Yellow spots on clothes and things age them and look untidy.
They can appear anywhere: on fabric, bedding, household items, plastic surfaces, and more.
Read about how to remove yellowness and yellow spots from various products and surfaces at home in the article.
How to remove yellowness at home?
Below are the means and formulations for removing yellow spots and yellowness:
How to clean fabrics and clothes?
You can get rid of yellow spots on clothes and fabrics with the help of such compounds as:
Vinegar concentration 9% in combination with laundry soap. Vinegar is applied to the problem area, after 5 minutes, sprinkle with crumbs from grated soap and rubbed with an old toothbrush. Rinse the thing in clean water.
- Lemon acid... To prepare the solution, you will need 2 teaspoons of powder and 1 glass of water. The mixture is applied to the yellowed fabric, washed after 30 minutes.
- Hydrogen peroxide... The stain is moistened with it, left for 15 minutes, and then washed with powder or soap.
- Soda. It must be diluted to the state of a liquid slurry, which completely covers the pollution. After 30 minutes, the product is washed.
- Stain removers and bleaches... Products from the Vanish Gold series have a good effect. Their average cost is 150-200 rubles. You can soak colored items for an hour, and white items for 3 hours, after which you need to start the main wash.
If the fabric is thin, then it can only be treated with gentle compounds, for example, a stain remover for delicate items, or laundry soap. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
From the iron
Yellow stains on the iron should be removed as soon as they appear, as they will stain clothes during ironing. Means to effectively deal with the problem:
- A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia... To prepare the cleaning solution, you will need 2 teaspoons of peroxide and 7 drops of ammonia. The composition is impregnated with a cotton swab and treated with the sole of a cold iron until the stain completely disappears. It will take a lot of effort to clean properly.
- Paraffin candle... It is necessary to wrap it with a cotton cloth and rub the sole of the hot iron.The appliance should be held over a spread out newspaper so that the melting paraffin does not drip onto the floor. Also, the paraffin must not be allowed to enter the steam holes.
- Melamine sponge... With its help, you can quickly and safely clean the iron from yellowness. A small piece of sponge is moistened in water, squeezed and rubbed on the sole. The iron must be cold during processing.
From the mattress
It is difficult to remove yellowness from the mattress, especially if the stains are old. To cope with the task, it is necessary to perform the following sequence of actions:
remove bed linen from the mattress;
- prepare a washing solution based on the following components: 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide, 5 drops of colorless liquid soap, 1 teaspoon of soda;
- apply the resulting composition to the stain;
- leave it to act for an hour;
- remove residues of the product with a damp, clean cloth, pat dry with a paper towel.
If a yellow spot has formed on the mattress from urine, then to eliminate the unpleasant odor, sprinkle it with salt during processing. You can collect it with a vacuum cleaner.
From linoleum
Yellow spots on linoleum can be removed by such means as:
- Lemon acid... The powder package must be dissolved in 2 glasses of warm water and applied to the linoleum for 15 minutes. Then the floor is washed as usual, or using laundry soap.
- Soda. To prevent it from scratching the linoleum, it must be dissolved in water to obtain a liquid gruel. The exposure time to the stain is 15 minutes. Then the soda must be removed using a soft cloth.
- Toothpaste... It dissolves even stubborn stains well. It is applied to the yellowed area for 30 minutes, spread with a soft brush. After half an hour, wash off the composition with clean water. For cleaning, you can use both regular and whitening paste.
From the microwave
The plastic from which the microwave oven is made turns yellow over time. To return it an attractive appearance, you can use the following formulations:
Dishwashing liquid... It is applied to a sponge, which is used to wash the surface of the microwave. If the stains are stubborn, the foam is left for 15 minutes, then washed off with clean water and wiped off with a dry towel.
- Vodka. Alcohol-based formulations penetrate well into the pores on the plastic and absorb impurities.
A cotton pad is impregnated with vodka, which is used to process the microwave around the entire perimeter. Then the device must be washed with clean water.
- Soda. To prepare the solution, you will need 100 g of soda and 100 ml of pure water. The composition is impregnated with a sponge, with which the entire surface of the microwave oven is treated, after which it is washed with clean water and wiped off with a dry napkin.
From rubber
To remove yellowness from rubber, you can use the following tools:
- Hydrogen peroxide... It is safe for rubber, but effectively removes yellowness. If the product is small, it can be completely immersed in the liquid. When this is not possible, peroxide is applied to a cotton pad and the stain is treated with it.
- Lemon juice... This is a gentle composition that will not harm the product and will help to cope with shallow stains. The optimal exposure time is 30 minutes.
- Petrol. Use it carefully so as not to damage the rubber. To begin with, the substance is tested in a small area. If the rubber does not change its original characteristics, you can proceed with further cleaning.
How do I clean the silicone case?
The silicone case turns yellow over time and loses its transparency.
To return it to its original form, you can use such means as:
- soda;
- vodka;
- laundry soap;
- Toothpaste.
All substances are used according to a single scheme: applied to a yellowed product, left for 10-15 minutes, washed off with clean water.
You can rub the cover only with a soft cloth, it is unacceptable to use abrasive compounds or metal brushes. Learn more about removing yellowness from a silicone phone case. here.
With plastic
Depending on the depth to which the yellowness has eaten, the means for processing plastic will differ.
If the stains are on the surface, you can get rid of them with a solution based on laundry soap, washing powder or dishwashing detergent. After beating the composition until a rich foam is formed, it is applied to the plastic, left for 10 minutes and washed off with clean water.
When the spots are deep, use more active substances, for example alcohol or nail polish remover (no acetone). Baking soda has a good whitening effect. Read more here.
With white soles
If the soles of your shoes are very yellow, you can clean them with laundry soap. They are soaped with a toothbrush, which is passed over the entire surface. As the bristles become dirty, rinse them with clean water. In 2-3 procedures, it will be possible to wash out all the dirt.
How to clean the white soles of sneakers and other shoes, will tell this publication.
On the ceiling after flooding
After flooding, yellow spots always remain on the ceiling. If the surface is plastered, then the use of chemicals is not required, it is enough to clean the old layer and apply a new whitewash.
When the stain is small, you can try to remove it with whiteness.... A sponge or roller is moistened in it and the soiled area is treated. When it turns yellow, it is washed. After completion of the work, the ceiling must be whitewashed.
The stretch fabric can be washed with soap. Most often, this is enough to remove yellow spots from it. Read more in this article.
With headlights
Yellowed car headlights can clean with several substances of your choice at once:
- toothpaste;
- baking soda;
- GOI paste.
All of these funds are highly effective and easy to use. The main thing is to refuse to use hard metal brushes that can scratch the surface.
Details - in this material.
Removal tips
Before proceeding with the removal of yellowness, you need to read the following recommendations:
Exerting a mechanical effect on products, it is necessary to control the friction force. Otherwise, along with the yellowness, you can remove the upper protective layer of the thing and spoil it.
- When using any new product for the first time, it must be tested on an inconspicuous area.
- Before proceeding with the procedure for removing stains, you must clean the surface from other contaminants, such as dust.
- When working with chemicals, you need to take care of your own safety. For this, gloves are put on the hands, and a respirator is put on the face.
Coping with the yellowness that appears on different surfaces is not difficult. Most bleaching agents are always on hand. The main thing is to choose the remedy that will not harm the product, and also strictly follow the instructions.