Expert advice on how to easily and effectively wash rust from linoleum
The popularity of linoleum as a finishing material can be easily explained. This inexpensive and practical flooring is easy to maintain.
Linoleum withstands frequent wet cleaning, abrasive and chemical cleaning.
Regular cleaning helps maintain the original appearance of the flooring. But what to do when stubborn rust spots appeared on the linoleum, how to wash them off?
There are a sufficient number of folk methods and store-bought remedies for removing rusty streaks.
Folk recipes for home use
Folk, improvised means will help to easily wash linoleum from rust stains.
Lemon acid
Cleaning with citric acid gruel will help quickly remove red stains from the flooring.
Algorithm of actions:
- Dry powder of citric acid is diluted with warm water to a thick slurry.
- Apply with a soft sponge, and gently rub the resulting product over the rust stain on the linoleum.
- Wipe cleaned flooring with a clean, damp soft cloth.
Salt will help enhance the effect of citric acid. It is added and thoroughly rubbed in an already prepared cleaning composition.
Fresh lemon
A small slice of fresh lemon will not only help get rid of the rust stain, but it will also fill the room with a pleasant, refreshing scent.
Algorithm of actions:
- a stain of rust is covered with a circle of fresh lemon, and left for half an hour;
- after the linoleum is wiped with a rag dipped in lemon juice.
How to remove with vinegar and ammonia?
Remove stubborn rust spots from linoleum with a solution of ammonia and acetic acid.
Algorithm of actions:
- Dissolve 1 tbsp in 250 ml of warm water. acetic acid.
- The resulting product is abundantly wetted with a yellow rust spot.
- I additionally moisten the treated area with ammonia.
- Ammonia and the stain are carefully wiped off with a soft cloth.
Work with ammonia and acetic acid is carried out only in a respirator, in a room with good ventilation.Otherwise, there is a high risk of respiratory tract burns and solvent vapor poisoning.
Kerosene will help remove stubborn rust stains.
Algorithm of actions:
- pollution is abundantly moistened with kerosene;
- leave a rust stain for thirty minutes, then wash it off with clean cool water.
Baking soda
A universal folk remedy - baking soda will help you quickly get rid of rust marks on linoleum.
Algorithm of actions:
- The baking soda is mixed with warm water to form a thick slurry.
- Gently rub the rust stain with a soft cloth or sponge with baking soda paste.
- The cleaned area of the flooring is washed off with warm water (remove the remains of baking soda).
When mixing soda with water, it is necessary to ensure that the abrasive particles are completely dissolved. Otherwise, scratches may appear on the linoleum.
Potassium salt
Remove old rust stains by using potassium salt (tartar).
Algorithm of actions:
- in 2 tbsp. warm ox dissolve 1 tbsp. crystals of potassium salt;
- the resulting paste is applied to the stain and gently rubbed with a soft cloth or sponge;
- the already cleaned floor covering is additionally wiped with a clean damp cloth.
Work with potassium salt is carried out only in protective rubber gloves.
How to clean with sparkling water?
The secret to the effectiveness of soda in fighting rust stains is simple. Sweet water (Coca-Cola is great) contains citric acid, which dissolves rust particles on linoleum.
Algorithm of actions:
- Using a spray bottle, carbonated water is sprayed onto the rust stain.
- After twenty minutes, the treated stain is wiped off with a soft cloth or sponge.
How to wipe with special means?
In a situation where folk methods were powerless in the fight against rust stains on linoleum, special tools will come to the rescue (in the assortment they are presented on the windows of hardware stores).
TOP-3 of the most popular and effective chemicals for rust stains on linoleum:
Cleanser Cif cream active lemon - the ideal cleaning assistant, dealing with any kind of dirt (including rust). The creamy structure helps to gently clean the floor without leaving scratches or scuffs.
Using Cif Cleanser is easy: just squeeze a few drops onto a soft sponge and wipe the stain on the floor.
Affordable price (about 156 rubles per 500 ml), economical consumption and effectiveness of Cif cleaning cream explains the popularity of the product among consumers.
- Sanox anti-rust cleaning agent gently cleanses rust stains on linoleum. Due to the fact that it contains oxalic acid, cleaning will be quick and efficient. All you need to do is scrub the stain on the floor with a cleaning agent, let it sit for five minutes, and then wipe it off with a clean, damp cloth or sponge. The average cost of the Sanox anti-rust cleaning agent is 80 rubles. (750 ml bottle).
- Rust cleaner CILLIT BANG will help to get rid not only of red spots, but also quickly remove stubborn, stubborn dirt, limescale. Method of application: the product is sprayed onto the contaminated surface and left for five minutes. After the linoleum is wiped with a clean damp sponge.
To add shine, rub the floor covering with a dry soft cloth. It is not worthwhile to exceed the exposure time of Silit on contamination (there are great risks of damage to the floor covering). The average cost of CILLIT BANG from rust is 260 rubles. for 500 ml.
What can't be used and why?
Correct care prolongs the service life, preserves the original appearance of linoleum. Particular attention is paid to the choice of means and methods for removing rust stains.
It is strictly unacceptable to use:
Abrasive detergents. Cleaning powders remove not only dirt from the flooring, but also the protective, glossy layer.
As a result, unattractive scratches and scuffs remain on the linoleum, which cannot be removed. For the same reason, you should not use brushes, hard sponges and sinks, scrapers for cleaning.
- Gasoline, turpentine, solvents. Harsh chemicals penetrating into the structure of the flooring can cause color changes and loss of gloss.
- Chlorine-containing formulations in undiluted form. Getting on linoleum, bleach leaves whitish spots.
- Very hot water. High temperatures can cause the floor to lose its gloss and gloss.
All actions for cleaning linoleum from rust stains must be carried out quickly, without strong pressure and friction. Otherwise, the result obtained may differ significantly from the expected cleaning effect.
A few tips from experienced housewives and cleaning specialists will help speed up the process of removing difficult stains rust and restore the original appearance of the flooring:
- After the rust stain is removed, wipe the linoleum with a cloth soaked in linseed oil or linseed oil. Such actions will help restore the original well-groomed appearance to the flooring.
- Using multiple rust removal methods (such as baking soda and soda water) at the same time will speed up the scraping process and achieve the best results.
- After using chemicals, linoleum must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water, and then wiped with a lemon wedge. This will help restore the shine of the flooring.
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Rust stains on linoleum are not a reason to change the floor covering. Timely and competent use of folk and special means will help to quickly get rid of such a problem.