Little tricks on how to remove air from under the protective glass of a smartphone or phone

foto29323-1Air bubbles accumulated under the protective glass spoil the appearance of the smartphone. The screen looks untidy, and if the gadget is new, then this situation is doubly unpleasant.

What to do if air bubbles appear under the protective glass of the smartphone, how to remove it from under the film and not ruin the phone, read the article.

What if there are air bubbles around the edges and center of the screen?

You can remove air bubbles from under the protective glass with the help of available tools. This can be a plastic card, a hair dryer, or a thin line. Also on sale are special silicone gels designed for gluing protective glasses.

Improvised means

To get rid of air bubbles, use available tools, including:

  1. foto29323-2A plastic card... With its help, you can try to expel the air outside. The credit card is pressed against the screen with the end part and led to the edge of the glass. The bubbles should come out under pressure.
  2. Needle. With its help, you need to pry off the glass from the edge where the air has accumulated. When the glass rises, it is lowered again by pressing it with a finger or a hard plate, such as a driver's license.
  3. Hair dryer. The warm air flow softens the protective coating, making it easier for the bubbles to squeeze out. When the glass is evenly warmed up, a stack of several thick books is placed on it. After 6-12 hours, the press is removed. During this time, the air should completely escape.
  4. Fishing line. It is threaded under the glass and gently held over the entire surface of the screen. As the line moves, the bubbles will disappear.

You can handle a smartphone with a hairdryer only if there is no battery in it. Overheating of the battery can provoke its breakdown. Keep the hair dryer at a distance of 30 cm. The maximum air temperature should not exceed 50 degrees.


You can fill the air voids under the protective glass with silicone gel. It is transparent, easy to apply and not capable of damaging the device. It is recommended to use it if the protection extends around the perimeter of the phone.


  • with the help of a nail or a needle, the detached edge is lifted;
  • a gel is injected between the glass and the smartphone screen, it is most convenient to use a nail polish brush;
  • press the glass tightly - you can do this with your finger or a plastic card;
  • excess gel is removed with a soft cloth.
The gel is applied along the edges to be processed. It is possible to fill air voids around the entire perimeter of the smartphone and even in the center, but for this you have to peel off the glass to the place where the bubble is located.

You can buy a gel for gluing protective glasses in the online store... As a rule, a small brush is included for easy application. The price of one package starts at 10 rubles. The benefits are obvious, because new high-quality glass will cost an order of magnitude more.

Can the protection be re-glued?

If dust or crumbs get under the glass, then it will not be possible to remove them with the help of improvised means, you will have to peel off the protection. The removed cover does not need to be thrown away and can be reused.

However, this manipulation cannot be performed more than once. The more often the glass is removed, the more voids are formed under it, which cannot be eliminated.


  1. foto29323-3Pick up the edge of the glass with a plastic card.
  2. Slowly leading it around the perimeter of the smartphone, peel off the glass. You need to move towards the center of the screen.
  3. Place the protection on the table, sticky side up. Glue 2 strips of tape so that fine dust does not settle on it. The tape should cover the entire glass surface.
  4. Wipe your smartphone with a damp cloth. You can use a special liquid for screen care. If not, use any alcohol composition.
  5. Wipe the device with a dry cloth.
  6. Peel off the tape from the glass and attach it to the screen.

If bubbles form again under protection during installation, they must be removed with a plastic card. They are kicked out immediately, and not after gluing the protection.

When re-installing the glass, it must be correctly installed so that the procedure does not have to be repeated again. Before fixing, make sure that the slots for the camera, speaker and button match exactly.

How to re-glue the protective glass and film on the screen, the video will tell you:

How to glue the glass correctly?

To prevent air bubbles from accumulating under the glass while gluing, you need to adhere to three simple rules:

  1. Do not allow dust to fall on the protective glass. If it is new, then it is mounted immediately after being removed from the package. Used glass for the duration of other work is covered with tape.
  2. The surface of the smartphone is degreased using a special spray or conventional alcohol-based perfume.
  3. It is recommended to carry out manipulations in a dust-free room with sufficient air humidity. In an apartment, it can be a bath or a kitchen.

Wet cleaning is recommended in the room. Particular attention is paid to the place where the work is to be carried out.

Helpful information

Tips for removing air bubbles and installing protective glass:

  • foto29323-4putting pressure on the smartphone screen, you need to control the pressure - if you press too hard, there is a risk of damaging the device;
  • for better fixing of used glass, its adhesive surface can be treated with formic alcohol;
  • so that you do not have to constantly re-glue the glass, you need to buy a high-quality product - it is desirable that the protection is made at the factory, in addition, factory glass can be reused.

Are you wondering how to remove various dirt from glass? Take a look at this section!


If air voids appear under the protective glass, they must be removed. It is not difficult to do this on your own. The main thing is to ensure the cleanliness of the working area and carry out the procedure slowly, carefully smoothing the surface of the smartphone.



