Simple tips on how to remove rust with a salt battery

foto20506-1Rust not only spoils the appearance of a metal product, but also reduces its service life.

A corroded surface quickly deteriorates, therefore, signs of decay must be removed immediately after they appear.

To cope with this task, you can use a salt battery. How to properly remove rust using a battery, read the article.

Does it help in removing rusty deposits?

Many motorists know that a battery is a tool in the fight against rust. They are the ones who most often use this energy source in such an unconventional way.

When will it help?

The battery will help to deal with rust if it is salty. The body of such devices is 99.9% zinc, thanks to which the galvanization process will be successful..

In this case, it will be possible not only to clean out the rust, but also to prevent its reappearance. To understand that the battery is hydrochloric, you need to study the packaging. It must contain appropriate instructions.

You can check what material the sleeve is made of using a magnet. If it is zinc, the battery will not attract.

In what case will it fail?

If you use a battery with a body other than zinc, you will not be able to remove rust. Also, the method will be ineffective if you do not follow the instructions for use. Sequencing is a major cause of failure.

Pros and cons of using

Pros of application rust remover batteries:

  1. foto20506-2The ability to stop the spread of the process, rather than just brush off the rust.
  2. Ease of use in hard-to-reach areas, such as seams or car body edges.
  3. Ease of use.
  4. Low cost price.
  5. Availability of all materials for the implementation of the method in the public domain.

The main disadvantage of metal processing with a battery is temporary labor costs. It will be difficult to clean large areas in this way.

How to get rid: instructions for use

To remove rust from metal surfaces using a battery, you will need the following materials:

  • orthophosphoric acid - it is she who forms the basis of all rust converters; you can buy it in radio stores or on the Internet;
  • salt finger battery - 2 or 3 pieces are required for processing;
  • cotton pads;
  • copper wire with crocodile grips, wire cross-section - 1.5-2.5 m2;
  • solvent - it is to be used to degrease the surface;
  • electrical tape, or rubber bands, which are used to pack paper bills;
  • alkaline solution - for its preparation, baking soda in the amount of 2 tablespoons is diluted in a glass of water.
In order for the rust removal procedure to be as successful and fast as possible, one battery must be opened, cut into several pieces with a knife and soaked in phosphoric acid for 12 hours.

The container must be glass. Zinc will dissolve, thanks to which it will be possible to obtain a high-quality composition for galvanization.

Peel off the protective film from the battery and wrap it tightly with a bare wire (about 10 cm). This contact is fixed with electrical tape. From below, the battery is wrapped with a cotton pad and fixed in the same way. After that, you can proceed to the process of getting rid of rust.


  1. foto20506-3Remove rust mechanically using a brush.
  2. The surface is treated with a solvent.
  3. Disconnect "+" at the battery, and "-" is left on, due to which a negative charge is created on the body.
  4. Apply phosphoric acid to the affected area.
  5. Connect the crocodile clip to the battery positive.
  6. Dip the side wrapped with a cotton pad in acid and press it against the rust. The positively charged zinc ions will transfer to the metal surface and form a kind of barrier. Cotton pads must be replaced with new ones, as they will deteriorate during operation. You need to repeat the procedure several times. The fact that the galvanization was successful will be evidenced by the clarification of the treated area.

After the completion of the procedure, the surface is washed with a soda solution to completely neutralize the acid. The brushed metal is treated with a solvent and primed. Thanks to the galvanizing procedure, rust will not appear on the surface for a long time.

Safety regulations

Since rust removal work involves the use of acid, care must be taken to ensure that safety is observed.

The procedure must be carried out in a room with good ventilation. Eyes are protected with glasses, respiratory organs with a respirator, and hands with rubber household gloves.

If even a small amount of acid gets on the skin during the procedure, it should be immediately rinsed with clean water. You cannot start work without personal protective equipment.


Information that may be useful when removing rust with a battery:

  1. foto20506-4Just touching the metal surface with the battery is not enough. It needs to be pressed and held for several minutes. Only in this way will zinc transfer to the surface damaged by corrosion and create a protective film.
  2. Before starting the procedure, the metal must be cleaned and degreased.
  3. The completion of the treatment should be the washing of the galvanized surface with an alkaline solution. If this is not done, phosphoric acid will quickly destroy the protective layer.

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An ordinary battery in the right hands can be a real tool for fighting rust. This method is good because it not only allows you to get rid of corrosion, but also prevents its reappearance. The cost of such work is minimal, due to which many motorists use the galvanization method..



