Proven Ways To Remove Scratches From Car Glass Without Replacing It
The glass in the car should not be damaged, because the driver's safety on the road depends on the quality of the view.
One of the problems that car owners face are scratches. They can appear due to dirt getting under the wipers, due to sharp branches and stones flying off from under other cars.
Read about the means by which you can remove scratches from the glass of a car, including deep ones, in the article.
Damage removal options
There are two options to get rid of scratches - remove them on your own, or contact a professional.
It will be possible to cope with the problem on your own if the defects are small. If the glass is badly damaged, then you cannot do without the help of a specialist.
To understand how significant the defect is, you need to run your fingernail over it. If it falls into the groove and clings to the walls, the scratch is deep.
It will be possible to remove the defect on its own if it appeared against the background of sand getting under the wipers or due to improper car wash. When scratches are the result of stones flying into the windshield or the result of too aggressive cleaning from ice, you will need the help of a specialist.
It is necessary to tune in to the fact that deep defects cannot be completely removed. Such scratches can be polished by about 60%. This improves the appearance of the car, but it is no longer possible to make the glass as new.
Removal instructions
There are proven products available to remove scratches from your windshield at home. These include:
- paste GOI,
- Toothpaste,
- sandpaper.
All of them work according to the same principle - they polish the surface.
Paste GOI
GOI paste is a substance based on chrome green, organic fats and auxiliary additives (silica gel, stearin, kerosene, etc.). It was developed at the State Optical Institute, after which this unique composition was named. The paste is used for polishing and grinding various glass surfaces, including car windows.
Algorithm of actions:
The soft cloth is moistened with a small amount of kerosene or gasoline, after which it is smeared with GOI paste.
- A small amount of industrial oil is applied to the glass.
- Start polishing. Periodically, the paste on the fabric needs to be renewed.
- Do not press hard on the glass. They continue to rub until the scratch disappears and the glass begins to shine.
- The remains of the paste are removed with a damp cloth. The work takes about an hour.
The polishing paste is available in the form of hard sticks and sticks, and it can also have a creamy consistency. In the latter case, the composition is packaged in plastic jars. The average price for 100 g is 250 rubles.
For glass polishing, you can use GOI paste No. 2 and No. 3... They do not contain large abrasive particles that can damage the surface of the product.
Sandpaper polishing requires caution. If you overdo it, you can provoke the appearance of new defects. For glass processing, paper of a fine fraction of 2500 grit is used, but you can start work with paper with a grain of 600 grit.
- It is most convenient to grind the surface with a grinder with a nozzle for sandpaper with Velcro;
- the glass is moistened, the device is turned on at low speed (no more than 1500 per minute), if this indicator is exceeded, the surface may burst;
- process the defect with 600 grit sandpaper, after which they switch to 2500 grit sandpaper;
- complete the process by applying any polishing compound, distribute it with a felt circle.
To prevent the glass from overheating, you need to supply water to it.
How to remove scratches from car glass, the video will tell you:
To get rid of scratches on the glass, you can use toothpaste. To obtain the result, you should choose a composition with a whitening effect. Only such a paste contains abrasive particles that can polish the glass surface.
Mode of application:
To make the glass surface smooth, you need to polish it with a sander with a felt disc.
Its rotation speed should not exceed 1600 revolutions. If there is no such device, then you can use a felt cloth.
- A small amount of the product is applied to a disc or cloth.
- Rub it into the glass in a circular motion.
- When the damage becomes invisible, the treated area is washed with water and wiped dry.
The toothpaste is of low efficiency, therefore it allows you to cope only with small surface defects.
What to do with deep defects?
If the scratches are very deep, you will not be able to cope with them on your own.... You need to go to a car workshop and ask a specialist if there is an opportunity to save the glass.
The fact is that a deep scratch can burst at any time or split into many small defects. A crack impairs visibility and is often the cause of an accident. Therefore, it is better to replace glass with a deep scratch, or entrust its repair to a professional.
How much does the service cost and how to find specialists?
The service of removing scratches from the glass is provided in auto repair shops... Private craftsmen are engaged in similar work. The cost depends on their volume, number and depth of defects. The average price in the cities of the Russian Federation is 500 rubles.
You can find specialists through advertisements on the Internet. As a rule, in each city there are several workshops that provide services for polishing auto parts. It is recommended to choose proven services that have positive reviews.
Before agreeing to work, you need to clarify what result will be obtained in the end and whether the treatment will affect the strength of the glass.
Helpful information
Tips for removing scratches from glass:
The surface must be thoroughly cleaned before sanding. Penetration of small dirt will lead to the appearance of new defects.
- Do not push hard on the glass. Movements should be circular and fast.
- After processing, the glass is cleaned with a soft cloth to remove any polishing residue from it.
- If the glass is removed for work, then it must be securely fixed. However, too strong clamps should not be used, as it may burst.
- If polishing is carried out for the first time or with a new tool, it is better to start practicing on some unnecessary glass.
A lot of useful and important information about the ways and means of removing scratches on a car can be found here.
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