundry soap, as a means of lightening eyebrows, also aggressively acts on the skin of the face. And just like other means, it requires careful use.
To achieve the effect of lightening hairs, you must:
- moisten soap with water;
- apply to eyebrows;
- rub for a couple of minutes;
- wash off.
How to quickly and urgently remove with shampoo and baking soda?
For washing it is necessary:
- Mix 1 tbsp. l. shampoo with 1/3 tsp. soda.
- Add a little water so that you can stir the product until the soda is completely dissolved.
- Apply the mixture to your eyebrows.
- Wait half an hour.
- Wash off with water.
For a successful result, it is necessary to repeat the wash several times a day.
Peels and scrubs
Peels and face scrubs can be used on the eyebrow area, if necessary, according to the instructions for the particular product. The application should be carried out with massaging movements, while the skin under the hairs will also become lighter..
Peeling and scrub by themselves are not lightening tools, but they can be a preparatory stage for another method of lightening hairs.
When applied to the brows of toothpaste, you can lighten the hairs by several tones... This effect is achieved thanks to the active components of the product.
Rubbing your eyebrows with ammonia will help remove the dye and lighten the hair. After processing, the eyebrows are washed and a greasy cream is applied to them. Ammonium is a caustic remedy from which you should protect your eyes.
Chamomile broth
Decoctions of medicinal herbs are able, albeit to a lesser extent than other drugs, to make the hairs lighter. The best option is chamomile broth.
To prepare the solution you will need:
- 80 grams of chamomile pharmacy;
- 1 glass of water.
Chamomile application process:
- Pour dry component into container.
- Heat the water until hot.
- Pour chamomile with water.
- Defend for 1 hour.
- Moisten 2 sponges in the broth.
- Apply sponges to eyebrows.
- Withstand half an hour.
For clarification, it is necessary to repeat the manipulation with compresses every hour.
Aloe and parsley juice
In addition to chamomile, aloe and parsley juice has brightening properties.... When combined in equal proportions with vegetable oil, it is also possible to obtain a natural brightening agent. It is used in the form of applications that are washed off after 20 minutes.
Hydrogen peroxide if you don't like the result
Hydrogen peroxide will help to bleach eyebrow hairs well. To do this, the sponge is moistened in undiluted product and rubbed. After that, you need to wash.
Professional washes: top 3
Professional removers are designed to neutralize paint and, as a result, lighten hairs. If the first time the wash did not completely remove the dark color, the process can be repeated.
Product name | Country | Volume, l. | Price, rubles | Application rules |
Prosalon Hair Color Remover | Poland | 0,2 | 500 |
Estel emulsion for removing hair dye | Russia | 0,36 | 500 |
Decorant Favor Master Lux | Ukraine | 0,4 | 250 |
The most difficult to wash off black and multi-colored eyebrows.
Removal features
When using hair dye, situations often arise when hands, the skin around the eyebrows and even household items are stained.
If the stain has just appeared, it is necessary to erase it as soon as possible. from the surface, preventing it from "eating".
Any alcohol-containing liquids that are able to completely or partially dissolve the coloring pigment can help. If just such preparations were used to erase paint from the skin, then the skin becomes dry, therefore good moisturizers must be used for subsequent care.
If your skin is accidentally stained with paint, hydrogen peroxide will help. To wash the skin in peroxide, moisten a sponge and wipe the spots.
An even better option is to use cosmetic fluids, which responsible manufacturers often put into paint packaging, or to use professional removers.
How can you get the staining, which has already "taken"
Light natural remedies will not work for stubborn paint. Optimal is to apply a professional wash according to the instructions..
8 recommendations of makeup artists
In case of unsuccessful staining, makeup artists advise:
Do not use multiple bleaching agents at the same time.
- Professional remedies are generally more effective than homemade recipes.
- Intense friction during bleaching should be avoided as it can further damage the eyebrow hairs.
- When preparing hair dye and during the mixing of ingredients, the proportions indicated by the manufacturer must not be changed.
- You can not use expired product, as well as prepared long before the procedure.
- Before dyeing eyebrows, the hairs should be degreased.
- In order not to be mistaken with the shape of the eyebrows, it is recommended to pre-paint the outline with a pencil.
- If the eyebrow dye gets on the skin and foreign objects, it must be washed off immediately.
Homemade bleaching recipes, just like professional washes, can provoke allergic reactions.
You can correct the situation in case of incorrect eyebrow coloring yourself. In this case, it is important to strictly follow the composition of the recipe or instructions for the purchased remover. In the case when it was not possible to achieve the result on your own, you should seek help from professionals.