Important rules and effective ways to remove a greasy stain from leather and suede

foto29851-1With all the positive properties (beauty, durability, durability), leather products have one small drawback - they cannot be washed.

And if dust and dirt can be easily removed with a damp cloth, then grease stains will have to tinker with.

How to remove a greasy stain from leather, suede and leatherette products? Time-tested folk methods and special professional means will help to remove oily traces quickly and without negative consequences for the shape and color of the product.

What's the first thing to do?

So that after removing the greasy stain, the leather product does not finally lose its appearance and shape, it is very important to follow the rules of preliminary preparation:

  1. foto29851-2Before proceeding with the removal of an oily stain, the leather product must be cleaned of dust and dirt. To do this, wipe it first with a damp and then with a dry soft cloth.
  2. If a leather product is wet, then before cleaning it must be dried at room temperature, away from drafts and direct sunlight.

Before applying any product to the skin (no matter synthetic or with a natural composition), it must be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

How to remove folk remedies?

Easy to use, accessible to everyone and, importantly, safe improvised means will help cleanse leather products from greasy stains.

a piece of chalk

Crushed chalk will help get rid of fresh, not yet dried, greasy stains on leather and suede.

The actions are simple: a greasy spot pre-treated with a damp sponge is sprinkled abundantly with crushed chalk and left for thirty to forty minutes. Chalk absorbs grease particles, after which it is gently brushed off with a soft brush.

Alternatively, you can use flour or baby powder instead of chalk.


Clean products from colored leather from grease stains with the power of onions... To do this, a small onion is cut, and, applying the cut to the leather surface, rub the greasy mark.

During the cleaning process, the cut of the bulb is updated. After the traces of fat have been removed, the skin is thoroughly wiped with a clean, damp sponge.


foto29851-3Salmon will help cleanse the delicate surface of suede from fat.For cleaning in 20 ml of warm water, stir 2 tsp. ammonia and 1 tsp. liquid soap.

The resulting product is treated with a stain. After cleaning, the slightly rubbed section of the suede product is kept for 2-3 minutes over steam. This will help restore the velvety surface of the suede.


Gasoline can help remove stubborn grease stains on the skin.... To do this, wipe dirt on leather products with a cotton pad abundantly soaked in gasoline. The manipulations are repeated until the greasy stain completely disappears.

Fresh bread

A ball is rolled from the crumb of fresh white bread, which is used to rub a greasy mark on the skin or suede. This method is good when a stain on clothes appeared at the most inopportune moment, for example, during a meal.

How to withdraw with special formulations?

When cleaning with improvised means did not lead to the desired result, professional formulations will come to the rescue for removing complex, stubborn stains from:

  • skin,
  • leatherette,
  • nubuck,
  • suede.

TOP-3 of the most effective professional formulations:


Means for removing oily spots from the skin - a gel-like composition, the application of which helps to quickly remove traces of sebum from the head and hands from leather products, stains from food and industrial oil. Ideal for cleaning all leather goods (furniture, shoes, clothes, accessories).

Retains the color and structure of the material. The average cost of Leather Degreaser cleaning paste is 2300 rubles. (380 ml can).


Keralux Degreaser Spray

Spray for removing greasy spots from the skin. Ideal for smooth and shaggy surfaces leather products.

It is enough to spray the product on the oily trail, wait until the treated skin dries, and then clean off the powder that appears with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner. The average cost is 1,300 rubles. (volume 200 ml).


Foam Salamander Combi Cleaner PROFESSIONAL

Universal cleaner for leather and nubuck products, artificial and combined materials. Highly effective formula with lime oil removes grease, grime and salt stains in minutes. Retains the color of the product. Average cost - 470 rubles. (volume 125 ml).


When working with professional cleaning agents, you must carefully study the manufacturer's instructions and follow these recommendations.

How to clean off natural and artificial leather and suede shoes?

Turpentine can remove traces of fat from vegetable, dairy and meat products from artificial leather shoes. The stain is treated with a rag abundantly soaked in turpentine until the contamination disappears completely. After cleaning, the shoes must be wiped with a damp sponge and covered with a layer of protective cream.

Suede shoes are cleaned very carefully (active friction leads to the formation of bald patches and scuffs). The greasy stain is cleaned from the edges to the center. Ignoring this rule leads to the fact that the pollution is smeared on the surface even more.

Wipe fresh traces of fat with a stationery eraser or sprinkle with potato starch. For stubborn stains, use table vinegar diluted with water (1 tsp of vinegar is enough for 1 liter of water).

After cleaning, it is very important to let the suede shoes dry naturally (you cannot speed up the process with heaters, hair dryers). As soon as the treated area on the shoes is dry, it is cleaned with a special suede brush (helps to restore the wrinkled pile).

It is easiest to wash a greasy stain from genuine leather shoes with a liquid dishwashing compound. It is enough to apply the detergent on a soft sponge and rub the greasy mark on the shoe thoroughly.

For stubborn stains, use a mixture of soap and gasoline (mixed in equal proportions). The stain is treated with a cleaning compound and immediately wiped with a damp cloth. Treatment with protective sprays and shoe polish will help to restore the gloss of the skin after cleaning.

Getting rid of dirt on the bag

Regardless of whether the bag is made of leather, leatherette or suede, before cleaning, the product must be wiped with a damp and then dry cloth. Further, the choice of the method for removing greasy stains already determines the type of material from which the bag is sewn.

foto29851-7So, choosing products for removing oily stains from artificial skin, worth remembering:

  • acids,
  • solvents,
  • alcohol,
  • acetone and chlorine-containing substances must not be used.

Ignoring this rule will lead to the final deterioration of your favorite thing.

You can clean a leatherette bag using a sponge abundantly soaked in soapy water... White faux leather bags perfectly cleanse lemon. It is enough to soak a cotton sponge in freshly squeezed lemon juice and wipe the greasy stain thoroughly.

It is good to clean bags made of genuine leather with potatoes (just wipe the stain with half a potato tuber). Starch traces that remain on the bag, remove stains with wet wipes.

To remove old stains on a bag made of genuine leather, use a paste of laundry soap (it is rubbed on a coarse grater and mixed with a small amount of water to a thick paste). A greasy residue is abundantly covered with a cleaning agent, left for five minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Suede bags require special delicate handling. It is very easy to spoil the velvety surface with coarse abrasives, friction. To get rid of greasy stains from suede, you need to start cleaning as soon as the grease gets on the bag.

To do this, blot traces of fat with a paper napkin, after which sprinkle:

  • talcum powder,
  • soda,
  • starch or crushed chalk.

After three to four hours, the suede bag is gently cleaned with a special brush.

Bags made of leatherette or suede leather should never be washed completely in a washing machine or by hand. Prolonged contact with water will deform the product and will simply have to be thrown away. Also, do not dry an already cleaned bag near heaters or open flames.


Not just to remove fat, but also Several recommendations will help preserve the appearance, color and shape of leather products:

  1. foto29851-8First of all, the most gentle (folk, improvised) means are used to clean leather, leatherette or suede.
  2. Before applying any cleaning compound, blot the grease stain on the skin with a paper towel.
  3. It is not recommended to use chalk for black leather goods (after cleaning, white indelible streaks may remain on the surface).
  4. Never sprinkle velvety suede with salt (the grains are very rough for a delicate surface and can easily scratch it).
And the most important advice: the faster you start the process of removing oily spots from the skin, the more chances of complete cleansing of impurities.

Important and useful information about methods and means of removing oily stains from various surfaces is presented in this section.

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Removing greasy stains from leather or suede is not difficult... The main thing in the cleaning process is to be careful, and test each selected product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the leather product.



