We tried it, we know: is it possible and how to wash it with laundry soap in an automatic machine or by hand
Washing with detergents is not suitable for everyone. For young children or people suffering from allergic diseases, you have to look for alternatives.
Washing things with laundry soap can be a good substitute for chemical analogues. Read about whether and how to wash with laundry soap in an automatic washing machine and by hand in the article.
- Is it possible to wash in a washing machine?
- Pros and cons of using
- Features of hand and machine processing
- What fabrics can be washed?
- Which is better to choose: liquid, solid, powder?
- How to wash laundry in automatic mode?
- Hand processing
- Household appliances breakdown prevention
- Reviews of people
- Conclusion
Is it possible to wash in a washing machine?
For washing in a washing machine, special detergents have been developed that foam little... In addition, they may contain special additives that soften water.
The soap contains animal and vegetable organic fatty acids. Depending on their quantity, soap has a different concentration of fat content (from 40 to 80%).
The higher the concentration of fatty acids, the less it foams... Therefore, it can be washed in a washing machine.
Pros and cons of using
The soap contains fatty acids, which are obtained from animal fats and vegetable oils, and soda.
Thanks to this composition, it has the following qualities:
- Does not cause allergic reactions. Suitable for the delicate skin of newborns and allergy sufferers.
- Perfectly cleans even the most difficult stains. If there is a dirty spot, you can only soap it, let it sit for 15-20 minutes and wash. The stain will be removed.
- Does not damage tissues. The fabric remains soft after washing.
- Cost savings. The cost of one soap bar is several times less than the cost of a standard pack of washing powder for an automatic machine.
Among the disadvantages are:
Silk and woolen items cannot be washed.
- It dissolves poorly in cold water, can form flakes that will settle on the walls of equipment.
- It takes some time to prepare. The bar needs to be grated or gel prepared. When using liquid soap, you do not have to spend time preparing.
- Some housewives note a not very pleasant smell. But if you add a few drops of essential oil to the gel, then the smell will become pleasant.
Features of hand and machine processing
There are some peculiarities and differences for hand and machine wash with soap.
In the washing machine
Low-foaming detergents have been specially developed for the washing machine. Laundry soap meets these requirements. For use in an automatic machine, the bar is crushed.
To wash a kilogram of dry laundry, put 2 tablespoons of shavings.
Hand washing will require more physical effort. It has some features:
Before starting the process, you need to sort things out by color and wash colored items separately from whites.
- Heavily soiled laundry must be soaked in soapy water for 30-60 minutes.
- If there are dirty spots, then they must first be wetted, rubbed with soap and left for 20-30 minutes. Then rub with a brush or grated hands.
- Rinse the laundry several times until the foam is completely washed out.
It will be difficult to wash heavily soiled items with your hands. dirt is well washed in hot water. Hands cannot withstand this temperature.
What fabrics can be washed?
The soap is suitable for washing natural and synthetic fabrics such as cotton, linen, polyester,
Wash woolen things You can do it with laundry soap, but only if you do it with your hands. When washing in a machine, wool quickly builds up lather and rolls... Rinsing the foam out of wool is difficult.
Natural silk fabrics also foam well with soapy water. Therefore, for machine washing, the dosage of soap is reduced.
Which is better to choose: liquid, solid, powder?
The action of soap is based on the fact that the fatty acids in its composition react with dirt and, with the help of foam, wash them out of the fabric fibers. Therefore, the more fatty acids in the bar, the more effective its action.
The industry produces several types of solid soaps depending on the percentage of fatty acids:
- Category 1contains 70.5 - 72% fatty acids;
- Category 2, in the composition of 65-69% LCD;
- Category 3, contains up to 64% of components.
The color of the bar changes depending on the concentration of fatty acids. The more there are, the darker the piece.
Now on sale you can find laundry soap of different consistency:
- bar,
- liquid,
- powdery.
Soap powder is a crushed bar option... Soap is no different from lumpy soap, only crushed into crumbs. It is convenient to put it into a drum or powder tray in the washing machine.
With regard to liquid soap, this is not the case. It is, of course, convenient to use for machine washing. As for the composition of this product, it has nothing to do with traditional soap.
If you read its composition indicated on the label, you can find surfactants, fragrances and other chemical constituents in it. Liquid soap has nothing to do with household soap.
How to wash laundry in automatic mode?
The soap bar does not dissolve well and must be prepared for use in the car.
If the bar is in the form of jelly
Grate 100 grams of soap bar on a fine grater. Pour shavings with 1 liter of hot water. Heat over low heat until completely dissolved.
- Dissolve 3 tablespoons of soda ash in 3 liters of water.
- Mix both solutions together.
- Add 10-15 drops of any essential oil to give a pleasant smell after cooling the mixture.
- Pour the solution into a convenient container. Wait until it cools completely (the solution should acquire a jelly-like consistency), after which it can be applied.
For one cycle, 200 grams of jelly is added to the drum.
Another easier way to use bar soap is in shavings. It takes less time.
To improve the quality of washing, soda can be added to the shavings (3 tablespoons per piece)... Store the mixture in a container with a tightly closed lid to prevent the baking soda from absorbing moisture.
How to wash with laundry soap in a washing machine, the video will tell you:
For better dissolution, before use, the shavings are dissolved in hot water (a glass of water for 2 tbsp. L. Shavings). The solution is poured into a powder tray.
Hand processing
Baby or delicate items are hand washed. To do this, rub the soap on a grater, dissolve in a bowl of warm water and wash. If the laundry is too dirty, then it is soaked in soapy water for 1-2 hours.
To wash stained items, proceed as follows:
moisten things with warm water;
- squeeze slightly;
- I soap a dirty spot;
- soaped things are left to lie down for 20-30 minutes without water;
- Pour warm water, wash the stain with a soft brush.
After finishing washing, the laundry should be rinsed well 3-5 times.
Household appliances breakdown prevention
When using soap, a greasy film remains on the parts of the automatic machine. If you use it for a long time, it can lead to equipment breakdowns.
Besides, 1-2 times a month, you need to run a dry wash at maximum temperature using citric acid or soda ash... This will help dissolve the fat deposits.
If laundry soap is not used constantly, but for children's clothes, then subsequent washing with ordinary powders will help wash off the plaque.
Reviews of people
There is no unequivocal opinion about the quality of using laundry soap. Most consumers agree that it does not cause allergies... And this product is excellent for choice when washing clothes for newborns and allergy sufferers.
The only drawback is the not very pleasant smell of things after washing. But to eliminate it, it is recommended to use essential oil or rinse things with the addition of apple cider vinegar or citric acid.
What means to wash clothes, there is no definite answer to this question... In many cases, laundry soap really washes things with high quality, copes with even the most difficult stains.
If you have a small child or a family member with allergies, laundry soap is a good choice.