Tips from experienced builders on how to quickly and easily remove old wallpaper from the wall

foto30912-1In the process of carrying out repairs, it is often necessary to update the design of the walls. To do this, you need to remove the old wallpaper.

It is possible to remove old coating panels in simple ways, taking into account the type of material and the type of base.

How to easily and quickly remove old wallpaper from the wall, we will tell in the article.

7 ways to use at home

Old wallpapers can be removed in several ways... Their choice is determined by the type of coverage and the presence of household appliances.


foto30912-2This method is one of the simplest and most accessible. The main task is to moisturize the panels well.

For processing, you will need the following materials:

  • warm water;
  • bucket;
  • putty knife;
  • rags.


  1. Moisten the surface with a wet cloth (or in another convenient way).
  2. Withstand 15 minutes.
  3. Pry the edge with a spatula and pull off the panel. If necessary - carry out additional moisture.
  4. Repeat the procedure on a new site.

The soak method is best for removing paper wallpapers that do not have a water-repellent coating.

How easy it is to remove old wallpaper from the wall with water, the video will tell you:

Scoring and soaking

Just soaking with washable and dense in structure wallpaper will not work. To soak the adhesive layer of old panels, it is necessary to provide access to it. This can be done by incisions.

Work order:

  • with the angle of a spatula, with a knife or other tool, make cuts on the panels over the entire area;
  • moisten the surface with warm water;
  • wait at least a quarter of an hour;
  • using a spatula to remove the coating.
To create holes in the wallpaper for access to the glue layer, you can use a special stud roller or a notching device known as the wallpaper tiger. By rolling the tool over the surface, many notches can be created effortlessly.

Hot steam

A steam generator helps to simplify the removal of old wallpaper. Exposure to steam leads to swelling of the panels and adhesive layer. It will be much easier to remove the wallpaper after such processing by prying the paper layer with a spatula. A steam mop can be used instead of a steam generator.


foto30912-3If the household does not have a steam generator, you can even use a regular iron to remove wallpaper, but with some restrictions.

For processing you will need:

  • iron;
  • bucket;
  • rag.


  1. Heat the iron to maximum.
  2. Wet a rag and attach it to the wall.
  3. Place the iron on a wet cloth. If possible, hold them from side to side so that steam is formed.
  4. Clean with a spatula.

The ironing method can be used to remove firmly adhered wallpaper, including those that were not glued to wallpaper glue, but to a bustilate.

Removing the adhesive layer

In some cases, the panels cannot be removed completely, even using soaking and steaming. Wallpaper can delaminate, partially remaining on the walls with glue.

In this case, additional processing will have to be done. Coarse sandpaper will help to clean off the remnants of glue and coating.


Sewer cleaner can be used in an unconventional way - to remove wallpaper. It is used in diluted form at the rate of: 2 liters of water - 1 liter of purifier.

The components are mixed and applied to the surface... After 10 minutes, the panels are removed. The disadvantage of this method is the toxicity of the reagent. After treatment with the Mole, the walls must be washed.

It is necessary to carry out processing with the Mole in personal protective equipment and with good ventilation, since if ignored, you can get a chemical burn and poisoning with vapors.

Special means

foto30912-4If simple ways to remove the old wallpaper layer didn't help, special drugs can be used.

These funds are available in various forms. They help to soak off the lower layers of the coating from the base.

The use of special preparations is similar to the usual soaking, but the result is higher. The drug is applied according to the instructions and after the time indicated on the package, the panels are easily removed.

Popular remedies:

  • Atlas Alpan;
  • Kleo;
  • Quelyd Dissoucol and others.

Special preparations have an economical consumption, allowing you to process up to 100 m² in one bottle

Peculiarities of removal taking into account the type of material

When removing old wallpaper it is necessary to consider which coating needs to be dismantled... This will allow you to remove them as efficiently and quickly as possible.


In most cases, vinyl wallpaper is easy to remove even when dry.

If it is necessary to soak, then first apply the notches, and only then moisten the surface. For difficult cases, it is better to use special chemistry.


Steam methods are best for stripping non-woven wallpaper. But sometimes the panels can be removed quite easily - just pull on the edge pushed with a spatula and pull.


Simple soaking of the surface is not effective for washable wallpaper... Notches made, for example, with the help of a "wallpaper tiger", can help. The steam method and special preparations are also suitable.

