Proven ways to wipe resin off your hands at home

foto27512-1It is very easy to get your hands dirty in resin, pine or epoxy. The viscous composition tends to quickly solidify in air.

In this case, a problem arises - how to wipe the resin off your hands thoroughly and safely. Proven home recipes and household chemicals that act as solvents come to the rescue.

If you're wondering how to scrub resin off your hands, read this article.

How to remove epoxy?

Depending on the composition, epoxy resin has a different cure period... A high degree of polymerization and curing within a few hours requires action as early as possible.

The longer the resin stays on the skin, the higher the risk of irritation and allergies.

Folk remedies

The sooner measures are taken to remove the sticky mass from the hands, the better for the skin, and the easier and faster cleansing will be. In the course, you can use the funds that are at home.

Baby cream

foto27512-2Neutral hypoallergenic and quite fatty baby cream is a suitable tool for quickly removing resinous mass from hands.

The order of use is not complicated:

  1. Apply the product to the skin and distribute over the stain and areas of the skin nearby.
  2. Using a napkin, soft brush or sponge, rub the area vigorously, trying to remove more resin.
  3. Repeat application and wiping.
  4. Wash your hands with soap and water.


Soda is an affordable remedy that is almost always found in the kitchen. The preparation of the cleaning composition includes:

  • pour 3 tsp into a bowl. soda;
  • pour in 1 tbsp. l. water;
  • stir to a state of gruel;
  • apply to the soiled area of ​​the hands;
  • using a brush or napkin, carry out the treatment from the edges of the stain to the center;
  • wash off with soap;
  • wipe your hands;
  • apply a nourishing cream.

Coca-Cola and soda

Cola and soda can be used to dissolve the resin. The effect of the drink is due to the entry of phosphoric acid and carbon dioxide. Soda powder will complement the effect.


  1. foto27512-3Pour Cola (1 liter) into a bowl.
  2. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. soda.
  3. Mix.
  4. Dip your hands into the solution so that it covers the resin-stained areas.
  5. Leave for 10 minutes.
  6. Wash hands with soap and a washcloth.
  7. Dry your hands.
  8. Spread with emollient nourishing cream.

Household chemicals

Household cleaning products that can help remove tar should be handled with caution.

The best effect is obtained if you start washing your hands before the resin hardens.

White Spirit

Hand processing order:

  • moisten a napkin or sponge with White Spirit;
  • rub the stained skin area;
  • using a brush and laundry soap, wash off the resin residues;
  • grease your hands with cream.

If the resin is dry, it will take longer and more difficult to wash off. The cost of goods is from 80 rubles per liter.


You can use refined gasoline to wash off uncured epoxy. The well-known Kalosha solvent will do.


  1. Moisten the sponge with gasoline.
  2. Rub the stained area.
  3. Prepare a weak alkaline solution of 1-2 tbsp. l. soda per liter of water.
  4. Rinse your hands with an alkaline solution.
  5. Apply a nourishing cream to your hands.

Gasoline "Kalosha" costs from 150 rubles per liter.


Exposure to acetone is a rather aggressive method that should be used only as a last resort. Or if other methods are ineffective.

Acetone can be used as a solvent as follows:

  • soak the sponge with acetone;
  • rub the stained area so that the resin comes off;
  • wash your hands with soap and water;
  • apply a greasy cream to soften the skin.

The price of a large package of technical acetone (10 l) is 800 rubles. Available in packs of various sizes.

How to clean coniferous (pine) and woody?

The liquid resin of trees is a thick viscous substance. It can stick to the skin when walking in the woods and when climbing trees. If the stain is not removed immediately, the resin will harden. To remove it, you will need to soften the composition, returning its viscosity.

Improvised compositions

Handy tools will help to cope with the resin of trees on your hands:

Vegetable oil

foto27512-5Using vegetable oil is a safe and easy way to get your hands in order. This option is suitable for everyone - even those with dry skin and children.

