Tips and tricks on how to remove enamel paint from clothes at home

foto8369-1A stain from enamel paint appears, as a rule, unexpectedly, and gives a lot of trouble to the owner. A spoiled thing may turn out to be a favorite, and getting rid of such a defect is not easy.

How to delete paint enamel from clothes at home? To solve the problem, a lot of improvised and chemical means were used and tested.

Therefore, proven methods of removing enamel from clothing exist and “work”. The main thing is to be able to use them correctly.

How to remove fresh stains?

The sooner a stain is noticed, the easier it is to remove. This is a real opportunity to keep a thing in good condition, giving it its original appearance.

When we see a fresh spot, we do the following:

  1. foto8369-2We remove excess paint on the surface of the thing with a cotton pad, trying not to increase the area of ​​the "catastrophe".
  2. We apply a solvent for the enamel, which will keep the composition moist and remove some of the coloring matter.
  3. We use a stiff bristled brush to remove the dye residue from the fabric.
  4. We treat with a substance that removes the solvent (for example, ammonia solution).
  5. We throw the thing into the washing machine, turning on the appropriate mode.

If all the steps are performed correctly, there will be no trace of the stain.

It is necessary to completely remove the solvent, as its composition can adversely affect the parts of the washing machine.

How to remove old pollution?

Removing dried enamel is much more difficult and requires more effort.

We act as follows:

  1. We prepare the working staff: 1 tbsp. l. dissolve salt in 2 tbsp. l. vinegar and add 2 tbsp. l. ammonia. We mix the substances.
  2. The mixture is applied to the problem area of ​​the soiled thing and left for 5-10 minutes so that the enamel is saturated with the chemical composition.
  3. Use a stiff bristled brush to remove the layer of dissolved dye.
If the fabric is colored, then the composition can spoil the pattern on it. To prevent this from happening, he preliminarily conducts a test control by applying a drop of a chemical solution to an inconspicuous area. If the fabric has retained its color, then everything is in order.

The enamel contains substances that are eaten into the surface of the fabric, "stuck" between the fibers. This becomes a serious problem: a quality item can be damaged forever.If you notice a stain, do not hesitate: quick actions can save a wardrobe item.

Consider other popular and effective methods:

  1. foto8369-3Salt, vinegar and ammonia... In 60 ml of 9% vinegar, add 30 g of sodium chloride and 30 ml of ammonia.

    We mix and apply the prepared gruel to the problem area. We are waiting for 10 minutes. and work with a stiff brush, removing paint residues.

  2. Vinegar, borax and kefir... Combine borax, 9% vinegar and fatty kefir (30 g of each component). Rub the mixture into the stain on both sides using a toothbrush. We wash the thing and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.
  3. Chlorine. We dilute 0.6 liters of bleach in 6 liters of water and boil the soiled clothes for 30-60 minutes. in this composition, after which we wash in the traditional way. The method is suitable for linen, light cotton, any white items.
  4. Turpentine. Apply the substance soaked in a cotton pad to the stain. Remove the remains of turpentine with dry napkins. We repeat the procedure 5-10 times. Suitable for processing silk, cotton, linen and wool.
  5. How to clean with vinegar? We moisten two sponges with a concentrated solution. We put one over the problem area, the other under it. We leave for 20 minutes. and stretch in the usual way. Vinegar works well on colored items.
  6. Hydrogen peroxide... Pour peroxide over the stain and leave for a couple of hours. We wash a delicate item by hand, and an ordinary one in a washing machine. Suitable only for white fabrics.
  7. Vegetable oil... Apply to the "multi-colored" area, rub lightly, leave for half an hour. Remove the remaining oil with dishwashing liquid. We wash and dry a clean item.
  8. How to wipe off with solvent? We use kerosene, refined gasoline or white spirit. Apply one of the selected solvents to the stain for 15-20 minutes. After processing, wash off the remaining solvent with laundry soap. If the effect is not achieved by 100%, then additionally apply an oxygen stain remover. Solvents are not suitable for woolen and cashmere clothing.
On lightly soiled surfaces, slightly damp baking soda works well by rubbing into the problematic area of ​​the fabric. Acetone-free nail polish remover in combination with warm glycerin also works.

In some cases, the composition for washing glasses helps... It is sprayed onto a cloth and rubbed for 2-3 minutes. After rinsing, the procedure is repeated. Lemon juice works well for small, fresh spots on light-colored clothing.

To remove enamel stains, do not use gasoline drained from the tank of the car. It does not belong to cleaned ones, and after its application, an oil stain will remain on the surface of the clothes. This will lead to another problem.

How to wash and wash off different types of fabric?

Do not experiment with chemicals on different fabrics. Better to go the beaten path and heed the following tips.

foto8369-4Dye stains disappear:

  • on leather and imitation leather due to alcohol or other solvent;
  • it is better to use nail polish remover on Bolognese clothes;
  • from synthetic fabric thanks to ammonia;
  • on delicate silk underwear under the influence of alcohol.

Acetone is harmful to most fabrics. It can only be used on coarse fabrics and in the most desperate situation!

Useful video

How to remove "street" paint from clothes (enamel), the video will tell you:


There are always available tools at home that will help to cope with the stain problem. from enamel paint on clothes. The main thing is not to delay the problem and quickly select the necessary components, not forgetting how different formulations work on simple and delicate surfaces.