How to remove washable wallpaper from the wall, the video will tell you:


Textile wallpaper can be easily removed by steaming. You can use the method with an iron or a steam generator. The treatment is very efficient due to the access of steam through the fabric layer directly to the adhesive. Additional notches over the entire area will help speed up the processing.


foto30912-5Liquid wallpaper differs from the usual roll wallpaper in appearance and method of application. Such a coating has a composite composition of a mixture of various fibers and adhesives.

The mixture is applied as a putty, forming a high-quality dense layer on the surface.

Such panels are removed quite simply - by wetting the surface and prying the lagging layer with a spatula. In cases where simple soaking has proven ineffective, a primer can be used.

The annoying liquid wallpaper does not have to be replaced at every repair - such a coating can easily withstand painting.

Glass fiber

You can remove glass wallpaper by soaking in hot water... But the work will go faster if you use a special wallpaper remover, for example, Kleo. The cloth is cut under the ceiling and begins to tighten.

If the panels do not go away, then the edges of the cuts are pulled back and Cleo or another agent is poured there. Withstand a quarter of an hour. Gradually, prying the edges with a spatula, the wallpaper is pulled together. Residual material is cleaned by grinding.

The nuances of cleaning drywall

If the wallpaper was glued to a plasterboard wall, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of the material that was used for leveling. The process of removing the old coating must take into account how the coating was applied.

There are 2 options:

  • on putty;
  • directly onto the drywall.

If putty was used, then you can remove the wallpaper in almost any of the above ways, and even using solvents. There shouldn't be any problems.

If no preliminary preparation of the walls has been carried out, it can be almost impossible to remove the old panels without damaging the drywall. In this case, sanding is required. After that, the surface is primed and new wallpaper is glued.

Drywall consists of cardboard sheets and gypsum, therefore should not allow significant soaking of the paper base.

Removing from a wooden base

If the wallpaper was glued to a tree, it is better to avoid excessive moisture during work. All impacts should be as gentle as possible.

Washes that are aggressive in action, including the method using the Mole cleaner, are categorically unsuitable.

After removing the old covering, the walls will need to be prepared. If necessary, the tree is treated with special compounds.


When removing old wallpaper from walls you must take into account the following prohibitions and warnings:

  1. Do not leave old wallpaper on the walls before gluing new ones, as this will worsen the appearance and may cause the panels to peel off.
  2. foto30912-7The spatula should not be used forcibly when removing the old coating. This can lead to damage to the walls and the need for additional work - leveling the created defects.
  3. Do not use caustic reagents that are not intended for these purposes to soak the panels. They can lead to the formation of stains, release of corrosive vapors, harmful to health.
  4. You should not rush to remove the old coating before it gets wet. Swollen layers are removed much faster and easier than dry removal.
  5. If you need to remove wallpaper from a large area, then it makes no sense to immediately moisten the entire surface, and only then proceed to remove the layer, since the panels may have time to dry.

9 expert recommendations

Advice from experienced builders will allow you to carry out repair work in the best way:

  1. It is not always worth removing wallpaper in old houses that have not seen major repairs for a long time. It will be more correct to soak and remove the top layer, and glue the new coating on partially remaining paper. This option is suitable for thin and not very even partitions.
  2. If the old panels do not fit snugly against the wall, they must be removed completely. The remaining cavities can not only cause external defects in the gluing, but also become a breeding ground for mold.
  3. Repair work should be carried out in work clothes, with a covered head.
  4. The addition of a small amount of fabric softener can enhance the effect of warm water as a soaking agent. Enough 1-2 caps for a bucket of water.
  5. If the wallpaper was not glued with wallpaper glue, but with PVA or other, water-insoluble composition, sanding will help to remove them. But this increases the risk of damage to the walls themselves.
  6. If, after removing the wallpaper, the wall is wet with water, then before applying a new coating, it must be properly dried.
  7. Before carrying out repair work, the room must be freed as much as possible - take out the furniture. The furniture that remains must be covered with foil.
  8. The tools required for the job should be prepared in advance. It is also advisable to take care of debris bags - wallpaper torn off.
  9. If the removal of the coating will be carried out using water, all sockets must be covered with foil. Additionally, it is recommended to de-energize the room. And even in this case, water must be applied very carefully.


Correct processing will help you to easily and quickly remove old wallpaper from the walls. You can use both simple methods and special preparations.

When working, it is very important to take into account the type of wallpaper itself and the basis.... If you approach the question thoughtfully, then the preparation of the walls will not take much time, and will be of high quality.



