Simple and No Trace, or How to Erase Blue and Black Gel Pen from Paper

foto24621-1A wide variety of products that can be made at home or purchased from a pharmacy or hardware store allow you to erase a gel pen from paper.

This technique is necessary not only for schoolchildren who want to get rid of the twos in the diary, but also for students to correct mistakes and inaccuracies.

A ballpoint pen that accidentally fell into the hands of a small child can also bring a lot of problems to households. The result of this can be painted notebooks and reports of older children, documents and work papers of adult family members.

How to erase a gel pen from paper without traces? Details are in the article.

How to remove it mechanically?

The fastest and most obvious way to disguise a mistake is using a special correction pen... But many may not be satisfied with the fact that a white trace will remain in place of the mistake made, which will be visible on the background of the paper.

To obtain an almost ideal result, when not a trace remains on the sheet, you can use the mechanical method.

With a blade

foto24621-2The easiest way to remove a written error is to clean the lettering with a regular blade.

In this case, it is important to ensure that the surface of its plate is perpendicular to the surface of the paper sheet. Using the blade, the ink is scratched from the paper with neat strokes.

Visible protruding fibers can be easily removed by cutting off with a blade tightly pressed to the surface of the sheet. This way you can eliminate the consequences of an admitted slip without damaging the paper or leaving any visible traces on it.


Sandpaper will also help deal with the blot. At the same time, it should be small in order to minimize mechanical damage to the paper sheet.

If you erase the inscription very carefully and carefully, the manipulations performed will remain invisible. Using this method, you can eliminate both minor errors in the text and more voluminous details on paper.

Medical plaster

A medical patch will help you eliminate errors.which is available in most household first aid kits. In order for the manipulation to be performed without a trace, you need to cut off a small piece from it in accordance with the size of the slip on paper.

Press the plaster to the surface of the sheet, then carefully remove. At the same time, simultaneously with the adhesive tape, a thin layer of paper is separated together with ink. This procedure requires care and attention, but the result is worth the effort.

Folk recipes

You can use acids, baking soda, or lemon juice.

Acidic method

foto24621-3An effective and common way to remove a gel pen from paper is the "acid" method. Acids are used for it: citric and oxalic.

They are able to enter into a chemical reaction with the main substance of the ink, leading to their complete dissolution.

Acids are mixed in equal proportions and a little water is added. The resulting mixture is applied to the spot of the blot, after which it is allowed to wait 5 minutes and a new portion is applied.

For the best effect, a mixture of acids is lightly rubbed in into the paper so that it interacts as much as possible with the ink. Such actions are performed until the opiska disappears completely, after which the mixture is carefully removed and the paper is dried with an iron.


The method that our parents used to remove the blots is to use a mixture of water and regular baking soda. The resulting mixture is applied to a paper sheet and left to dry completely, after which the remaining soda is removed.

This method is good when it is necessary to correct mistakes in the text, since small particles of soda, penetrating into the fibers of the paper, paint it white, and the blots become almost invisible.

A mixture of salt, baking soda and lemon juice

foto24621-4For best results, you can use a mixture of salt, baking soda and lemon juice.

Soda and salt are mixed with each other in equal proportions, after which the mixture is applied to the spot... Then lemon juice is carefully added, waiting for it to enter into a chemical reaction with soda and salt.

Lemon juice helps to neutralize the paste of soda and salt, which are able to penetrate deeply enough into the paper fibers, almost completely eliminating traces of gel ink. A medical syringe can be used to make lemon juice conveniently applied to the surface of the paper sheet.

How to withdraw using pharmacy products?

Medical alcohol, potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide show good effectiveness as a means for removing the errors left by gel pens.

Rubbing alcohol

A piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad is moistened with medical alcohol, with the help of which the alcohol is applied to the desired area paper. The work will be done more accurately if you use a cotton swab instead of a regular piece of cotton.

Alcohol is a very good solvent and therefore easily removes blots even deeply embedded in paper fibers.

