Ways and methods than to wash plastic from rust at home
The plastic itself does not rust, but when it comes into contact with metal, red streaks may remain on it. They can often be found on window sills, under flower pots, on panels, in the place where shelves are attached, on the ceiling, in the area of shades and more.
Rust can appear on the plastic parts of a refrigerator or washing machine, you can list it endlessly. How to wash plastic from rust?
Read about what folk and professional remedies exist to wash off rust from plastic at home in the article.
How to remove folk remedies?
To get rid of rust, it is not necessary to use complex and expensive compounds. Available tools come to the rescue, which are in every home.
Lemon juice
You can use lemon juice to remove rust stains and not spoil the plastic. The acid contained in it removes dirt well. In small concentrations, it is not capable of spoiling the surface.
Mode of application:
Squeeze the required amount of juice out of the lemon.
- Saturate white matter with it.
- Apply a cloth to the stained area, leave for 1-3 hours.
- After the specified time has elapsed, remove residues of the agent and rust with a clean, damp sponge. You can use a brush if necessary.
The effectiveness of this method is average. If the rust is not deeply embedded in the plastic, then it will be possible to get rid of it the first time. In other cases, the procedure will have to be repeated 2-3 times.
The main advantage of lemon juice is that it is safe on all plastic surfaces.... The concentration of acid in it is not high, so you can not be afraid of color fading or melting of parts.
Alcohol neutralizes rust well, so you can even get rid of old stains with it. The higher its concentration, the more effective the procedure will be.
- apply alcohol or vodka to a cotton pad;
- treat them with a problem area;
- wipe the plastic with a clean, damp cloth.
There are no restrictions for this method. Alcohol is not capable of harming plastic, so it can be safely used on any surface.
Acetic or oxalic acid
You can get rid of rust stains with vinegar or oxalic acid. These are quite effective formulations that help to cope even with stubborn dirt.
Mode of application:
Put on gloves.
- Soak any white matter with vinegar. If the stain is small, you can use a cotton pad.
- Wipe the dirty surface. If the stain lends itself well to cleaning, then the treatment is continued until the desired result is achieved.
- When rust is difficult to remove, the vinegar-soaked cloth is left on it in the form of a compress for 15-30 minutes.
- After the indicated time, the residues of vinegar and rust are removed with a clean, damp cloth.
Take special care when cleaning colored plastic. During processing, you need to monitor its reaction to interaction with the detergent composition. Read more about cleaning surfaces from rust with vinegar. here.
Soda and liquid soap
The combination of baking soda and liquid soap removes rust quickly and safely. These components are used as follows:
- mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda and ½ spoon of liquid soap, bring the composition to a uniform consistency;
- apply the product to the stain;
- after 10 minutes, wipe the dirty area with a sponge or soft bristled brush;
- remove residues of the product with clean water.
This composition will not damage or discolor the product. The effectiveness of the product is high.
Hydrogen peroxide
If the stain isn't too deep in the plastic, you can use hydrogen peroxide. However, it is used only on a light surface. She can ruin dark plastic, provoking the appearance of white spots.
Mode of application:
- Moisten a cotton pad with peroxide.
- Wipe the surface with it. Replace the discs as they become dirty.
- After removing the stain, wipe the surface with a clean, damp cloth.
You need to use pharmacy hydrogen peroxide to fight rust, and not the one that is used to dye hair. This will avoid plastic fading problems. Before the first use, you need to test the product on an inconspicuous area.
How to clean with specialized formulations?
On sale you can find special products designed for the care of plastic surfaces. They are sold in the household chemicals department, in auto stores, and on the Internet.
The following compounds will help to cope with rust on plastic:
- HG spray for cleaning plastic. Before starting work, the spray nozzle must be set to the "Spray" position. After that, the composition is applied to the surface and left for 10 minutes. Then rub the plastic with a paper towel. No rinsing required. The cost of the goods is 330 rubles.
- Mellerud cleaning agent for plastic products. Before starting work, the composition is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, after which a sponge is impregnated with it and with its help the contaminated surface is treated. After 15 minutes, rinse the plastic with water. The cost of a 0.5 liter bottle is 330 rubles.
- Premium House... The product is available as a spray. It is applied to the contaminated surface, left for 15 minutes, and then removed with a paper towel. The advantage of this formulation is that it does not need to be rinsed off with water. The cost of the spray is 180 rubles.
What cannot be used to remove rust stains, and why?
For removing rust stains from plastic you can not use tools such as:
Abrasives and hard sponges. Together with the dirt, they will remove the top layer of plastic.Its surface will lose its former smoothness and attractiveness.
- Products containing chlorine. This substance will discolor the surface.
- Substances containing wax. This will make the plastic sticky and collect dust.
- Aggressive formulations with hydrochloric or other acid. Such substances will dissolve the plastic.
- Solvents for paints and varnishes. Their application to a plastic surface will cause damage.
How do I clean different types of plastics?
White plastic is the most picky. Rust from its surface can be removed using agents with bleaching properties, for example, it is allowed to use hydrogen peroxide.
Glossy plastic panels are afraid of contact with solvents and any abrasives. For their processing, it is better to use the most gentle substances, for example, lemon juice. Otherwise, the product will lose its protective film.
Helpful information
So that the process of removing rust from plastic goes without any problems, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
Use only white rags to remove stains from light colored plastic surfaces. If you take a colored fabric, there is a risk of pigment transfer from fabric to plastic. As a result, additional cleaning will be required.
- Work with aggressive compounds with gloves. If the product has a pungent odor, additional respiratory protection is required. The room must be ventilated.
- After finishing cleaning, wipe the surface with a clean, damp cloth. This is necessary in order to remove the remnants of the product from the plastic and prevent it from spoiling the product.
Removing rust from plastic is easy if you use the right products. Acids and alcohol-containing compounds have a good effect. These substances can be combined if necessary. When the rust has penetrated into the deeper layers of plastic, they resort to using professional household chemicals.