Useful life hacks on how to remove double-sided and regular tape from the car and not scratch the surface

foto4345-1It is very difficult to keep track of the cleanliness of the car paintwork. This is the same as watching a small child - if now he is clean, then in a minute he has already climbed somewhere.

Often all sorts of stickers or scotch tape appear on the car. It is not difficult to remove these troubles, but the layer of glue left after their stay on the paintwork of the car is not so easy to wash off.

Even a car wash with car shampoo cannot solve this problem. Get rid of traces of scotch tape by car in different ways.

Use of oils

foto4345-2Any vegetable oil will work for this method.... It is applied and left on the trail for a short time. Next, you need to rub it effortlessly with a sponge or rag.

Some car enthusiasts claim that a melamine sponge helped them cope with the problem.

But such advice should be taken with caution, since this device is still an abrasive that can damage the paintwork of a vehicle.

Essential oils are also effective.... Such gentle methods of dealing with traces of adhesive tape require multiple repetitions of the procedure.

How can you remove residues with alcohol?

This option is suitable for the most impatient motorists who are not used to waiting for a long time and at the same time worry about the safety of the paintwork.

Compared to aggressive solvents, alcohol is harmless. Moonshine or vodka can be an alternative to alcohol.

But at the same time, even these funds can leave their "imprint" on the surface of the car body. It is recommended to first check the reaction of the treated surface... To do this, you need to select some inconspicuous area, for example, the inside of the trunk lid.

Scotch tape or duct tape

foto4345-3As a rule, electrical tape or scotch tape is removed from the surface well, but you have to tinker with the traces left by them.

There are cases when the tape is on the surface for a long time, and it seems that it is one whole with the body.

In this case, a fresh piece of scotch tape or electrical tape will come to the rescue. It is glued to the old overlap, only the free end is left, designed so that later on it could be pulled sharply.

The old strip of tape should be heated with a hairdryer before this procedure. As the temperature rises, the adhesive will become more viscous, which will greatly facilitate the process during removal. It is not recommended to use a building hair dryer, as high temperatures will damage the paintwork of the machine

It's time to say goodbye to the rest of the old scotch tape. Pull sharply on the edge of the freshly applied strip... The old one will be removed together with her.

Pull as much as possible parallel to the surface. In this case, the paintwork will not feel any special loads, which is especially important in cases when the paint at the site of the operation has minor cracks or the car is repainted poorly.

Eraser from marks on the car body

foto4345-4With a small area of ​​contamination, an ordinary eraser is suitable to solve the problem. Use the wiping side of the pencil, not the ballpoint pen.

Upon completion of the procedure, the place of work should be cleaned of crumbs and dust.... If in the future something sticks to this place, then it should be degreased, if not, the coating is treated with polish and an ideal shiny surface is obtained.

If you choose this method, the probability of damage to the paintwork is minimal.

In the fight against adhesive tape on the surface of the car it is not recommended to use abrasive products... Particles usually adhere to a viscous glue mass, and it becomes even more difficult to cope with such a "mess" than with ordinary glue.

Vinegar or acetic acid

Many car enthusiasts deal with contamination using acetic acid diluted 1: 1 with water.

The properties of vinegar allow you to get rid of various contaminants, regardless of the nature of their appearance. Glue marks are no exception. In order not to damage the paint, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportion.

The procedure is as follows - a rag is moistened in the solution and with its help the traces left by the tape are carefully removed. If you are using ordinary kitchen vinegar, you do not need to dilute it in water.

Dishwashing and window cleaning products

foto4345-5There is another delicate method that will help to deal with scotch marks on a vehicle. You will need dish or window detergent.

Only, wiping off these marks, you will need to work with your hands, and it may take several approaches.

The paint reacts normally to such products, which can be considered their advantage in comparison and more aggressive means.

Old stains are removed faster and much easier when heated. Therefore, you should first use a hairdryer and warm up the place of the upcoming operation.

Heating with a hairdryer

At the base of the tape there is acrylic, which can melt at low temperatures. Therefore, to eliminate such pollution, it is enough to heat it.

For this, both household and building hair dryers are suitable, provided that they are capable of heating the surface to about 100 degrees.

You need to act as follows:

  • direct the stream of hot air from the hair dryer directly to the area that turned out to be contaminated;
  • tear off the tape with a sharp movement;
  • Remove residues of adhesive from the surface with a paper towel, rubber spatula, plastic spatula.

If you use a hair dryer, you need to monitor the temperature of its heating, as the paint can be damaged as a result of overheating.

Baby wipes

foto4345-6The use of wet wipes can be considered a gentle method for removing traces left by tape. But only in this case you will have to work hard.

It is best to use wipes designed for the care of delicate baby skin, since they will definitely not contain substances that can damage the coating.

Apply a damp cloth to the dirt for 5-10 minutes. Periodically you need to rub this place without tearing off the napkin. After 10 minutes, you need, again, making efforts, try to completely get rid of the pollution.

How to remove the tape with Antisilicon solvent?

In this tool, unlike WD-40, there are no lubricating compositions, only a pure solvent. Anti-silicone perfectly copes with traces of adhesive tape from a wide variety of surfaces (glass, plastic, paintwork).

A small amount of liquid is applied to a soft cloth and dirt is gently wiped off. After all traces of the tape are removed, the treated area must be treated with polish.

Special equipment

Good results can be obtained using special industrial means designed to combat all kinds of pollution.

