How to quickly and effectively remove mold in the bathroom?
Mold always appears in damp, poorly ventilated areas. Also, the fungus grows where there is little sunlight and high air temperatures.
The bathroom is ideal for mold growth. While cleaning this room, do not miss the first signs of fungus development.
Small black spots can be easily removed using modern household chemicals or using folk remedies. If mold occupies the bathroom thoroughly, then it will be much more difficult to deal with it.
About, how to remove mold in the bathroom on the ceiling, how to clean the areas between the tiles on the wall, what tools will help you quickly get rid of black fungus independently and how to apply them correctly, this article will tell.
Why is the fungus dangerous?
Fungal spores quickly enter the air, causing health problems for all residents. The lungs are the first to suffer.
If the foci of mold are small, then at the first stage of contact with its spores, a person may feel:
- dizziness,
- general malaise
- weakness.
If people are forced to live in a building heavily infected with mold, the complications will be very serious.
The fungus can cause allergiesmanifested in persistent rhinitis or dermatitis. Air spores can lead to asthma and even cancer.
Folk recipes
How to remove mold in the bathroom on your own? There are probably substances in the medicine cabinet or in the kitchen that can effectively fight the fungus. Many of them are well known to us.
Using them for cleaning, you can not only achieve perfect cleanliness in the room, but also defeat the fungus for a long time.
Soda is a safe homemade way!
The instruction is as follows:
- To prepare the solution, take 1 tsp. soda for 1 tbsp. water.
- The resulting product is used to wipe spots with spots.
- You do not need to wash off the product.
You can apply this product with a moistened washcloth or with a spray bottle. After an hour, the surface is washed with water, and the room is well ventilated.
To remove mold with vinegar, you'll need to do a few weekly treatments. Work better with gloves.
The disadvantage of this method of removing the fungus is the pungent smell of vinegar.
Hydrogen peroxide
This product has a whitening effect, therefore it is suitable only for light surfaces:
- Before processing, the walls must be cleaned of visible fungus.
- Peroxide is applied with a sponge to the prepared surface.
- The product can be left on.
This method is great for removing black spots. from tiles, mirrors, shower walls and other smooth surfaces:
- Apply diluted ammonia.
- It is mixed with water in a 1: 1 ratio.
- The solution is sprayed with a spray bottle, left on surfaces infected with fungus for 60 minutes and washed off with water.
It is one of the safest and most effective antifungal drugs available.
To clean the walls:
- A glass of borax is diluted in 2.5 liters of water.
- With a brush, the solution is applied to all contaminated surfaces in the bathroom.
- You do not need to wash off the product. It will serve as a good protection against further mold growth.
Tea tree oil, lavender, grapefruit seed, rosemary
Each of these oils is a natural antiseptic:
- Tea tree oil... To achieve the desired effect, a teaspoon of tea tree oil is diluted in a glass of water. The product is sprayed onto all surfaces and is not washed off.
- Lavender oil is mixed with water in a different proportion... You only need 10 drops of lavender oil for 1 glass of water. Apply and do not wash off.
- Other oils... A working solution is prepared from rosemary oil or grapefruit seed oil according to the recipe above and applied to the affected areas.
Potassium permanganate
Potassium permanganate will easily cope with fungus on the walls... A solution of a teaspoon of potassium permanganate and 1 liter of water will have a deep pink color, so it will not work on all surfaces.
The advantages of this tool include:
- lack of a pungent odor;
- ease of use.
It is not necessary to wash off the solution from the surfaces.
Lemon acid
The recipe is simple:
- A teaspoon of citric acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice is added to a glass of water.
- Apply to all surfaces with and near the fungus.
- The product is not washed off.
A mixture of water, peroxide, vinegar and boric acid
Each component of this product will easily cope with mold, and together they will give an unsurpassed result on all types of surfaces.
To obtain a working solution, take:
- 4 tablespoons of water;
- 2 tablespoons of peroxide;
- 2 tablespoons of vinegar;
- 1 tablespoon boric acid
The mixture is sprayed onto a mold-infected surface.
We remove mold in the bathroom with a mixture of vinegar, peroxide, boric acid and water:
Soda with vinegar
If you rub the surface with baking soda and then spray with vinegar, then this will help remove mold and lighten stains from it:
- First, rub the soda vigorously on the infected areas.
- Then sprinkle with vinegar.
- After 40 minutes - an hour, wash off with water.
- We repeat in 1-2 days.
Household chemicals
Designed for quick and effective removal of fungus, household chemicals can clean contaminated surfaces several times faster than any folk remedy.
