The right choice: which soap is preferable for washing, how to wash them?

foto18320-1There is soap in every home. Most often it is used for face and body care, or for washing hands. However, there is another area of ​​its application - it is washing clothes.

Sometimes it is it that copes with difficult dirt better than expensive powders and gels. Read about which soap can be used for washing and how to make the right choice in the article.

Which one is suitable for handling things?

The assortment of soaps is varied. There are hundreds of items on store shelves. For washing, you can use not only household, but children's, antibacterial and even tar soap. Each of them has its own pros and cons to be aware of.


That laundry soap can be used for washing, no one doubts.

In the Soviet Union, it was the No. 1 tool for solving all everyday issues. Today it has been replaced by newfangled powders and gels, although many people continue to wash their clothes.

The advantages of the economic soap:

  • foto18320-2environmentally friendly composition - it is made on the basis of natural vegetable oils and animal fats;
  • hypoallergenic formula - there are no fragrances and dyes;
  • the ability to use for washing children's clothes from the first days of life;
  • disinfection of tissues;
  • affordable price.

Detergent Cons:

  1. The technological process has not bypassed the laundry soap. Manufacturers, in an effort to make their product more attractive to the consumer, add various chemicals to it. Therefore, before purchasing a bar, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition.
  2. Not a very pleasant smell that remains on things. You can get rid of this disadvantage if you rinse things thoroughly and hang them up to dry in the fresh air.
  3. The soap dries out the skin of the hands, so it can only be washed with gloves.

If earlier only bar soap was on sale, now you can find its liquid form. It dissolves faster in water, but contains chemicals.


Baby soap is used for washing things very often. Its main advantages:

  • the composition of a high-quality detergent is 100% safe for the delicate skin of the baby;
  • soap rinses out easily from fabric fibers;
  • lack of smell on things - there are no fragrances in the soap, or they have a neutral aroma;
  • it does not cause allergies and is therefore suitable for maintenance things of newborns;
  • it can be used for washing underwear, for caring for things of people with increased skin sensitivity;
  • soap treats fabrics with care, does not harm their structure and color, they remain soft and pleasant to the touch, do not fade or shrink.

Cons of using baby wash soap:

  1. foto18320-3Low foaming. This is due to the low content of surfactants or their absence.
  2. Insufficient whitening effect. If you use classic baby soap to care for things, then they will not become snow-white. For bleaching, you need to buy a special washing soap, but its composition will be more aggressive.
  3. Ineffective in tackling tough stains. The mild formula of regular baby soap will not cope with stubborn pigmented dirt.

It is better to use bar soap for quick wash, and liquid soap for soaking.


The main advantages of using liquid soap:

  • respect for fabric;
  • the ability to use for the care of delicate things;
  • lack of skin irritation;
  • easy rinsing;
  • pleasant aroma.

The tool has its drawbacks, including:

  1. Liquid detergent is inconvenient to use for quick wash. It is easier to soap things with a bar.
  2. Weak washing effect. The gentle formula won't help you tackle tough stains.
  3. High cost and high consumption. High-quality liquid soap cannot be cheap, and it will take more washing than regular powder.
You can wash it with liquid soap. It is based on SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate). This substance is responsible for the formation of foam and for cleaning the tissues.


In addition to alkali and fatty acids, the antibacterial soap contains triclosan and triclocarban, which negatively affect a wide range of harmful flora.

Therefore, washing with such a product contributes to the disinfection of fabrics. This is especially true after illnesses, when a large number of viruses or microbes settle on things.

The disadvantages of using include:

  1. foto18320-4Low detergency. Initially, the product was developed for disinfecting the skin, and not for washing.
  2. The need to use gloves. Frequent contact of the dermis with the antibacterial composition contributes to the disruption of its own microflora, reduces the fat balance of the skin. Regular washing threatens the appearance of small cracks and excessive dryness of the hands.
  3. High price. Antibacterial soaps are more expensive than regular soaps.


Tar soap is about 10% birch tar. It is this component that determines the main properties of the detergent.

Its advantages:

  • natural composition;
  • disinfection of tissues;
  • no risk of allergies;
  • the possibility of using for washing children's clothes;
  • good detergency.
The main disadvantage of tar soap is its pungent smell, which seems unpleasant to many. So that he is not too intrusive, things need to be thoroughly rinsed out. You can add a few drops of aromatic essential oil to the water.

Another disadvantage of the detergent is the low foaming, but despite this, it does a great job on various types of stains.

Use rubber gloves when washing. Regular contact of tar with the skin leads to dryness.

How to choose a good one?

Laundry and baby soaps are best suited for washing laundry. Preference should be given to a product without additives, the origin of which is unknown.

For processing things they do not use:

  1. foto18320-5Handmade soap.
  2. Products with insoluble particles. They can be added to the bar for decoration or for a scrubbing effect.
  3. Essential oil soap. They leave stains on things.
  4. A product with a complex chemical composition. For allergy sufferers, such household chemicals are categorically contraindicated.

The solid form of release has a more natural composition, it contains fewer dyes, preservatives and fragrances.

Can I add to the washing machine?

Soap can be added to the washing machine, but in order not to harm household appliances, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Liquid soap is preferred.
  2. Be sure to take into account the type of tissue to adjust the dose. For example, wool promotes copious foam formation. Therefore, for such products, less detergent is required.
  3. To prevent fatty acid salts from settling on machine parts, you should not wash things too often with soap.
  4. After completing the cycle, it is recommended to rinse the drum with vinegar water.
The detergent composition for the washing machine can be prepared from a bar. It is grated and dissolved with hot water until a homogeneous mass is formed. The resulting composition is poured into the compartment for liquid powder.

Top 5 best

Manufacturers of household chemicals offer soap designed exclusively for washing clothes. Top 5 looks like this:

  1. foto18320-6Eared nanny... Laundry soap can be used to care for baby clothes. It contains stain remover, enzymes and glycerin, but no fragrances. The cost of a bar is 32 rubles.
  2. Sarma antibacterial 3 in 1... It can be used not only for washing but also for washing dishes and hands. The cost of a bar is 31 rubles.
  3. Dr. Beckmann... It is used to remove stubborn stains. It is suitable for white and colored fabrics, for washing carpets and upholstery. The cost of the bar is 120 rubles.
  4. Stork with glycerin... Fragrance-free bar, suitable for getting rid of stubborn stains. The cost of a package weighing 150 g is 28 rubles.
  5. DURU Clean & White... It contains enzymes and a stain remover. It can be used to care for white and colored items. The cost of the bar is 84 rubles.

You can buy any detergent in a retail store, in the department with household chemicals, or order in the Internet market.

Helpful information

Application Tips soaps for washing things:

  • small things can be washed with bar soap under the tap;
  • it is better to use soapy water for washing in a basin;
  • old stains require pre-soaking;
  • if the water is hard, the amount of detergent is increased.

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It is best to use laundry or baby soap for washing things. The fewer chemical components in their composition, the better. Liquid soap can be machine washed, but not too often.



