Reliable methods and recipes on how to clean the bath from rust and plaque at home
Every housewife dreams of a clean, snow-white bath.
But, unfortunately, tap water, faulty taps and showers, irregular and sometimes improper care of plumbing lead to the appearance of unattractive yellow and red stains on the walls of the bath, a layer of lime and soap deposits.
How to clean the bath from rust and plaque at home? Folk remedies and household chemicals will help to correct the situation and return the bath to its original whiteness.
The best folk remedies for cleaning
Folk remedies will help to remove rusty streaks and limescale from the surface of the bath. There are a number of recipes for cleaning compounds, the components of which are easily found in any home.
How to wash with oxalic acid?
You can quickly remove traces of rust from the surface of the bath with oxalic acid.
Algorithm of actions:
Dissolve 5 grams in 100 ml of warm water. dry powder of oxalic acid.
- Using a spray bottle, the stain is abundantly moistened with the prepared solution.
- After ten minutes, the traces of corrosion are thoroughly rubbed with laundry soap (such actions will help to neutralize the acid reaction).
- The cleaned surface of the bath is washed off with warm water.
Oxalic acid is quite aggressive. You can only work with it with protective gloves. Oxalic acid is used to clean enamel baths. Do not use this product on acrylic surfaces.
Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide
The ideal remover for rust stains and limescale for all types of bathtubs, preserving chrome and plastic elements of plumbing - a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.
Algorithm of actions:
- 50 ml of ammonia and 25 ml of hydrogen peroxide are mixed in a clean glass container;
- the resulting product treats rust stains and traces of limescale;
- after fifteen minutes, the plumbing is wiped with a damp sponge.
How to remove salt and grape vinegar?
A mixture of table salt and grape vinegar will help to quickly restore the original whiteness of the bath.
Algorithm of actions:
- In a clean glass container, mix 100 ml of grape vinegar and 50 gr. salt.
- The resulting liquid is heated in a water bath and, without allowing it to cool, is applied to the rust spots.
- After 25 minutes after treatment, the surface is washed under running water.
A mixture of vinegar and salt is most effective in a hot state, therefore it must be applied quickly, without waiting until it cools down.
How to remove with citric acid?
A citric acid solution will help remove rust stains.
Algorithm of actions:
- a sachet of citric acid (20 g) is dissolved in a glass of warm water (250 ml);
- the resulting product is abundantly moistened with rusty streaks and left for half an hour;
- after the bath is wiped with a clean damp sponge.
Using a sponge, wipe the stains with the resulting product, after which the surface is washed off with water from the shower. It is worth remembering that a mixture of citric acid and soda is only suitable for enameled or cast iron baths. Read more about the method of cleaning surfaces from rust using citric acid in this article.
How to remove lemon juice and boric acid?
A gentle, gentle lemon juice and boric acid cleaner, ideal for cleaning all types of bathtubs (enamel, cast iron, acrylic and even plastic).
Algorithm of actions:
- In 100 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, dissolve 5 g. boric acid.
- The resulting product is applied to rust spots and left alone for at least five to ten minutes.
- After rusty streaks are easily removed with a soft brush under running water.
Using this tool, you can not only quickly clean the plumbing, but also fill the bathroom with pleasant aromas.
The most effective household chemicals for removing yellowness and reviews about it
Household chemicals greatly facilitate the process of removing rust stains and limescale from the walls of the bath.
Going to shop, it will not be superfluous to remember a few rules:
- the description must necessarily indicate information for which surfaces this composition is intended;
- you should not buy an unknown product, the packaging of which does not indicate the composition, date of manufacture and method of use;
- When choosing between dry cleaning powders and liquid formulations, it is better to give preference to the latter - liquid products are no less effective than dry powders, while helping to keep the bath surface from scratches and scuffs.
In specialized departments of supermarkets, a wide selection of special products is presented, among which the TOP-5 of the most popular and effective ones can be distinguished:
Acrylane for bathrooms is a cleaning foam, the unique composition of which helps to remove stubborn rust stains, mildew, limescale and soap stains.
