Useful tips on how and how you can clean carbon deposits from an enamel pot inside and out
Enamel dishes are ideal for making soups and cereals, but if they burn, their further use becomes impossible.
However, there is no need to rush to the store for new dishes; burnt-out kitchen utensils can be reanimated.
Read about how to clean the carbon deposits from an enamel pot inside and out in the article.
How to remove folk remedies?
You can use the tools at hand to clean the pan of carbon deposits. For enamel, a composition based on:
- water,
- soda,
- salt,
- vinegar.
Mode of application:
Pour water into the container. It should completely cover the burnt areas.
- Add baking soda, salt and vinegar at the rate of 1 tablespoon to 500 ml of water.
- Turn on the gas and bring the liquid to a boil. When the water boils, the gas is reduced and the solution is left to simmer for half an hour. You do not need to cover the pot with a lid.
- After 30 minutes, the water is drained and the pan is washed in the usual way. If necessary, use dishwashing liquid.
If the dishes are burnt on the outside, then the carbon deposits can be removed in a similar way. The solution is prepared according to the proposed recipe, but it is poured into a large container, in which a saucepan is placed and boiled.
- remove food debris from the dishes;
- pour carbonated water into a saucepan so that it completely covers the burnt areas;
- leave the drink for 12 hours;
- drain the cola, wash the dishes as usual.
The process of dissolving carbon deposits can be accelerated by heating the soda.
You can get rid of minor deposits with the help of milk whey. Mode of application:
- Pour whey into a saucepan.
- Bring it to a boil.
- Boil the milk drink for half an hour, cool and drain.
- Clean the dishes with a soft brush.
- To enhance the effect, you can add a few apple slices to the whey.
The fumes will go away due to the influence of fruit and lactic acid. This method is suitable for those who oppose the use of household chemicals.
You can get rid of carbon deposits with hydrogen peroxide. If the layer is thick, then the recipe should be strengthened with baking soda.
Mode of application:
hydrogen peroxide is mixed with soda - for processing, a composition is needed, which in consistency will resemble thick sour cream;
- the finished product is applied to the walls and bottom of the pan;
- leave peroxide to act for an hour - to enhance the effect, you can put the dishes in a bag and tie it tightly;
- when the peroxide works, it is washed off with clean water.
If, after removing carbon deposits from the dishes, it continues to smell like burning, you can boil several slices of lemon in it. This will remove unpleasant odors and whiten the inside of the pot slightly.
Fresh carbon deposits can be dealt with with mustard. Mode of application:
- Prepare a cleaning solution: For 1 liter of water, you need 2 tablespoons of mustard powder.
- The product is poured into a burnt pan so that it completely covers the problem areas. If carbon deposits have formed not only inside, but also outside, then the dishes are immersed in the bowl as a whole.
- Leave on kitchen utensils for 2 hours.
- The softened carbon deposits are removed with a sponge, the dishes are washed with clean water.
Mustard copes not only with burning, but also with fat deposits.
If carbon deposits do not come off well, the holding time is increased to 12 hours.... When the layer becomes soft, it is removed with a soft brush, after which the dishes are washed in the usual way.
How to remove with special compounds?
If you don't want to use homemade recipes, you can purchase special formulations designed to remove carbon deposits from dishes. Top 3 effective remedies:
Antiprigar Floreal
The composition is available in the form of a spray, suitable for the treatment of metal surfaces, effectively copes with old grease and fumes. Price - 250 rubles. Read reviews here.
The cleaner for enameled gas and electric stoves and surfaces is available in the form of a liquid, which is poured into a convenient bottle equipped with a dispenser. The composition works quickly, it is applied to the contaminated area, left for 2 minutes and washed off... Price - 160 rubles.
Dr. Beckmann
Detergent release form - gel. It contains surfactants, xanthan gum and sodium hydroxide. The product does not harm enameled surfaces, allows you to get rid of carbon deposits and old fat. Price - 345 rubles.
When buying, you need to pay attention to the following points:
- Composition. The enamel is resistant to the action of salts and acids, it can be washed with a surfactant, soda and soap-based product.
- Scope of application... The product must be designed for the maintenance of enameled surfaces.
- Release form... Do not purchase powder formulations, as they contain abrasive particles. Preference is given to gels and liquids.
- Price. The more natural and qualitative the composition, the higher the cost of the final product will be.
Features of using cleaning products:
- it is most convenient to apply the product with a spray;
- the holding time of the cleaning agent should not be increased independently - violation of the manufacturer's instructions can lead to damage to the enamel;
- when working with household chemicals, you need to take care of your safety, for this, the skin of the hands is protected with gloves;
- if the substance has a strong odor, then the cleaning process should be carried out in a well-ventilated area.
Detergents must be stored closed, out of the reach of children.
Prevention of darkening of the enamel and the appearance of yellowness
To prevent the enamel pan from turning yellow and darkening, the following recommendations must be observed:
- Only liquid dishes can be cooked in such dishes. Do not use it instead of a cauldron or frying pan.
- As a preventive measure, once a month, the pot is boiled with dishwashing liquid or soda solution.
- Do not leave an empty saucepan on a hot stove.
What not to do and why?
In order not to spoil the enamel pot during cleaning, comply with the following recommendations:
- they are not cleaned with coarse-bristled brushes, metal brushes or even the back of a sponge. cracks and chips that appear on the surface will act as a gateway for harmful ions to enter food, which will negatively affect human health;
- you cannot use abrasive compounds - they will damage the enamel layer, which is why the dishes will constantly burn;
- the enamel does not tolerate temperature extremes, therefore it is necessary to wash it after it has completely cooled down; you cannot fill hot dishes with cold water.
Helpful information
Tips to help remove carbon deposits safely and efficiently from an enamel pot:
- You need to soak the pan immediately after the food has burnt in it. If you miss the time, it will be problematic to cope with the burning layer.
- After using cleaning agents, the dishes must be thoroughly rinsed to completely remove any chemical residues.
- Do not try to bleach the pan with whiteness or bleach. These substances are hazardous to health.
- When buying cleaning compounds, you need to pay attention to the inscription on the package. The product must be designed to fight carbon deposits. Universal formulations are not highly effective.
- The enamel pan can be washed in the dishwasher, but it will not be possible to cope with carbon deposits using technology. Manual processing will be required.
- To soften the hardened carbon layer, it is necessary to soak the dishes in hot water. The holding time should be at least 2-3 hours.
Methods and means of cleaning various surfaces from carbon deposits are presented in given section.
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