These are the means of such brands:

  1. foto4345-7Liqui moly - the product of the German company is specially designed for such purposes. The active components of this substance are able to soften and completely remove traces from any stickers. Price from 442 RUR
  2. Abro - means for removing all types of stickers and adhesive tape. Cost from 282 rubles.
  3. Profoam - is a universal tool designed to eliminate various contaminants on the car, including traces of scotch tape. Price from 180 rubles.
  4. Grass - helps to get rid of not only scotch marks, but also chewing gum, marker marks and other contaminants. Price from 188 RUR
  5. Runway - available in spray and aerosol form. The cleaner is effective and reliable, does not damage surfaces. Price from 160 rubles.

All of these products can be purchased at any car store or ordered online.

Paraffin based igniter

Such a remedy may also be useful if it contains paraffin. When using it, you do not need to exert much physical effort. The tool is absolutely harmless to paintwork.

But there are glue bases that even a lighter cannot cope with. You should pay attention to other methods. And you don't need to immediately seek help from specialists, everything can be done with your own hands.


They should only be used in extreme cases.... Exposure to a corrosive substance can result in a matte stain or peeling of the paintwork. Such prospects are stopping even the hottest and most impatient vehicle owners.

Before using them, it is important to check the action on an inconspicuous area. Acetone, gasoline, etc. are suitable as a working fluid.

Rubber disc

foto4345-8A special disc, designed specifically for removing adhesive tape, will cope even with such contaminants, before which even effective solvents and other cleaning methods were powerless.

The disc is made of solid rubber and is easy to use... It is enough to install on a drill, screwdriver or other suitable tool. Turning it on at medium speed, carefully walk over the contaminated area.

The disk has a huge resource. Therefore, 1 circle can be used during the entire operation of the vehicle, even if stickers and moldings are re-glued on it every year.

Auto magic 40

This product is safe and will not harm the paintwork. Except for glue residues, it can be used to remove:

  • bitumen,
  • chewing gum,
  • technical dirt.
The product is applied to the fabric and rubbed into the dirt. After a few minutes, the traces of the tape are wiped off with a soft cloth or removed with a stream of water.

If after that the tape is not completely removed, the procedure is repeated. Auto magic 40 should not be used on hot surfaces or left in the sun.

Liquid for removing tinting

When re-tinting the car, the old tint film must be removed from the car windows. After such an operation, glue spots remain.

For cleaning glass surfaces you will need the following materials and tools:

  • spray;
  • pliers;
  • soap solution;
  • stationery blade for a knife with a width of at least 20 mm.

You must proceed as follows:

  1. foto4345-9Part of the knife blade breaks off. Scotch tape is wound on its blunt end.
  2. A soap solution is sprayed onto the glass with a spray bottle.
  3. The blade from the side of the tape is clamped with pliers.
  4. The adhesive base and the old film are scraped off the glass. The blade must be held at an angle of about 30˚ to the glass.

When working, do not forget about accuracy. There should be no jagged edges on the blade, as they can scratch the glass surface.


The agent that removes adhesive tape residues and removes stickers is not made with a solvent. It includes a number of components:

  • acid;
  • alcohol;
  • Surfactant;
  • water;
  • salt.
In terms of efficiency, it is in no way inferior to "Vedeshka" and Antisilicon, but it costs much less. But if the car owner already has Antisilicone or WD-40 in the car, then there is no need to buy Antiscotch.

Car air valve

foto4345-10If the solvent coped with the adhesive base unsatisfactorily, and there is no rubber circle or special cleaners against adhesive tape, then an automobile air valve will help to cope with the pollution.

This part is inexpensive. It is clamped in a drill and used for cleaning at minimum speed.

Accuracy and care during work will not be superfluous. The surface is cleaned in stages. Then the treated area is rinsed and wiped dry, now it is ready for polishing.

Removal from different surfaces

Method selection may differ depending on the surface to be treated:

  1. It is easiest to remove the stationery tape from the paint and varnish surface with alcohol, solvent or special compounds to remove just such contaminants.

    Using oil, wet wipes, ignition products, you will have to tinker a little and rub the area to be treated with effort.

    But with methods such as heating, using rubber discs and other mechanical methods, you need to be careful. They are capable of harming paintwork.

  2. foto4345-11Remove double-sided tape more difficult. Only powerful solvents or special agents will be effective here.

    Oil, napkins, kitchen detergent, eraser or other scotch tape will be powerless in front of such marks. Before removing traces from mud flaps and moldings, it is recommended to warm them up with a hairdryer.

  3. Traces on the torpedo left by double-sided tape are advised to be removed with solvents. "Antisilicon" and special fluids designed for such contamination have proven themselves well.

    Any remaining adhesive tape will be removed more easily if you warm them up first. But for this it is recommended to use a household hairdryer, which is set to the maximum temperature.

  4. It is important to be careful when cleaning double-sided tape from plastic, as the surface can be damaged by the use of aggressive or abrasive substances. The use of oil, gasoline, an eraser, and a household hair dryer can be considered safe.

Useful video

How to remove double-sided tape with PROFOAM 3000:


Now you know how to remove tape from a car. Of all the listed and existing methods it is difficult to choose or say which one is suitable for a specific situation.

The adhesive base of various adhesive tapes is different, and this directly affects the effectiveness of a particular agent used. Therefore, it is only by trial and error that you can find the perfect way.



