Patience and work will grind everything, or how to wash brilliant green from linoleum at home
Two or three drops of brilliant green on the linoleum can ruin the flooring forever. At first glance, it seems that the only way out of this situation is a complete replacement of the floor covering.
This is not true. Provided a timely response to the appearance of green traces and the use of numerous methods for removing brilliant green, there is a chance for a complete restoration of the original appearance of linoleum.
How and how you can wash a stain from brilliant green from linoleum, we will tell in the article.
What to do first?
To remove the green stain from the linoleum without a trace, you need to remember two rules for preparing for cleaning:
They start cleaning as soon as the brilliant green spilled on the floor. Every minute you delay the start of the cleaning process reduces the chances of complete removal of the dirt.
- A fresh trace of brilliant green is first blotted (with a cloth or paper napkin) and only after that is it treated with a cleaning compound.
It is very important to blot, and not rub the stain (thereby increasing its area).
Only after the preparatory measures have been carried out, you can proceed to the main cleaning.
How can a stain be removed?
There are a sufficient number of ways to remove green stains from linoleum, but it is still better to start cleaning with the most gentle and safe for health products.
Laundry soap
Remove a fresh stain of brilliant green from linoleum using laundry soap (72%).
Algorithm of actions:
- grated soap (4 tablespoons) is dissolved in 0.5 liters of very hot water;
- while still hot soapy water, the contamination is abundantly moistened, and left for at least four hours;
- then the surface is washed off with warm water.
A quarter of fresh lemon will quickly remove a trace of brilliant green from the linoleum.
Algorithm of actions:
- A slice of one lemon (possibly with seeds) is ground in a blender to a state of gruel.
- The resulting puree is gently spread over a spot of brilliant green on the floor covering, covered with gauze and left for thirty minutes.Lemon discolours the stain, restoring the original appearance of the linoleum.
After using the lemon, the floor should be washed with hot water and soap. This will help eliminate possible differences in shade between the cleaned and previously unstained surface.
Hydrogen peroxide
The tool that is in every home first aid kit - hydrogen peroxide (6%) will help to quickly clean the green stain from linoleum.
Algorithm of actions:
- I moisten a terry napkin abundantly with peroxide and apply it to the stain on the floor;
- after fifteen minutes, the green trace is wiped with the same napkin until it disappears completely.
If it has hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine can be used as a substitute.
Table vinegar and potassium permanganate
To remove green stains from synthetic flooring, you can use a mixture of vinegar and potassium permanganate... Making a cleaning agent is simple: just mix 150 ml of vinegar and a few crystals of potassium permanganate. After wetting a soft cloth in the resulting composition, wipe the stain several times.
How to remove with rubbing alcohol?
A universal remedy for stains of any origin - rubbing alcohol.
It is enough to fold the gauze in several layers, moisten well with alcohol (no need to squeeze out the excess) and wipe the stain. So that stains do not remain on the floor, it is better to start wiping the dirt from the edges, gradually moving towards the center.
As soon as the green trace begins to lighten, it is covered with napkins abundantly moistened with alcohol and left alone for three hours. During this time, the brilliant green will dissolve and there will be no trace of the stain.
Remove a trace of brilliant green on linoleum with kerosene... It is enough to cover the stain with a cloth soaked in kerosene and leave for sixty minutes. After that, the floor is wiped with a sponge rubbed with soap.
White Spirit
The brilliant green that has already soaked into the flooring is perfectly removed by White Spirit.
Algorithm of actions:
- A spot of brilliant green on linoleum is covered with a cloth richly moistened with solvent.
- After two hours the green trail is sprinkled with baking soda and poured with vinegar (2 tbsp is enough)
- In the course of a chemical reaction (the stain is covered with a large amount of foam), green particles are released from the thickness of the floor covering and all that remains is to remove the pollution with a damp hoe.
How do I clean different types of coatings?
In order not to completely spoil the linoleum, the method of removing stains from brilliant green is selected based on the type of flooring material.
So, cheap linoleum without a pile or foam backing cannot be cleaned with acetone, abrasive powders, alcohol (a thin base simply cannot withstand such compositions).
The best options for removing brilliant green from this type of flooring are soda and vinegar. It's simple: first cover the stain with baking soda, and then pour over it with vinegar..
In the course of a chemical reaction, particles of greenery are released from the thickness of the synthetic coating. All that remains is to wipe the effervescent mixture together with the brilliant green with a damp sponge.
Linoleum with a foam base can be cleaned with chlorine-containing products. As an option, the green stain is treated with Whiteness.
Dense linoleum with a felt base is the most durable flooring option. It can be cleaned by any means, abrasive powders. For instance, To quickly remove a dried stain of brilliant green will help nail polish remover.
It is enough to treat the trace of brilliant green with a cotton pad moistened with nail polish remover and leave it for twenty minutes (the cotton is not removed from the stain). After such treatment, the stain can be easily removed with a clean damp cloth or sponge.
How to restore the surface after cleaning?
Removing green stains from linoleum leaves a trace for the appearance of the coating. Most often, the treated areas lose their gloss, scuffs appear, and a slight discoloration is possible.
Restore the original appearance of linoleum the following tools will help:
- cow's milk diluted with water (ratio 1: 1);
- boiled potatoes;
- a few drops of linseed oil or drying oil.
Any of the above means is rubbed with a section of linoleum previously cleaned of brilliant green.
They not only restore the lost gloss of the flooring, but also create an additional protective layer that extends the life of linoleum.
Before restoring the original appearance of the floor covering, it must be washed over the entire area with warm water and liquid detergent. This will help level the transition between the previously treated floor area and intact linoleum.
What not to do and why?
Despite the fact that linoleum is a durable and wear-resistant material, There are several things that can spoil the appearance of the flooring:
Dry powders and abrasives. Coarse particles of such products scratch the top layer of linoleum (especially noticeable on monochromatic glossy surfaces).
The scuffs are very quickly clogged with dust and dirt, which makes the floor covering look unkempt.
- Whitening, chlorine-containing compounds. Prolonged contact with such means discolor linoleum (destroying a stain of brilliant green, there is a risk of getting a whitish trace in return).
- A product with a high alkali content. At the same time as the alkali eats away complex old stains from the linoleum surface, it changes the structure of the material, making it brittle and brittle (cracks and breaks appear at the site of the removed pollution).
Cleaning linoleum from green stains rarely takes place without the use of aggressive chemical compounds. Therefore, you cannot clean up without protecting your hands with rubber gloves (there are high risks of chemical burns and severe allergic reactions).
Did you know that:
- particles of alcohol contained in the brilliant green, upon contact with water, begin to creep (do not rub the stain on the linoleum with wet wipes or wet rags);
- acetone is not the best remedy for removing green stains, but if there is no way out, then blot the dirt on the floor with a cotton pad dipped in acetone, trying not to touch clean surfaces;
- so that after removing the stain of brilliant green with alcohol on the linoleum there are no stains, the floor must be wiped with a sponge soaked in soapy water.
You will find useful tips and advice on washing brilliant green from various surfaces here.
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