At what temperature should onions be stored?

foto15131-1The harvested onion crop will be perfectly preserved until spring only if certain conditions are met: the correct temperature and acceptable level of humidity.

At what temperature is it better to store onions (onions, leeks, greens) at home in winter in order to use this product as long as possible in cooking?

Temperature range for onions

foto15131-2The storage process can be conditionally divided into three stages:

  • drying,
  • acclimatization,
  • direct storage.

It is possible to minimize crop losses during storage, as well as to extend this process as much as possible, provided that the correct temperature regime is observed at each stage.

So, the drying stage takes place at + 18-22 ° С... Drying helps to tighten the neck of the bulb, thereby preventing the penetration of harmful bacteria into the root crop. Drying lasts three to four days, until the husk covering the bulb is completely dry.

The acclimatization process aims to ensure that the bulbs gradually reach the required storage temperature after baking. Acclimatization takes two to five days. Every day there is a decrease of 5 ° С.

It is very important to ensure that condensation does not form on the root crops.... Moisture can cause mold and rot.

For long-term storage, it is necessary to create and maintain optimal conditions: air temperature + 1-5 ° C, humidity 75%. It is in such conditions that the density of the onion pulp is preserved, the scales remain dry, keeping them from being damaged by mold and fungi.
  1. What happens if the temperature is above normal? Storage temperatures above normal lead to significant losses of the harvested crop. Very small bulbs lose moisture and dry out quickly. Larger onions begin to sprout, which also leads to the loss of its taste and nutritional properties.
  2. What happens if the temperature is below normal? Storage at temperatures below the norm significantly increases the percentage of crop spoilage, reduces the amount of preserved onions.

If minus

Long-term storage at subzero temperatures may cause the product to freeze. As a result, the pulp becomes:

  • loose,
  • watery,
  • tasteless.

As soon as the frozen onion gets into a warm place, the scales get wet and rot and mold begins to develop on them.

If constant drops

Sudden changes in temperature and humidity can provoke the following problems:

  • awakening the point of growth of the bulb;
  • the development of fungal diseases;
  • the appearance of foci of rot and mold.

He will tell you about why onions rot during storage and how to avoid it this article.

The most unpretentious varieties for winter storage

Storage duration directly depends on the type of product... Spicy varieties are less whimsical to the temperature regime (for example, Aleko or Chalcedony). Semi-sharp varieties (Zolotoy ar, Danilovsky) for storage are best placed in the first rows and eaten first.

Sweet varieties (Yalta or Danube) spoil very quickly. They should be eaten (or processed for long-term storage) in the first two to three weeks after harvest.

When choosing varieties for long-term storage, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. foto15131-4Farmer late - resistant to diseases, after five to six months of storage, the density and juiciness of the onion head, the light yellow hue of the husk remains unchanged.
  2. Strigunovsky local - round bulbs with a very pungent taste perfectly retain their color and taste for up to six months.
  3. Sturon - subject to temperature conditions, it can be stored for up to nine months. Ideal for growing in temperate regions.
  4. Chalcedony - suitable for growing in warm climates.
  5. Aleko - when cutting, the onion does not cause tearing. The shape of the bulb is oblong. Subject to the temperature regime, it retains its nutritional properties for up to seven months.

For general information on onion storage, see this section.

How many degrees can leeks withstand at home?

It is possible to preserve the beneficial properties and taste of leeks for as long as possible, provided that the correct temperature regime is observed.

So in the refrigerator (at + 2-4 ° C), in a vegetable drawer, leeks are stored for up to five months... To keep the stems fresh, they are placed in a polyethylene bag with holes made in advance for ventilation.

Chopped leeks are perfectly stored in the freezer (-18 ° C). To keep the onion rings intact after defrosting, it is recommended to place them in the refrigerator for several hours before placing them in the freezer. Frozen stems retain their nutritional value for twelve months.

On a closed balcony, in a garage or basement, leeks are stored at + 1 ° C to + 5 ° C for a maximum of six months... It is very important to periodically check the product for damage (rotten stems are immediately removed), as well as monitor the humidity in the room.

At -3 ° C, leeks begin to lose their nutritional and taste value. At -7 ° C, the stems freeze and become unusable.

Learn how to store leeks in your cellar or basement. here... How to store leeks at home, read here.

Green onion feathers

foto15131-5The main condition for long-term storage of juicy and healthy green onions is the correct temperature regime.

So, at a temperature of 0 ° C, green onion feathers retain their juiciness for two months.At + 3-4 ° C, greens can be stored for no more than twenty days.

At room temperature (+ 18-20 ° C), green onion feathers will wither after three days. You can store finely chopped green onions in the freezer (-18 ° C) for twelve months.

Drying finely chopped green onions in the oven (+ 50-60 ° C) will help preserve the healthy product for at least two years.

Only whole, juicy, bright green feathers are left for storage Luke. Dry, wilted stems are discarded immediately. Feathers with damage and signs of deterioration should be removed and used as soon as possible.

How to store green onions in the refrigerator, read here, for winter - here.


Observance of the correct temperature regime during the entire storage period will help preserve the onion until the next harvest.