When using "wet" methods for removing ink stains, it is important to remember to place an oilcloth or some other sheet under the sheet of paper on which the solvent is applied.

Potassium permanganate

foto24621-5Potassium permanganate is no less popular. If you do not have a ready-made solution at hand, you can prepare it yourself.

For this table vinegar is added to the crystals of potassium permanganate, thoroughly mixing the solution... So that there are no small particles of manganese left in the solution, which can remain on paper, it is better to strain it additionally.

A piece of cotton wool or a cotton swab is moistened with this substance and the desired area of ​​the paper is treated. The price of potassium permanganate is from 37 rubles.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has a similar effect to alcohol.... It can be used to easily deal with stains of various origins, including those left by gel ink.

But, possessing discoloration properties, this tool can spoil colored paper sheets, therefore it is better to use it only for removing inscriptions from white paper. The price of hydrogen peroxide is from 15 rubles.

Nail polish remover or acetone

Among the cosmetics available in the home, it is easy to find a solvent such as acetone. It consists of nail polish remover, which can also be used as a means for removing gel ink from paper.

Using a pipette, a small drop of acetone is applied to the desired area of ​​the paper. Then the ink is gently wiped off with a paper napkin. If you need to eliminate a very small slip, you can use a regular toothpick to apply acetone to a sheet of paper.

Acetone is distinguished by its gentle effect on the paper web material. It practically does not violate its integrity in the process of removing ink substance. For this reason, it can be used if it is necessary to remove ink from fairly large areas of the paper web.

For this the sheet is completely immersed in a solvent, after which it is driedplacing between cloth sheets or paper towels. To avoid poisoning with acetone vapor, which evaporates rather quickly from surfaces, it is necessary to ventilate the room well while removing the ink stain.

It is noteworthy that acetone cannot be used in its pure form as a solvent, since at such a concentration it has rather aggressive properties. Therefore, it is better to use nail polish remover, in which this substance is contained in the most safe concentrations for health.

The liquid must be applied as slowly as possible, in small parts.... If you cannot completely remove the ink blot the first time, it is better to repeat this manipulation. The price of acetone is from 30 rubles.

Effective chemistry

To remove gel ink, you will need one of the means: bleach or whiteness solution, a mixture of potassium permanganate and acetic acid, hydroperite.

Bleach or whiteness

foto24621-6If there is only dry bleach in the house, it must first be diluted with a little water. Next, you need to dip a cotton swab into the whiteness solution, eliminate the excess and carefully apply it to the desired area of ​​the paper.

Before carrying out all the manipulations, you need to put an additional sheet of paper under the sheet with the slip. With careful movements, so as not to damage the fibers of the paper, you need to wipe the spot of the blot soaked with bleach until it completely disappears.

The price of bleach is from 200 rubles. The price of whiteness is from 40 rubles.

Potassium permanganate and vinegar

The second chemical method for removing unwanted inscriptions with a gel pen is the use of a mixture of potassium permanganate and acetic acid. For cooking you will need a teaspoon of 70% acetic acid solution and several crystals of potassium permanganate.

It is necessary to carefully apply the substance to the desired place on the paper and rub until the inscription disappears completely.

A feature of this method is that as a result, a small brown spot remains, obtained from the use of a solution of potassium permanganate. But it is quite easy to get rid of it by wiping this place with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

At the end of all these manipulations, the paper sheet is dried with an iron. The price of potassium permanganate is from 37 rubles.


Hydroperite has good efficiency as a stain remover, a solution of which can be prepared independently by diluting 4 tablets in 50 milliliters of plain water. The price of hydroperite is from 36 rubles.

You will find many useful tips and tricks about removing ink from a pen from various surfaces and objects. here.

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It is possible to eliminate ink inscription from a paper sheet using many methods, each of which has both advantages and disadvantages.So that the withdrawal result does not disappoint, it is worth testing the selected tool on an unnecessary sheet of paper before carrying out the work.



