Review of washing gels Gloss: composition, pros and cons, cost, customer opinions

foto22235-1Most of the leading manufacturers of detergents produce preparations in liquid form.

Henkel (Germany) produces not only LOSK powders, but also liquid forms of effective and affordable products.

In this article, we will talk about the Losk washing gel, its composition, application features, cost, consumer reviews.

Features of Losk Liquid Powder

The line of modern gels Losk includes a range of preparations in convenient practical plastic packaging. They are based on the Active-Zyme 6 formula - combining several types of enzymes for better cleaning of stains and prevention of coughing of clothes.

foto22235-2The main active ingredients are:

  • up to 15% APAS;
  • up to 5% non-surfactant;
  • phosphonates;
  • soap;
  • complex of enzymes, etc.

Gels are available in various sizes, in assortment. Liquid detergent has many benefits:

  1. Conveniently dosed, which capsules do not provide.
  2. Suitable for manual and automatic washing (capsules are only for automatic processing).
  3. Stored compactly.
  4. It is not dusty during use and does not irritate the respiratory system.
  5. Washes things qualitatively.
  6. Provides an economical consumption of funds (in comparison with powders).
  7. Has a favorable price (especially when compared to capsules).
  8. Gentle to fibers.
  9. It dissolves quickly in water and rinses out well after washing.


Keeping in mind the wishes of the buyers, and following the demands of the market, Henkel has launched a wide range of gel products for the care of textiles. All of them are created according to an innovative formula that includes 6 types of enzymes.

Lineup of liquid washing powders:

  • "Mountain Lake";
  • "Color";
  • "Children's";
  • series "Aromatherapy".

Color provides high-quality washing of clothes and maintaining the brightness of colors.


"Mountain Lake" - liquid powder for care white things, ensures the elimination of dirt and maintains the snow-white color of the textiles thanks to the entry of enzymes and optical brightener.


Gel "Children's" - a means of washing baby's clothes. It is possible to use it from the birth of a child, for caring things of children older and adults with allergies.

This drug:

  • dermatologically tested;
  • has an entry of natural ingredients;
  • safe for children;
  • effective;
  • does not contain dyes;
  • does not have a pronounced aroma.


The Aromatherapy line complements the range of products... Products in this series are suitable for washing cotton, synthetic and mixed fabrics. A feature of Aromatherapy gels is a pronounced floral fragrance (lotus, jasmine, orchid), which remains on the items even after washing.


Application rules

The gel is very easy to use, it is suitable for pre-treatment, machine and hand wash. The bottle cap acts as a measuring cup.

If there are stains on the clothes that need washing, you should first pour a small amount of gel over the stain and rub.

Automatic processing

How to use in a washing machine:

  1. Put things in the drum.
  2. Pour the required amount of gel (measured with a measuring container) into the compartment on the washing machine body, which is intended for washing powder.
  3. Start a processing cycle.

The dosage of liquid powder is determined based on the degree of contamination of things and the hardness of tap water (based on up to 5 kg load):

The required amount of gel, taking into account the degree of pollution of things, ml
Hardness of waterWeakly soiled productsHeavily soiled products
Soft or medium73155
Hard or very hard93175



  1. Collect 10 liters of warm water in a basin.
  2. Pour in about 48 ml of gel.
  3. Stir.
  4. Dip items to be washed in soapy water.
  5. Carry out a wash and rinse.

Price and place of purchase

foto22235-7Losk detergents are widely represented on the market. You can buy the gel in the online store and in household chemicals stores and in special sections of supermarkets.

On average, the price is:

  • for a volume of 1.3 liters - about 400 rubles;
  • for a volume of 2.6 liters - from 800 rubles.

The price of the gel depends on the place of purchase and the selected volume. With the action of promotions and special offers, the purchase becomes even more profitable.

Alternative remedies: top 3

Washing gels are a popular product. In the top of the best products are the products of famous world manufacturers.


Persil is another brand of washing products from Henkel... Powders, multi-chamber capsules and gels are available under the Persil name.

Liquid detergents are safe, give good washing results, and do not spoil things. Products after processing in a typewriter or by hand have a very light unobtrusive aroma. Economical consumption is an additional plus of use.

The assortment includes gels with different specifics:

  • for sensitive skin;
  • for white things;
  • for colored textiles;
  • series "Expert";
  • series "Premium" and others.

The price for 2.6 liters on average is from 1100 rubles. Read more about Persil gels in this article.



Ariel washing gels are well-deserved. They are effective, do not form a lot of foam, and are gentle on fabrics. Modern ergonomic packaging with a handle makes them very convenient to use.

The assortment of TM Ariel is quite wide, including the following products:

  • for the care of white things;
  • for washing colored clothes;
  • for sensitive skin;
  • with a scent from Lenore.

The average price for 1.95 liters - from 640 rubles, for 2.6 liters - from 850 rubles. Read more about Ariel gels here.



Gels TM Laska are several types of high quality detergents. Manufactured by Henkel, all products are certified for quality and compliance with international standards.

The list of goods includes not only universal products, but also special purposes:

  • for processing silks and wool;
  • to maintain the brightness of dark colors;
  • for white things;
  • for the maintenance of sports equipment, etc.
The gels are based on a patented formula responsible for high-quality washing and respect for the fibers of the material, taking into account all the features of fabrics. Gels are available in stable, convenient packages of various capacities.

On average, the price for 1 liter is from 250 rubles. Read more about Laska gels here.



Consumers note such benefits of using gel:

  1. Affordable price, especially for the promotion.
  2. Good wash result.
  3. Convenient dosing.
  4. Respect for things.
  5. Convenient packaging.
  6. A pleasant aroma that remains on clothes after washing.
  7. Dissolves quickly in water.
  8. Convenient, compact storage.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Very runny consistency.
  2. It is advisable to set an additional rinse.
  3. Old stains may not be 100% effective.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about Losk detergents in this section.


Use of gels for washing The gloss provides a good washing result and gives high-quality care of the material. At the same time, color is maintained, freshness is acquired, and pellets do not appear.



