Fast, effective, safe: what kind of acid can remove rust?
One of the main enemies of metal is rust. A metal surface is corroded when it is not protected by a coating and is exposed to moisture and oxygen.
One way to remove rust is to use acids. Read about what kind of acid can quickly and safely remove rust in the article.
Products for removing corrosion from metal
Corrosive processes affecting metal impair its characteristics, and if no measures are taken, they contribute to destruction. To cope with the problem at home, you can use various acids.
Using citric acid to remove corrosion can help with minor metal damage.
Dissolve citric acid in water in a 1: 1 ratio.
- Apply to corroded area. You can soak a rag with liquid and apply it to damaged metal.
- Leave for several hours, making sure that the metal surface remains moist.
- Clean off loose rust with a brush or scraper.
- Rinse acid-exposed metal area with water.
The best result in removing rust can be achieved by mixing it in equal proportions with vinegar. You can learn more about the use of citric acid against rust. here.
Sulfuric acid will help solve the corrosion problem quickly and effectively. An aqueous solution is prepared for use. Its density should be no more than 1.15 g / cm³, since a higher concentration can damage the metal.
The procedure for exposure includes dipping metal in a solution for half an hour... If the object is large, then surface treatment with a brush is applied. At the end of the exposure, it is recommended to treat the metal with a weak solution of ammonia for neutralization.
Phosphoric acid is one of the most commonly used ingredients in off-the-shelf rust removers and converters. It can be used in the form of a solution.
Work order:
- clean the metal surface by mechanically removing the top layer of rust;
- prepare an acid solution with a concentration of 15-20%;
- treat the surface.
As a result of application, a film is formed on the metal surface, which is able to protect the surface from further corrosion. And it can serve as a primer before painting. You can learn more about the use of phosphoric acid in the fight against rust. here.
The use of oxalic acid requires the mandatory use of a respirator and glasses.
Algorithm of actions:
- The area of metal that requires cleaning from rust must be washed with soapy water or dishwashing detergent.
- Wash off with water.
- Wipe dry.
- Pour 0.3 liters of water into a separate container.
- Add 6 tsp to the water. acid.
- Immerse the object in the container.
- Withstand half an hour.
- Remove plaque.
- Rinse the item with hot water.
- Wipe with a napkin.
Table vinegar can be used to remove rust due to its acetic acid.
The order of work using the immersion method:
prepare a container in which a metal rusty object can be immersed entirely;
- fill the container with vinegar;
- place a metal product in the solution;
- withstand several hours (at least 2);
- get the item;
- using a metal brush, clean off the rust;
- rinse the item.
If the items are very small, perhaps after soaking in vinegar, use aluminum foil to remove plaque.
The proposed method is convenient for processing small metal objects:
- coins;
- bolts;
- nuts;
- keys, etc.
If you need to process a large metal product (for example, a shovel, fittings, etc.), you will have to use this method:
- Moisten a rag liberally in vinegar.
- Cover the corroded area with a cloth soaked in vinegar.
- Withstand several hours (at least 2), periodically moistening the rags with vinegar.
- Clean off rust.
- Wash off the remaining vinegar from the metal surface.
Useful information on how to remove rust with vinegar can be found in this article.
Alternatives for cleaning
In addition to the effects of acids, rust can be removed using special commercial products and homemade recipes.
Homemade recipes
The simplest options include:
Aluminum foilthat can be found in the kitchen. If you make a lump out of it, and rub the place of corrosion with it, the damage will be repaired.
- Baking soda... It removes rust well. Before application, it is diluted with water to a state of gruel, applied for half an hour to the surface, and then cleaned off.
- Hydrogen peroxide... It is suitable for removing rusty stains from plumbing fixtures and tiles.
Home remedies are recommended for minor corrosive damage, as they are generally less effective than commercial remedies.
Purchased funds
Special preparations for removing rust from metal surfaces can be both acid-containing and acid-free. In addition to active ingredients, the preparations include thickeners, inhibitors and other substances.
Well-proven means include:
- Sonax;
- Chain mail;
- Hair dryer;
- Hi-Gear Rust Treatment and others.
Recommendations for surface treatment
In order for rust removal to give maximum effect and not cause harm, it is recommended to use the following expert advice:
When using corrosive acids and their solutions, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment, including a respirator.
- It is advisable to carry out work in the open air. Or in a very well ventilated room.
- In case of significant corrosion, it is recommended to clean the metal with a stiff brush before acid treatment.
- After washing off the acid, the metal surface must be dried.
- You should not mix several acids together unless specified in the recipe.
Using commercial products to remove rust is more convenient than making your own solutions.
You will find a lot of useful information about removing rust in given section of the site.
Related videos
Removing rust from metal with soda, vinegar, citric and orthophosphoric acid, video testing:
The use of acids to remove rust is an effective method, but it requires care and adherence to all personal safety measures. In addition to acids that are chemically active against corrosion, folk recipes and special means can be used.