Does Coca-Cola wash away rust and how to apply it correctly?

foto20211-1Corrosion of metal not only spoils the appearance of things, but also reduces their service life. To cope with rust at home, in some cases, you can even use improvised means.

One easy way is to use Coca-Cola. But this cleaning option has some features that are best known in advance.

We will tell you about whether this drink removes rusty marks and how to use Coca-Cola in the fight against rust in the article.

Features of the impact of the drink

foto20211-2If the metal is not protected by a coating, rust can form on it as a result of interaction with the external environment (oxygen and moisture). Over time, corrosion erodes the material more and more and it becomes brittle.

The effectiveness of Coca-Cola against rusty marks is due to the inclusion of phosphoric acid in its composition... This is a food additive approved for use in the food industry. According to the international classification, it is coded "E338".

In addition to food products, phosphoric acid is also used in special products - rust converters.

Due to its chemical properties, this substance interacts with damaged metal and converts iron hydroxide to iron phosphate. As a result, corrosion completely stops.

When will the cleaning method be effective?

The method of using drinks with the entry of phosphoric acid gives a good result with minor rust damage.

It is convenient to clean small consumables with cola, for example:

  • screws;
  • nuts;
  • screws, etc.

When won't it help?

foto20211-3Despite the inclusion of phosphoric acid in the composition, using cola may not always be highly effective.

Situations in which it is recommended to use an industrial rust remover and a hard brush are significant corrosion.

It can also be difficult to treat large areas affected by rust.

Coca-Cola will also not help in cases where you should remove:

  • greasy and oily contamination;
  • paints;
  • ink, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

The Coca-Cola cleaning method has many benefits:

  1. The product is always on sale.
  2. Small items are easy to clean.

The disadvantages include the following points:

  1. Poor performance for extensive metal damage and thick rust.
  2. If a large number of items need to be cleaned, then a lot of cola will be required.
  3. It is inconvenient and time-consuming to clean bulky items with cola, or a large volume of drink will be required, and this may be financially disadvantageous.
  4. Not suitable for complex machinery.
  5. Coca-Cola is not an all-purpose cleaner, so it can't deal with many types of stains.

Coca-Cola use cases

The basis of the methods of cleaning objects from rust using popular soda is the organization of direct contact of the liquid with the object that needs to be cleaned.

How do I clean small items?

Cleaning small items with Coca-Cola is easy. For this you will need:

  • a small container in which the item damaged by rust can be dipped completely;
  • enough drink to fill the selected container.


  1. Pour Coca-Cola into a prepared vessel.
  2. Put rusted things in it.
  3. Withstand a day or two.
  4. Rinse metal objects with water.
  5. Wipe them off with a rag.

If the Coca-Cola has not completely covered the rusty areas, the parts protruding above the liquid will not be cleaned.

Cleaning large surfaces

For large surfaces, the metal dipping method is very difficult to implement. In this case, the following recipe will help:

  • water abundantly on a metal rusted surface;
  • watering must be repeated every 15 minutes;
  • after 2 hours, wipe the surface with a damp cloth;
  • wipe the metal dry.
This can be very effective if rusty streaks appear on the sink or toilet.

A better result than watering with cola will give this method:

  1. Moisten a Coca-Cola rag.
  2. Attach to place with rust.
  3. Leave on for a few hours, not allowing the fabric to dry.
  4. Wipe clean with a cloth or brush.
  5. Rinse.
  6. Wipe with a rag.

What can replace this soda?

Coca-Cola most often appears in the recipe for cleaning products from rust, as one of the most popular drinks, which is on everyone's lips thanks to a wide advertising campaign.

But this does not mean that the use of other sugary carbonated drinks will not work. for cleaning things from rust.

You can replace Coca-Cola with any soda that contains citric acid, even regular lemonade. The effect of such processing of things will also be, but a little weaker, since the cola contains orthophosphoric acid.


foto20211-5In order for cleaning from rust with the Coca-Cola tool at hand, you need to read the advice of experts:

  1. If cleaning the first time did not remove all the rust, the action can be repeated.
  2. Items filled with Coca-Cola should not be stirred, removed, or otherwise exposed during beverage cleaning.
  3. Cola does not have disinfectant properties, therefore, if you find, for example, mold, it is worth using special targeted products.
  4. Cola must not be used to clean complex devices with built-in electronic units and other elements that must not be exposed to liquids.
  5. In addition to rust, cola is also effective in combating limescale, for example, in plumbing.
Coca-Cola will even help remove a rusty bolt. To do this, wrap it with a rag dipped in a carbonated drink for several hours and leave it for several hours.


The use of Coca-Cola for cleaning surfaces from rust will allow you to cope with the problem at home, without the use of special products. In this case, you should follow all the rules, and do not apply the technique on electronic devices.



