TOP 10 Ways to Remove Odor and Urine Stains of an Adult from a Sofa

foto1498-1If a sick person lives in an apartment, then situations may arise when an adult's urine gets on the upholstered furniture.

Removing bad odors from your sofa is not an easy problem. There are several ways to deal with it.

How remove the smell of urine an adult from the sofa, how to wash the stains on the upholstery? Traditional methods and purchased household chemicals that can be used at home will help to resolve the issue.

Traditional methods of removing unpleasant odors from upholstery

It is believed that the smell of adult urine is most difficult to eliminate from upholstery. Available means and simple folk recipes will help to cope with the situation.

How to clean with vodka at home?

The use of vodka can be very effective in the case when the urine hit occurred quite recently, just a few minutes ago.

Cleaning procedure:

  1. foto1498-2Prepare a bowl or other wide container.
  2. Soak a clean sponge in vodka and blot the entire surface of the stain that is the source of the smell with it.
  3. Leave for a couple of minutes and repeat the manipulation again.
  4. Rinse the sponge in water and wipe the treatment area with it.
  5. Dry the upholstery surface with napkins.

For processing, undiluted vodka should be used. You cannot use other alcohol-containing drinks instead of vodka.


The specific smell of bleach, and its chemical properties will help remove the smell from the upholstery of upholstered furniture, even in the case of old stains.

The drug can be used in the following options:

  • independently;
  • previously diluted in water;
  • combined with alcohol.
Since chlorine has a strong pungent odor, it is necessary to carry out all types of work with it in a well-ventilated area. If possible, then it is better to take the damaged sofa outside during cleaning.

The prepared tool is necessary:

  1. foto1498-3Apply liberally to stain.
  2. Rub the fabric with a sponge.
  3. Leave it on for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Sponge the upholstery again.
  5. Blot the stain with a cloth or sponge soaked in water.
  6. Dry the surface with napkins.
  7. Leave the upholstery to dry.

Because bleach gives a whitening effect, it is not recommended to use it on colored fabrics due to the danger of discoloration.


To prepare a highly effective adult urine odor remedy:

  • ammonia is recommended to be mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with vodka,
  • the resulting solution is well moistened with the upholstery and left for half an hour,
  • after that, the fabric is cleaned with water using a sponge.

Vinegar plus soda

Using vinegar can help remove odors from a recent stain. For this sprinkle with baking sodaspreading it over the entire surface of the affected upholstery. Leave in this form for 5-10 minutes.

The sponge is soaked in vinegar and the stain is treated with it. The resulting extinguishing reaction will lead not only to the elimination of amber, but also to remove the stain.

Laundry soap

foto1498-4The old smell of urine can be eliminated with ordinary laundry soap. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Grate the soap.
  2. Dilute it with water to a state of gruel.
  3. Apply to upholstery in the area that is the source of the unpleasant odor.
  4. Withstand half an hour.
  5. Wash off with water using a sponge.

For a light-colored sofa upholstery, it is advisable to use white laundry soap.

Potassium permanganate

Pharmacy potassium permanganate - one of the means to eliminate an unpleasant odor with upholstered furniture. An aqueous solution of low concentration is prepared on its basis. In this case, the water should be colored in a pale pink hue.

A wipe or sponge should be moistened with the solution and treated with the stain that is the source of the urine odor. The upholstery section, well moistened with a manganese solution, is left for half an hour.

After this time has elapsed, the processing is repeated once more. After drying, the urine smell goes away.

Since potassium permanganate has a pronounced shade that can stain fabrics, it can only be used on dark sofa upholstery to eliminate unpleasant odors.

Lemon juice

foto1498-5At its core, lemon juice is acid, which is able to eliminate the smell of urine when exposed to the stain.

It takes a few lemons to treat a large enough stain. The upholstery is wetted with a clean cloth or sponge.

Since there is acid in the lemon juice, removal of the urine odor using this method cannot be carried out on fabrics that require only delicate cleaning.

Purchased household chemicals

In cases where self-prepared remedies for the smell of adult urine did not have the expected effect, you can use one of the purchased household chemicals.

Well-proven drugs include the following:

  • DuftaFresh;
  • Sanera Enzym;
  • OdorGone.
All these drugs are effective, easy to use, but expensive.

Sanera Enzym

This professional product is designed to remove stains and remove organic odors, including urine. It can also be used if the upholstery is damaged by vomit and feces.

At the heart of Saner Enzyme are active enzymes that react with organic substances, which contributes to the disappearance of unpleasant odors. The price of a container with a volume of 0.5 liters is about 700 rubles... Country of origin - Sweden.


Order of use:

  1. Clean upholstery with a brush.
  2. Spray the product over the surface or apply with a dampened sponge.
  3. Rub if necessary.
  4. Wash off with a clean sponge.
  5. Dry with a napkin.

If with this use both the stain and the smell have not disappeared, a more intensive treatment is applied:

  1. Apply Sanera Enzyme to the upholstery, ensuring that the fabric is well hydrated.
  2. Cover the treatment area with a napkin, cellophane or plastic shield to slow down the drying of the product.
  3. After removing the odor, rinse the agent from the upholstery with water.
  4. Dry with a napkin.
The consumption of the product can vary depending on the severity of the problem and the size of the spot.


This product is a professional neutralizer of organic odors, which includes urine.

Interaction with the source of the unpleasant odor takes place at the molecular level. In this case, the smell of urine is eliminated, rather than masked.

The manufacturer of the biodegradable odor neutralizer is USA. The cost of the funds is about 850 rubles.


Using OdorGone is quite simple, as the container is equipped with a spray. The agent is sprayed onto the upholstery, ensuring good moisture in the material.

Cover the surface with a film or cloth for 12 slow down evaporation.

In cases where the stain has formed from a large amount of urine that has passed deep into the upholstery, it is recommended to use a syringe in which to draw OdorGone and chill the sofa mattress.


This eco-friendly product is designed specifically to eliminate urine odor. It is produced in Germany.

DuftaFresh is safe for people and animals, which allows it to be used in residential premises.

The product contains plant-derived enzymes that break down substances that emit an unpleasant odor.


The DuftaFresh bottle is equipped with a spray bottle. With its help, the drug can be easily applied to the entire surface of the area affected by urine.

Lay a film on top of a cloth moistened with a neutralizer. If, after drying, the result is not good enough, the treatment is repeated.

DuftaFresh price depends on capacity... A spray bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters costs about 1,100 rubles, and a 2.5 liter canister costs about 3,700 rubles.

If the problem of combating the smell of urine on the couch is repeated often, it is advantageous to purchase a large-volume container and then refuel the spray bottle.

5 important recommendations

Faced with the problem of the smell of urine on the couch, it is important not only to know what means to correct the situation, but also how to do it correctly.

To do this, it is advisable to use the following recommendations:

  1. foto1498-9The best result is achieved if the "accident" is detected immediately. Urine that has eaten into the deep layers complicates the process of removing the smell.
  2. It is necessary to identify the source of the unpleasant odor so that the entire upholstery does not have to be processed.
  3. The composition of urine of adults differs from that of children and animals. To deal with a problem most effectively using actionable methods, you need to know its origin.
  4. All work on the sofa upholstery cleaning should be carried out with rubber gloves.
  5. Before you start using the sofa after processing, you must wait until it is completely dry.
If a person living in the house has disorders of the urinary system, leading to urinary incontinence, it is advisable for him to use a diaper, especially in those cases when he sits on the sofa.


The use of funds in the house allows you to start processing immediately after the formation of the stain urine and odor.

Using household chemicals and folk recipes will help to cope with the smell of adult urine, even if the stain has been left for a long time.



