To be restored, or how to paint the microwave inside from rust

foto20763-1Daily use of the microwave oven, irregular and improper care leads to the fact that the inner surface of the household appliance begins to crack and become covered with traces of corrosion.

Rust stains are not a reason to throw away the microwave. The inner surface can be painted, thereby extending the life of the household appliance.

So, how to paint the inside of the microwave from rust at home?

What colors are there?

There are several types of paints that can be used to restore the interior of a microwave oven.

Food grade or organic

foto20763-2The best option for painting the inner surface of the microwave is food grade organic enamel.

Based on:

  • silicone varnish,
  • ethyl silicate alcohol solution,
  • color pigment,

the paint perfectly withstands sudden changes in temperature and humidity, does not emit toxic substances hazardous to human health when heated.

Food grade enamel adheres perfectly to aluminum surfaces and is approved for use by the Ministry of Health.

Electrically conductive

Conductive paints contain aluminum, zinc and even silver... When dry, electrically conductive enamel coats the inner surface of the microwave with a thin but very durable layer that is resistant to high temperatures and humidity.


Particularly strong, dense in structure shungite paint is distinguished by its special heat resistance (withstands heating up to + 300 ° C), has electrically conductive properties, this paint:

  • absolutely safe for health,
  • does not emit toxic substances,
  • does not burn.
Covering the inner surface of the microwave, it helps not only to remove existing defects (chips, abrasions), but also creates a durable, energy-saving layer.

Acrylic Automotive

foto20763-3Acrylic car paints have gained particular popularity due to the simplicity and ease of application (the paint is sold in aerosol cans), as well as its affordability (the cost is low in comparison with other enamels).

A wide color palette of car paints allows you to perfectly match the desired shade... Acrylic car paint (or rather a primer) creates a strong layer on the inner surface of the microwave that is resistant to high temperatures.

Which one and when to choose?

At the slightest stains of rust, the surface must be covered with paint (this will help to stop the corrosive destructive process).

Suitable paint for a microwave oven it is:

  • composition without harmful, toxic substances (when heated, they are released into the environment, causing irritation of the mucous membranes and even poisoning of the body);
  • composition with high resistance to high temperatures and humidity;
  • composition, the color of which is combined with the shade of the previous coating.
Before buying, do not forget about studying the manufacturer's label on the paint can.

Top-5 best

Construction hypermarkets offer a wide selection of paints for metal. TOP-5 best paint options for painting the inner surface of the microwave:


Heat-resistant enamel KUDO organosilicon... Ideal for painting metal surfaces. Due to the fact that the enamel is sold in an aerosol can, the composition is easily applied to hard-to-reach places.

The paint layer can withstand heating temperatures up to 650 ° C. The enamel dries quickly in natural conditions, does not crack, does not flake, creates a perfectly smooth surface.

Average cost - 160 rubles. (570 ml can).



Decorix universal acrylic enamel is a high-quality composition for painting:

  • metal,
  • glass,
  • mineral surfaces.

After application, it forms a thin, but very durable, resistant to fading and high temperatures. Dries quickly (one coat - thirty minutes). The variety of shades of enamel allows you to befit the desired option in each case.

The average cost of a can of enamel (520 ml) is 200 rubles.



Heat-resistant enamel Elcon is intended for painting metal surfaces, which during operation are subjected to a sharp drop in temperature and high humidity.

The paint is resistant to aggressive media (mineral oils, soluble salts). Can be used for painting household appliances (does not emit toxic fumes). The full drying time does not exceed 72 hours.

Average cost - 470 rubles. (1 liter can).



Paint Spectrum Certa heat-resistant enamel - an excellent solution for the treatment of metal surfacesexposed to high temperatures (up to + 1000 ° С).

In addition to thermal insulation properties, the paint is distinguished by high levels of protection against moisture and aggressive environment. Does not require a primer when applied.

The average cost is 350 rubles. (spray can 520 ml).



Panzer Rust Paint contains components that smooth out the rusty surface, forming a perfectly even coating that is resistant to high temperatures. The paint is environmentally friendly, suitable for interior use.

The average cost of a can of paint (volume 750 ml) is 650 rubles.


How to color?

To achieve the most durable, even inner surface of the microwave, it is important to follow a certain sequence of actions.

Preparatory stage

The preparatory process is an important stage, the quality of which determines the final result of staining the inner surface of the microwave.

In addition to paint in a can or a spray can, you must prepare:

  • brush or narrow roller;
  • alcohol-based product or solvent (required for surface degreasing);
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • masking tape;
  • protective gloves and goggles.
If a large area of ​​the microwave is affected by rust, an acid converter will help to quickly remove it.

After everything you need for work is prepared, you must carry out the following steps:

  1. foto20763-9Unplug the household appliance from the socket.
  2. Cover with tape those elements that should not get paint (ventilation window, lock and hinges, glass on the door).
  3. All places where the paint has peeled off and rust has appeared are carefully cleaned (sandpaper is used for this process).
  4. After the traces of corrosion are cleaned, the inner surface is wiped with a cloth from dust and dirt.
  5. Using a soft sponge or rags dipped in an alcohol-containing composition or solvent, degrease the surface to be painted.

Work with solvents is carried out only with gloves and in a well-ventilated area.


Coloring the inner surface of the microwave oven begins from the far wall, smoothly moving towards the door. It is important to apply the paint in a very thin layer (in this case, it dries faster)... To do this, use a small foam roller or enamel in a spray can.

Only the corners inside the household appliance are painted with a thin brush. Using paint from a spray can, it is necessary to ensure that the hand does not linger in one position (movements should be zigzag).

After the first coat of paint has been applied, it is important to wait until it is completely dry before applying the second coat.

At the end of the restoration work, the household appliance is left aside for a while., so that the paint dries well. Only then can the masking tape be removed from the microwave (otherwise there are great risks of smearing wet paint on the surface).

If smudges or stains of paint are found on the walls of the microwave, they can be carefully removed by wiping with a cotton swab dipped in solvent.

The video will tell you how to paint the microwave inside:

What to do to prevent rusty deposits from reappearing?

You can extend the life of a microwave oven, subject to certain rules:

  1. Do not use dry abrasive powders when cleaning the inner surface. They leave scratches, which will very soon be covered with a rusty coating.
  2. The CB oven should be cleaned regularly. Sour fat and other contaminants destroy the inner surface (enamel begins to bubble and flake off), which leads to the rapid appearance of rust spots.
  3. To make the microwave less dirty, when heating food, the plate must be covered with a special plastic lid.
  4. Cleaning with warm water will keep the inside of the microwave oven free from premature corrosion (cold water will crack the enamel faster).
Careful, regular care is a guarantee of the safety of the inner surface of the microwave from rust.


A few tips to improve the quality of your painting microwaves inside from rust:

  1. foto20763-10After painting, the microwave cannot be used for three days. Ignoring this condition can cause cracks in the uncured paint.
  2. When painting a microwave oven, the table on which the household appliance stands and the floor covering around it must be covered with plastic wrap. This will help avoid additional cleaning after painting.

Restoration work should be started as soon as the first rust spots appear. Otherwise, there are great risks of rapid spread of corrosion and complete failure of the household appliance.


Strict adherence to the process of painting the walls of the microwave oven, as well as the correctly selected coloring composition, will help return the household appliance to its original appearance and extend its service life.