Order of use:

  1. Apply oil to a sponge or swab.
  2. Rub the tarry stain on your hand for half an hour. During this time, the skin should be completely cleansed.
  3. Wash your hands in hot water and soap.

You can use ordinary sunflower oil, which is in the kitchen, to wipe off the resin.


Alcohol is used to remove a lot of dirt. It does not irritate the skin and does not harm the body even after prolonged contact, so this method is suitable even for a child.

Order of use:

  • soak the sponge in alcohol;
  • apply to the stained area for 15-20 minutes, making sure that the sponge does not dry out;
  • rub the stain with a piece of gauze.

Rubbing alcohol is available at the pharmacy.

Lemon acid

The edible citric acid, which comes in powder form, works well for removing tree resin from your hands. The effectiveness of the drug is due to the entry of acid.

The use of the drug is not difficult:

  1. Moisten a sponge with water.
  2. Dip one edge of acid powder.
  3. Rub the stained area.
  4. Wash off with warm water and soap.

Citric acid can irritate people with sensitive skin and children.


Coniferous and wood resin lends itself to washing off when using not only improvised means, but also household chemicals:

Stain remover

Almost any stain remover can be used as a solvent. It is more convenient to use - a liquid form, for example, Vanish.

The product is applied to the stained area and kept for a couple of minutes. If the gel runs off, then you can soak the sponge well with it and apply it to the stain.

After the resin has become viscous, it is cleaned off with a washcloth, and hands are washed. Price - from 170 rubles per bottle.


To remove a small stain of resin from your hands, just a few drops of turpentine are enough... It is applied to the sponge and the stained area is rubbed, trying to treat the entire stain. After removing the resin, wash your hands. Price - from 50 rubles. for 0.5 liters.

Washing powder

foto27512-6You can use any powder, but it is better for washing white clothes. It is applied to the affected area and rubbed intensively.

With this effect, the resin will form pellets, being removed from the surface of the hands. Complete the treatment by washing hands and applying a nourishing cream.

The cost of Persil washing powder is from 100 rubles per 450 gram package, but you can choose a detergent and cheaper.

How to wash baby's skin?

Children's skin is delicate and sensitive. There is no way to clean up drops of resin accidentally on your hands.

The best options for removing resin stains from toddler hands are:

  • baby cream;
  • soda;
  • vegetable oil;
  • alcohol.

When cleaning the hands of children, do not use excessive force, force or use hard sponges.

Any intense exposure can lead to scratching, irritation and other unpleasant consequences.

What not to do and why?

When washing hands from epoxy or wood resin, it is important to stick to proven recipes and not use harmful products.

The main prohibitions include:

  1. foto27512-7Using highly abrasive items such as sandpaper and very hard brushes is likely to damage the skin.
  2. Do not use a knife, razor, or other sharp object to remove tar stains. These methods are traumatic and ineffective.
  3. Do not use strong solvents, skin contact with which is not desirable.
  4. Do not mix several solvents as this can result in a highly corrosive composition that is harmful to the skin and respiratory tract.
  5. Do not try to warm up the resin so that it becomes viscous, as this method can lead to severe burns.
  6. The freezing method (applying ice to the resin) can be used with limited caution, as it can lead to frostbite. Better to replace it with other methods.


Expert advice will help in resolving the issue:

  1. Solvents should be used in a well-ventilated area.
  2. Long-term skin contact with solvents should be avoided and should only be applied to the stained skin area.
  3. When removing resin stains, avoid spreading the sticky compound over an even larger area. To avoid this, remove large stains from the edges towards the center.

For recipes and tips for removing tar from various surfaces, see this section.

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Hands stained with resin can be wiped off using simple home remedies. It is also possible to use special preparations and household chemicals. When choosing a preparation for dissolution, it is important to take into account how dirty the hands are and how high the sensitivity of the skin is.