Suitable for all surfaces:
- acrylic,
- enameled,
- ceramic,
- chrome plated.
Before use, the bottle must be shaken well, evenly applied to the contaminated surface (you can use a sponge), after two minutes, rinse with water.
The average cost is 380 rubles. (400 ml bottle).
Comet spray
Comet spray - quickly removes 100% of rust and limescale, kills up to 99% of bacteria... The special formula of the cleaning agent helps not only to quickly clean the bathtub, but to protect it from the rapid settling of dirt (it covers the walls of the sanitary ware with a protective layer).
Average cost - 360 rubles. (bottle 560 ml).
Stork Sanox gel
Stork Sanox gel is a product with an improved formula that very quickly removes rust stains and limescale without leaving scuffs and scratches.
Sanox gel is ideal for cleaning:
- tiles,
- shells,
- faience products.
Average cost - 65 rubles. (750 ml bottle).
Frosch Green Grapes
Frosch Green Grape Bath and Shower Spray is an effective, natural, environmentally friendly product. A composition based on grape acid is able to quickly cope with:
- red spots on the walls of the bath,
- lime deposits,
- soapy coating.
Pleasant, subtle grape aroma, excellent cleansing qualities make Frosch spray very popular among consumers.
The average cost is 300 rubles. (500 ml bottle).
Meine liebe
Meine Liebe acrylic bath spray - a cleaning agent based on fruit acids will gently clean the surface from:
- rust stains,
- lime deposits,
- soapy deposits.
Meine Liebe spray destroys germs and bacteria, forms a protective film on the treated surface that prevents the early appearance of dirt.
The average cost is 230 rubles. (500 ml bottle).
Features of cleaning different types of surfaces
The main rule for choosing a detergent for the bath is that the composition should not only well clean traces of rust and plaque, but also preserve the original appearance of the plumbing.
So, for acrylic baths it is strictly forbidden to use:
- solvents,
- gasoline,
- alcohol,
- acetone,
- chlorine-containing products,
- dry abrasive powders.
As an option for cleaning acrylic bathtubs you can use the following way:
- The bath is filled with warm water and 1.5 liters of acetic acid are added.
- After twelve hours, the water is drained.
- The surface of the bath is wiped with a soapy sponge, then washed off with clean running water.
To preserve the original whiteness of the acrylic bath, cleaning is carried out no more than once every two weeks.
Cast iron, enameled
Cast iron or enamel baths more resistant to various compositions of detergents:
- vinegar
- bleaches,
- hydrogen peroxide,
- ammonia,
- soda.
A great option is a mixture of soda ash and laundry soap. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, after which a little water is added (you should get a thick slurry). The resulting agent is used to treat the contaminated surface and leave for one hour. After the bath is rinsed with water.
Prevention of the appearance
To prevent the appearance of red streaks and limescale on the walls of the bath, you can subject to certain prevention rules:
- It is necessary to wash off the walls of the bath after each use.
- A timely repaired faucet or shower is a guarantee of the absence of rusty streaks on the bathroom walls.
- Filters installed on the water supply system of the house will make the water cleaner, keep the surface of the bathtub from lime, rusty deposits.
What not to do and why?
In pursuit of perfect cleanliness, many ignore the prohibitions that can cause permanent damage to the surface of plumbing:
Acrylic bathtubs can only be cleaned with soft sponges, cloth or rags.Hard brushes and scrapers can not only scratch, but tear off the coating. For the same reason, it is worth avoiding the use of dry cleaning powders.
- Do not exceed the time of exposure to household chemicals on the surface of the bath. The result may be far from the expected effect.
- Do not use toilet bowl cleaners for the bath (aggressive acidic composition is detrimental to the bath surface).
Before applying a new product, it will not be superfluous to protest it on a small area of plumbing.
You will find a lot of useful information about removing rust in given section of the site.
Related videos
The video will tell you how to clean the bathtub from traces of rust and limescale:
Correctly selected cleaning composition and strict adherence to the sequence of actions to remove rust stains and plaque will quickly return the bath to a whiteness, a radiant appearance.