Observing the rules, or how to competently wash fading things
Almost all dyed clothes are prone to shedding, but this is not a reason to refuse to buy colored things.
Outfits can stay attractive and vibrant for a long time if you know how to properly care for them.
Read about how to wash fading things so that the pigment does not wash out of them and the clothes no longer fade, read the article.
How do you know if the fabric is shedding?
To understand that a thing is prone to molting, two simple tests can be carried out.
First way to check:
- Moisten a small area with warm water.
- Lay out the product on an ironing board, cover the soaked cloth with a white paper napkin and walk over it with a hot iron.
- Examine the napkin. If colored spots appear on it, the product is prone to shedding.
The second method of checking is applicable if the manufacturer has sewn a small piece of fabric from which the clothes are made to the inside of the product.
It is cut off, soaked in a small amount of warm soapy water and the water is examined after 20 minutes. If the water is stained, the fabric sheds.
Preparation for the process
Sort items before starting the main wash.
A few basic rules:
- White and black washed separately;
- black fabrics can be washed along with dark blue and dark gray linens;
- together it is permissible to load things of warm shades into the machine: pink, yellow, orange, but subject to the similarity of colors and preliminary fixing of the paint;
- blue, purple and green fabrics can be washed together.
Fixing the coloring pigment
To prevent fading things from being damaged during the washing process, you need to direct efforts to fix the color. This can be done in several ways:
Soaking the thing in a saline solution. To prepare it, you will need 2 tbsp. l. salt and 1 liter of water. The product is soaked for an hour, after which it is rinsed thoroughly.
- Color pinning acetic acid... 10 liters of water will require 5 tbsp. l. acid. In such a solution, the tissue should be at least half an hour.
- Rinsing out excess paint. To begin with, the fabric is placed in a basin of warm water, left for 10 minutes, and then rinsed in cool water. This will remove excess pigment.
Be sure to process new products before the first wash.
Washable without shedding
To prevent the fabric from fading, certain rules must be followed. By following the instructions for hand and machine wash, it will be possible to give cleanliness even to the most brightly colored things without loss.
After preparing the product, you can proceed to the main procedure. To prevent the pigment from being washed out of the fabric fibers, observe the following algorithm of actions:
- Before immersing a thing in a basin, you need to study the information on the product label. The recommendations indicated by the manufacturer must not be violated.
- Be sure to check all pockets so that there are no small items left in them.
- If at the preparation stage it turned out that the thing is prone to shedding, the water is collected cool, 10 degrees below the recommended one.
- It is better to use a powder intended for hand washing colored items. On the package there should be an inscription “Color” and a picture of a basin with a palm lowered into it.
- The powder or gel must be completely dissolved in water.
- If soaking is required, its time is reduced to a minimum.
- You cannot press and rub the thing with a brush or hands.
- Rinse clothes first in warm and then in cool water.
How to wash fading things manually, the video will tell you:
In a typewriter
It is necessary to wash fading things separately from the rest, since it is impossible to control the process of washing out the pigment. Guide to action:
Sort products by color and texture.
- Fill the powder compartment with a detergent intended for washing colored items. If gel is used, it can be poured directly into the drum, over the inside of the garment.
Similarly, capsules are used, only they are placed under the product to be washed.
- Set washing parameters. The water temperature should not exceed 30-40 degrees. It is recommended to spin at the lowest possible speed. If necessary, activate the extra rinse function. You can use the "gentle wash" mode.
- The items are removed from the drum immediately after washing. The longer they stay wet, the less strong the adhesion of the dye to the fabric becomes.
If the fabric has tough stains, you can use a stain remover, but apply it in moderation. The exposure time should not exceed 30 minutes.
Thanks to their use, you can wash fading and ordinary products at the same time, but if the fabric loses paint very actively, the napkins may not cope with their function.
What to do if clothes are faded?
If the thing still faded, then you can try to remedy the situation in the following ways:
wash the fabric again using powder and salt, the water should be warm, but not too hot;
- use soda or ammonia to remove stains;
- try to remove pigment with a household stain remover;
- if white fabric is stained, then use any gentle bleach, from available tools, hydrogen peroxide copes well with colored stains.
You need to correct the situation immediately, without waiting for the thing to dry. What to do if a thing gets stained during washing, will tell this publication.
If the white thing sheds during washing, tips from this articles.
Care after treatment
After washing, things that are prone to shedding must be hung to dry. They should be kept away from direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light promotes rapid pigment fading. Clothes must be turned to the wrong side.
If the item has been treated with vinegar, then it is better to dry it in the fresh air. This will get rid of the bad smell faster.
Finish each wash by rinsing the fabric in cool water... If desired, you can add a small amount of vinegar to it.
If the garment has not been properly washed, it may fade when ironing. Therefore, the minimum temperature is set on the iron.
Helpful information
So that washing colored things does not cause damage to them, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Do not use soap and baking soda for hand washing, as they tend to wash out the pigment.
- Preference should be given to liquid detergents, as they dissolve better in cool water and are easier to wash out of the fabric fibers.
- You can use fabric softener when washing. It helps things to maintain color saturation.
It is necessary to wash fading things in compliance with several rules. It is very important to choose a suitable detergent, and also not to exceed the temperature of 30-40 degrees. A prerequisite is the color fixing procedure, which is desirable to carry out before the first wash.