Cosmetologist's advice on how to gently remove wax from the skin after depilation
Removing unwanted hairs on the face and body is often done with wax depilation. Using this procedure allows you to maintain smooth skin without hairs for a long time.
Removing hair with wax is not an easy manipulation that requires adherence to technology and careful preparation.
Due to the specifics of the depilation procedure, after it, residues of a sticky substance may remain on the skin that was not removed during the treatment. How to remove wax from the skin after depilation? It is not difficult to remove it if you know exactly how to proceed.
What is the cause of body residues?
Depilatory wax itself is a fat-like thick substance that melts when exposed to temperature. Waxes used in cosmetology are hydrophobic - just insoluble in water.
Factors that lead to the problem include:
Applying a large volume of wax to the area.
- Bad fit of the strip to the body.
- Slowly peeling off the wax strip.
- Wax too hot.
- Insufficiently heated wax.
- Too long or, conversely, short hairs.
It is easier to remove the remaining wax right away, before it has dried and a long time has passed.
How to remove the remaining traces with improvised means?
The issue can be resolved by heat exposure and the use of funds with the entry of fats... Simply rubbing the skin with a washcloth under running water is not advisable, as this can provoke the appearance of scratching and other damage to the skin.
Vegetable oil
The easiest way to cleanse your skin is to take vegetable oil from the kitchen. Anyone will do. The limitation is no allergy to the selected agent.
- apply oil liberally on a cloth;
- acting methodically, they cleanse the skin with a cloth.
Nutritious cream
Face or body creams that are oily in consistency can also be used as a cleanser. You can use a cotton towel to fix the problem. The cream is applied generously to it and helps to remove the sticky substance. In this case, the skin softens, receiving additional nutrition.
Hair dryer
Warming up a skin area with a jet of warm air is a proven method, but requires caution. The main danger of the method is the likelihood of overheating the composition, and, as a consequence, the possibility of burns.
Hair dryer application:
- Set the hair dryer to supply warm, but not hot, air.
- Warm up the wax from a distance of 20 cm.
- As soon as it starts to melt from the heat, remove it with a napkin.
Warm towel
A warm towel will have a softer effect than a hairdryer. For these purposes, choose cotton that does not have hairiness. It must be clean. You can also use cotton wipes.
The order of work:
- iron the fabric with an iron;
- apply a warm cloth to an area of skin with adhering wax so that the composition soaks into the material;
- carefully remove the matter;
- wipe the skin.
Use a clean cloth to treat a new stained area.
Top 6 special formulations
Professional cosmetologists use special products to remove wax from the skin. These drugs can be purchased at beauty salons and hair removal stores. Post-depilation cosmetics are designed to effectively remove wax residues.
Kapous Professional
The cleansing oil is designed to remove wax marks and care for the epidermis. The tool has a multifaceted complex effect:
- saturates with nutrients;
- enriches with microelements;
- softens;
- soothes;
- promotes recovery;
- tones up.
The price for a 0.5 liter bottle is about 500 rubles.
Arco cosmetici with Aloe Vera
After depilation gel made in Italy has a delicate effect. It contains proteins and substances that have a calming effect. The drug is consumed very sparingly.
This drug:
- relieves irritation;
- slows down hair growth in the treated area;
- carries out antiseptic treatment.
Price - 900 rubles per bottle of 0.5 liters.
Cristaline NG
The oil of a well-known company from the USA is intended for use after depilation. It contains extract from calendula and chamomile, vitamin E.
Cleansing oil after depilation NG has a beneficial effect:
- relieves irritation;
- stimulates the regeneration process;
- removes wax;
- minimizes the risk of inflammation;
- increases skin elasticity;
- protects against UV radiation;
- nourishes.
The cost of a 0.25 liter product is about 450 rubles.
Depilica Cleancing Oil Professional
Oil - cleansing oil after depilation made in Spain. It contains plant extracts and hair growth inhibitors. Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. The composition does not contain parabens and other harmful substances.
Application advantages:
- effective elimination of wax residues from the skin;
- mitigation;
- retardation of hair growth.
The average price for 500 ml is about 900 rubles.
DepilActive Domix
The oil has a cooling and soothing effect, making it easy to remove the remaining wax.
Consisting of:
- vitamin E;
- plantain extract;
- menthol.
The price is about 350 rubles for a volume of 310 ml.
DepilActive Domix cream
After depilation cream is a gentle care product suitable for sensitive areas. The product gently removes wax residues.
The composition includes:
- panthenol;
- Castor oil;
- aloe extract;
- almond oil;
- avocado oil.
Sulfates and alcohol are absent.The price for a container with a volume of 310 ml is about 350 rubles.
How can you remove the stickiness after wax strips from the face?
The skin on the face is sensitive, has a tendency to enlarge pores and irritation with improper care. Even waxing itself is a traumatic procedure that causes damage to the upper layer of the skin.
The best option is to use special tools. At the same time, the face will be cleansed, and severe irritation will not occur.
Skin treatment after the procedure
Once the wax has been completely removed, the procedure cannot yet be considered complete. The epidermis needs to be restored.
With proper care, the skin will fully recover in a few days. The most severe irritation occurs during the first depilation procedure, when the hairs are still strong and there are a lot of them.
Ignoring the technology of the procedure and the rules of behavior after the operation can lead to the formation of acne and suppuration. If pustules and other injuries occur, it is necessary to treat the sites of inflammation.
For this, the following medications are suitable:
- Dotted - medical alcohol.
- Ointments for acne like "Zinerit".
- Cream with Panthenol.
- Iodine - pointwise.
- Chlorhexidine.
- Salicylic acid - pointwise.
Poor-quality removal of all wax is one of the reasons for the development of pustules, since the skin covered with a dense composition is isolated from the air, it experiences trauma due to rubbing.
9 tips to help
Deal with wax removal the following expert advice will help:
- More is not always better. The wax should be applied to the skin in a thin, even layer. With this approach, it will remain a little on the skin after the procedure.
- Removing the stripes from the body should be quick and decisive.
- The day before epilation, it is necessary to prepare the skin - to do a scrubbing.
- After the scrub, it is advisable to moisturize and soften the skin using creams. A greater effect is given by means with the entry of glycerin.
- Before depilation, the skin should be cleaned and degreased. If this condition is met, the wax will be better distributed during application and easier to remove.
- Do not use your hands to wipe off or roll up wax residues, as this can cause severe irritation.
- Use of nail polish remover or solvents to scrub the sticky layer is not acceptable. Such ill-considered actions can lead to wounds, rashes and other damage to the skin.
- When purchasing depilatory kits, you should give preference to those that include special wipes to remove the product from the skin.
- Removal of the residual sticky substance must be performed immediately after the treatment of the area, since if left on the body, even for a short time, it can tighten the skin, causing bruising.
Useful information on how to remove wax from various surfaces can be found in this section.
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Removing wax from the skin after depilation can be quite simple using homemade recipes based on improvised means or commercial products. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the skin in the treatment area, and also follow all the rules for waxing at home.