Recipes and ways how to clean rust from tiles on walls and floors

foto20638-1It is easy to care for ceramic tiles. It is enough to regularly wipe it with a damp cloth.

But what to do when rusty streaks appear on the perfectly smooth surface of ceramic tiles? Answer: without delaying the cleaning process, choose a method for removing rust stains and start the process.

We will tell you about how and what to wash rust from tiles in the article.

Folk remedies

It is really possible to remove rust stains from tiles using available means. There are a sufficient number of folk ways to help clean the tiles quickly and efficiently.

How to scrub with hydrogen peroxide solution?

foto20638-2Hydrogen peroxide will help remove a fresh stain of rust on the tile.

It's simple: rusty streaks are abundantly moistened with peroxide and left for ten minutes... After the dirt is wiped off with a damp cloth or sponge.

If the rust stain has already eaten into the surface of the ceramic tile, the hydrogen peroxide solution (50 ml) is mixed with baking soda (2 tsp) and liquid soap (1 tsp).

Rub the stain with the prepared composition and leave it for ten minutes. After the tile is thoroughly wiped with a clean damp sponge.

A mixture of vinegar and baking soda

Simple, affordable baking soda and acetic acid are effective in fighting rust stains on tiles.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Soak a soft sponge in a vinegar solution and sprinkle with baking soda.
  2. As soon as the components, having combined, enter into a chemical reaction (foam and a characteristic hissing sound appear), thoroughly wipe the rust stain with a sponge.
  3. The already cleaned surface is washed with clean running water.
Effective for fresh dirt. For stubborn rusty streaks, cleaning with a composition of soda and vinegar will have to be repeated several times.

Lemon and table salt

The products that every housewife has in the kitchen - lemon and salt - will become an indispensable tool in the fight against ginger bloom on the tiles.

foto20638-3Algorithm of actions:

  • the rust stain on the tiles is treated with fresh lemon juice;
  • after fifteen minutes, table salt is poured onto the contamination (it is important that the salt is of extra class with the smallest granules in size);
  • after the salt has completely dissolved in the lemon juice, wipe the stain gently with a sponge or remove with a napkin.

Care must be taken to completely dissolve the salt granules. Otherwise, scratches and abrasions will remain on the tiles.

Tartar powder

Natural, environmentally friendly rust remover - tartar powder. It can be purchased at a grocery store (very often housewives use tartar powder as a baking powder for baking).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The rust stain is thoroughly moistened with hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Tartar powder is poured onto a still wet surface.
  3. Wipe the dirt with a damp soft sponge, then wash off the remains of tartar with clean warm water.
To preserve the gloss of ceramic tiles, wait until the granules of tartar powder dissolve in hydrogen peroxide before rubbing the stain with a sponge.

How to remove with hydrochloric acid?

You can achieve the ideal result of the cleanliness of the tile by using a solution of hydrochloric acid in cleaning.

Algorithm of actions:

  • foto20638-4in a solution of hydrochloric acid, a piece of cloth is moistened, which is used to cover a rust stain on a ceramic tile;
  • after twenty minutes, the fabric is thrown away, and the rusty coating (which has become loose from the acid) is carefully removed with a silicone scraper;
  • additionally, the cleaned area is washed first with soapy water and then with clean warm water.

Work with hydrochloric acid is carried out only in a well-ventilated area, using protective equipment (gloves, respirator, goggles). If hydrochloric acid gets on the skin, wash it off immediately with plain water.

Special formulations

As a replacement or in addition to folk remedies in the fight against rust stains, special chemical compositions are used. TOP-3 most popular and effective:

  1. Gel "Anti-rust" Sanita... Method of application: the product is applied to the dirt, kept for ten minutes, and then washed off with warm water. The average cost of Sanita Anti-Rust gel is 90 rubles. (bottle 500 gr).
  2. Luxus Professional... Method of application: the agent is sprayed onto the rust stain and left for fifteen minutes. After the treated surface is washed off with warm water. If it was not possible to remove the stain from the first time, it is treated with a spray again, wait the allotted time, gently wipe it with a soft brush, and then rinse it off with warm water. The average cost of Luxus Professional is 125 rubles. (500 ml bottle).
  3. Clean Drops Remover rust is an excellent option for cleaning not only tiles, but also natural stone surfaces. The tool can be used both for home cleaning and for cleaning the tiles laid on the facade of the house. The average cost of Clean Drops from rust is 1000 rubles. (per package 5 l).
Cleaning with any chemical agent is carried out only in a well-ventilated area using personal protective equipment (gloves).

How to remove rust stains from tiles with phosphoric acid will be shown in the video:

What cannot be used and why?

Do not forget that ceramic tiles are a decorative coating that must be looked after carefully and carefully.

To preserve the gloss, color and print of the ceramics, in no case should you use hard metal brushes and sponges in cleaning (leave scratches, can completely remove the decorative pattern).

Instead of hard brushes, you can use special silicone scrapers, which, while maintaining the coating of ceramic tiles, quickly and effectively remove rusty deposits and other dirt from them.

It is also worth avoiding abrasive cleaning powders. On store shelves, there are enough liquid, creamy products that remove rust stains without harm to the decorative surface.


A few secrets of experienced housewives will help speed up the process of removing red stains from ceramic surfaces:

  1. foto20638-5Liquid, creamy products will help to quickly remove rust from embossed ceramic tiles.They easily penetrate any irregularities and roughness, effectively removing rusty streaks.
  2. So that after cleaning the rust stains on the black tile there are no streaks, the surface is additionally wiped with ammonia or a glass cleaner.
  3. In order to achieve the maximum result of the cleanliness of ceramic tiles, you can use several methods, means of removing rusty streaks. The main thing is not to apply funds to the tiles at the same time (there are high risks of damage to the decorative coating). If it was not possible to completely remove the rust the first time, after a while you can use another method.

When cleaning ceramic tiles, it is important not to rush. If a rust remover is used for the first time, it must be tested on an inconspicuous area.


A timely reaction to rust stains, a properly selected method of removing such stains will help to quickly return the surface of ceramic tiles to their original appearance.



