Are there standards for cleaning entrances in apartment buildings and what are they?

foto31469-1Not all apartment owners in a multi-storey building know that cleaning at the entrance is carried out by management companies in accordance with the norms enshrined at the legislative level.

Read about what is included in the standards for cleaning entrances in apartment buildings, what is the frequency of work, read the article.

Mandatory norms

There are cleaning standards for the entrances of apartment buildings. Processing should be carried out at regular intervals... These terms differ, depending on the availability of the elevator and garbage chute. There is also a separate provision that specifies the features of performing sanitary cleaning.


There are separate standards regarding the frequency of cleaning. All of them are approved in the Order of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 191. Compliance with these provisions is a prerequisite for high-quality service of the entrance of an apartment building.

foto31469-2Basic provisions:

  1. Entrance sweeping - 2 times a week.
  2. The first two floors are cleaned daily.
  3. Washing the floor in the entire entrance - at least 2 times a month.
  4. Washing of walls and windows - 2 times a year.

Dates vary depending on the availability of a garbage chute and an elevator at the entrance.


Sanitary cleaning involves the elimination of pathogenic microbes and viruses that can provoke infections in humans and animals. At the entrance, conditions must be created that prevent further reproduction of pathogenic flora.

A person with a medical record can carry out sanitization, confirming that he himself is not a distributor of diseases. Activities are carried out using disinfectants.

Be sure to clean all surfaces, including floors, walls, ceilings, doorknobs, window sills and windows. Particular attention is paid to the garbage chute and the adjacent areas.

The responsibilities of the management company include pest control, that is, the elimination of insects. For this, a separate team is hired, or the processing is carried out on its own.

After carrying out sanitary cleaning, the entrance should be clean and tidy. The presence of foreign odors, insects, rodents is unacceptable in it.

Elevator and stairs

If an elevator is installed in the house, then it must be cleaned daily.... Every day they wipe the floor and buttons in it.At least 2 times a month, the cabin is completely treated, including cleaning the walls, ceiling, doors, lighting elements.

The stairs on the lower two floors are swept every day. The marches located above are cleaned at least 1 time a week, and if there is an elevator and a garbage chute - 2 times a week.

Garbage chute

foto31469-3The duties of the service company include handling the waste chute. The main provisions to be followed:

  • cleaning, rinsing and disinfection of loading valves - once every 7 days;
  • processing of the inner surface of the pipe - once every 30 days;
  • disinsection, disinfection and deratization of the camera and the adjacent equipment - once every 30 days;
  • emptying of receiving containers - daily.

When performing work, brushes and antiseptics are used.


Entrance cleaning standards are regulations that are mandatory for employees of management companies. On how well the work is carried out, depends not only on the cleanliness in the room, but also on the health of all residents apartment building.



