Tips and ways to wipe resin from pine and other conifers from clothes at home

foto27472-1On the trunks of coniferous trees, you can often see resin, which is easy to get dirty during a walk. Sticky and viscous, it can stain clothes severely.

Resin belongs to complex dirt, which cannot be dealt with quickly. It will be even more difficult - to remove dried spots.

How and with what to wipe the resin from pine from clothes at home, how to remove stains? You will find answers to questions in the article.

Spot features

foto27472-2Wood resin is an organic product. The sap secreted by trees has a thick consistency and a complex composition.

Wood tar is viscous and oily, brown in color. Resin is formed in the process of pine sap hardening.

Fresh and hardened resin of coniferous trees actively responds to heating and freezing. This circumstance can be used, especially in cases where it was not possible to remove the resinous drop before it grabbed.

Freezing makes the resin brittle... In this state, it crumbles easily and can be removed from the material quite easily.

Heat removal methods are more difficult to carry out, and are not suitable for processing synthetic fabrics and other materials that cannot tolerate heat.

The thing needs to be prepared for heat treatment:

  1. If there is a lining on the stained clothing, it is paired so that the fabric with the stain is in one layer.
  2. Before touching the iron, it is necessary to attach napkins with good absorbency to both sides of the stained area.
  3. As the resin is warmed up and absorbed, they will need to be replaced with new ones.

In addition to pine, other trees also emit resin - larch, spruce, thuja, etc.

How to clean fresh?

Most of the resin that has got on the clothes has a viscous thick consistency. In this form, you can try to remove it with a napkin. After removing the top layer, a trace will remain on the fabric, which will have to be removed separately.

When working with liquid resin, care must be taken to ensure that it does not spread over an even larger area of ​​the material.To do this, you can dampen the cloth around the stain with plain water.

Solidifying a volumetric drop the drying resinous composition can be tried to be removed mechanically with a knife, spoon or other object. This must be done very carefully to avoid tissue damage.

To remove and dissolve the remains of such a substance, you will need to use drugs that are active in relation to organic resins. They are even easier to remove than synthetic compounds such as epoxy.

How to withdraw using improvised means?

Folk recipes are proven methods for removing traces of tree resin, which make it possible to deal with stains at home, without buying special products.


foto27472-3Rubbing alcohol purchased from a pharmacy can be used to remove pine resin with garments.

This method is suitable for clothing made of dense materials - linen, cotton, denim.

The stained area is treated with a sponge soaked in alcohol. Rub the place of contamination, and leave the sponge on top for a quarter of an hour. The remnants of pine resin are washed with a napkin, and clothes are washed.

Kerosene, gasoline

Kerosene, like gasoline, can be used to scrub off stains from pine juice. The stain must first be treated with kerosene, then with ammonia.

It is necessary to scrub until a good effect is achieved. If you leave a stain on the fabric, it will be very difficult to remove the residue over time.

Only refined gasoline is used as a stain remover, which can be purchased at the utility department of the supermarket.

Turpentine, ammonia and starch

An effective remedy for removing pine tar from clothing is prepared on the basis of three components:

  • 5 drops of turpentine;
  • 5 drops of ammonia;
  • 1 tsp starch.

All ingredients are mixed in a separate container and applied generously to the resin stain. The composition is left, allowing it to dry out. This is followed by brushing. This allows the starch composition to be removed along with the contamination.

White Spirit

foto27472-4You can use undiluted white spirit to wipe down synthetic jackets and tracksuits.

For this the tampon or sponge is moistened abundantly in a solvent and applied, rubbing, to the area with the stain... In this form, it is better to leave the product on the product for half an hour, not allowing the tampon to dry out.

Rub the stain after 30 minutes. Thing - rewash in the usual way.

How to remove vegetable oil?

Vegetable oil is an option that can be used to remove tar from leather surfaces without any problems. In other cases, the effect of using oil leads to the fact that instead of a tar stain, you have to fight a grease stain.

In this case you can finish cleaning with dishwashing detergent or stain remover.

But for a leather jacket, this solution is simple and convenient. The sponge is soaked in oil and the area is rubbed in. With a fresh stain, this method allows you to cope in a matter of minutes, with old ones - it takes time.

You can soak a sponge or napkin with vegetable oil and press it against the stained area. In this state, you need to leave the jacket for an hour, then rub it, and wipe the greasy stain with a wet napkin.

How to remove with special compounds?

It is advisable to remove the resin itself from the clothes before it grasps. After mechanical treatment, they switch to chemical treatment, using household chemicals.

Beckmann stain remover

The manufacturer of the Beckmann stain remover series has a product in the product list that will help with difficult stains. It is able to remove wax and resin stains.

The use of the Expert series stain remover is very simple - apply the product to the area and leave to act... After the reaction has passed, the resin residue is easily cleaned and removed with napkins and a brush.

The price of a small bottle is around 200 rubles.


"Cinderella" Antipyatno

The use of stain remover TM "Cinderella" allows you to eliminate various types of contamination. Can be used on fresh stains and is less effective on old stains pollution. The product is applied for 15-30 minutes.

Price - from 40 rubles.


Vanish OXI Action

Almost any stain remover can be used as a solvent. More convenient to use - liquid form, for example, Vanish.

The product is applied to the stained area and kept for a couple of minutes. If the gel runs off, then you can soak the sponge well with it and apply it to the stain. After the resin has become viscous, it is cleaned off with a washcloth, and hands are washed.

Price - from 170 rubles per bottle.



Antipyatin is a concentrated bleach for white clothes, it contains active oxygen, which can even help with the removal of pine resin. The powder is diluted with water to a gruel state and applied to the stain.

In a few minutes, the composition should take effect, and the resin will begin to lag behind. The place of the stain must be rubbed, and the thing must be washed.

The cost of a pack is around 70 rubles.


Cleaning prohibitions

Noticing a tar-stained area on your clothes, you need to try to avoid a number of common mistakes:

  1. Trying to wipe off the resin with your hands is not worth it - this way you can only smear the sticky mass even more over the fabric and get your hands dirty.
  2. Simply putting a thing soiled in resin in the washing machine is not an option. Routine washing will not remove the stain completely without additional treatment, and this approach can also lead to staining of other things.
  3. Do not leave solvent or other cleaning agent on the fabric for longer than instructed. This can lead to deterioration of things, fading of colors.

Type of fabric: what does it affect?

When removing a stain, the composition of the fabric must be taken into account. When solving the problem of removing the adhesive, it is important not to damage the garment itself.

Type of fabricThe better to remove resin
WoolAlkaline solutions, ammonia, starch and turpentine
CottonAcetone, turpentine
Artificial silk or bolognaRefined gasoline
NylonPurified gasoline, alkaline solution, laundry soap
LeatherVegetable oil
Membrane fabricsLaundry soap and turpentine
JeansSalmon and turpentine


Getting started cleaning things from tar stains, useful tips to consider:

  1. Work with solvents should be carried out with rubber gloves.
  2. It is important to consider the type of material and how dry the stain is.
  3. It is not advisable to use strong chemical solvents to remove stains from clothes, as this increases the risk of discoloration of the fabric and damage to the material.

Find helpful tips and tricks on how to remove tar from clothing. here.

Find helpful tips and tricks on how to remove tar from clothing. here.

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It is quite possible to wipe pine resin from clothes, if you do not start the situation, and start removing it as early as possible. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of use and not exceed the exposure time of the product.