"Whiteness" - chlorine based solution
The most famous and inexpensive remedy with the name "Whiteness" for 50 rubles. perfectly removes mold stains from various surfaces.
Spraying a solution of bleach on a whitewashed ceiling will remove mildew stains and stop mold growth.
To prepare the solution:
- Bleach is diluted with water in a 1 to 10 ratio.
- Apply it to the cleaned surface and wait for drying.
The disadvantage of this product is the specific smell of chlorine.
Oxygen bleach
It is based on sodium percarbonatethat is able to cope with different types of mold.
There is a large selection of such bleaches on sale. The most famous:
- "Bos Plus" worth about 30 rubles;
- "Sano Oxygen", you can buy it for 280-300 rubles;
- "Vanish Gold" for 140-150 rubles.
Special antifungal
These products are fast and efficient.... With its help, you can easily tidy up:
- plumbing;
- shower cabin.
It will take from 10 minutes to an hour to clean surfaces... Today the most demanded funds:
- "Cillit Bang", the price of 150-170 rubles;
- spray "Unicum", costing about 180 rubles;
- "Turbo", the price of 300-350 rubles.
Means used in repair work
To avoid mold contamination of the walls for a long time, builders use highly effective fungus remedies.
Let's take a closer look at how these tools work:
How to remove mold stains with copper sulfate?
This is one of the most effective remedies for fungus. Copper sulfate, which can be bought for 150 rubles, is able to protect the walls from mold for a long time.
For surface treatment, the following solution is diluted:
- take 100 gr. vitriol;
- 10 liters of water.
Apply the product to the wall with a brush... In places where fungal infection is very strong, the wall is covered with a solution in several layers.
When 3-4 hours have passed, the wall is washed and dried.
Copper sulfate must be handled very carefully, because this agent is very toxic. When working with him, you need to ventilate the room well, as well as use a respirator and gloves.
Antiseptic emulsions
These drugs include antifungal agents that protect against biocorrosion. They are made on the basis of QAC (quaternary ammonium compounds) and guanide.
The following tools are also popular with users:
- antiseptic "Abedis 06 Barwa Sam" for 250-300 rubles;
- "Snow Puma" for 80-100 rubles;
- emulsion "Alpina Grunt" for 300-350 rubles.
Prepare surfaces before using these products. A layer of whitewash or paint is removed from the walls and ceiling, and the plaster is dried with a construction hair dryer.
You need to work in a respiratorto prevent mold pores from entering the respiratory tract.
Finished walls and ceilings are treated with an anti-fungal emulsion or other means.
Popular remedies include:
- "Ceresit CT-99" antifungal primer costing 360-400 rubles;
- primer "Caparol Capatox" for 650-700 rubles;
- Bayris BioStop for 200-250 rubles.
The most vulnerable places for the appearance of plaque
First of all, the mold settles in the joints between the tiles, as well as in the places where the plumbing is connected to the walls with the help of sealant.
Removing black deposits from such surfaces is a difficult and sometimes impossible task. therefore grout and sealant must be changed periodically.
The sealant is removed from the joints with a special knife. The joint is treated with an anti-mold agent and the surfaces are allowed to dry. Then a new sealant is applied to the prepared places.
Read more about how to remove mold on sealant in the bathroom. here.
Mold may appear in the bathroom on the ceiling... If the lesion is small, you can treat the surface with bleach or another antifungal agent.
If bubbles of bloated plaster appear on the ceiling, then you will not be able to cope with the mold without repair work. Will have to remove the plaster.
To do this, the ceiling is moistened with water for 2-3 hours with a brush. After that, the plaster can be easily removed.
Surface irregularities must be carefully putty... After that, the ceiling is treated with an anti-fungal primer. Then you can carry out the final finishing of the ceiling.
Preventive measures
Fighting fungus in the bathroom is much more difficult than preventing it from happening. To prevent your bathroom from becoming moldy, follow these tips:
- Monitor the humidity in the room. Inspect the condition of the pipes and plumbing for leaks. Pipes on which condensation appears should be insulated with an insulating tube or other material designed for this purpose.The air can be made drier by hanging a large heated towel rail in the bathroom or by installing a warm floor.
- Provide good ventilation. Check how the hood works.
- Make sure that no cracks appear on the walls and ceiling.
Preventive methods to prevent the appearance of fungus will help prevent secondary contamination of the walls and ceiling in the bathroom.
And if you notice the first signs of mold, then take advantage of our tips. Modern remedies for mold can quickly and effectively eliminate this problem.