What to do if the thing gets colored during washing: tips and tricks
Ignoring the rules for sorting the laundry and the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the washing mode can cause an unpleasant surprise - faded clothes.
What to do if the garment gets stained during washing? There is no need to rush to throw the spoiled item into the trash.
There are a sufficient number of ways to restore the original appearance of a product that is stained after washing.
What to do first?
First of all, you need to calm down and, without waiting for the laundry to dry, wash it again, using a little more washing powder.
Additionally, bleach is added to a special compartment of the washing machine (for white linen) or stain remover (for colored items).
If things were hand washed Soaking will help to fix the problem of dyed clothes (at least three hours) and rewashing in hot water with the addition of liquid dish detergent. A pre-faded product is thoroughly rubbed with laundry soap.
How do I return the product to its original appearance?
If urgent actions to remove stains from faded clothes did not help, then you should use folk methods or special household chemicals.
Traditional methods of how to save laundry
There are a sufficient number of folk ways to quickly remove stains from clothes that have faded after washing:
- Starch, table salt and citric acid. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and poured with warm water until a thick slurry stands. The resulting product is used to treat stains. The product is left alone for ten hours, after which it is washed in the usual way.
- Vinegar. The faded clothes are soaked overnight in a soapy solution with the addition of 3-4 tbsp. vinegar.
Lemon juice - an excellent remedy for faded white things. It is enough to wipe the colored spots with half a fresh lemon and leave the item in this form for three to four hours. After that, the clothes are re-washed as usual.
- Liquid dishwashing detergent... The actions are simple: rub the stains on clothes with detergent to a foam state. After two hours, the treated clothes are sent to the washing machine.
- Salt and green tea... The painted item is soaked in a medium-strength green tea brew (no more than twenty minutes). Then the product is taken out, squeezed out and the faded areas are covered with table salt. In this form, the clothes are left for fifteen minutes, after which they are sent for repeated washing.
Delay in solving the problem that has arisen can cause the stains to fail to be removed and the item will be completely damaged.
How to fix the situation with household chemicals?
Properly selected chemicals will help to restore the original color of the faded thing. To get rid of stains on faded clothes will help stain removers and oxygen bleach.
Top 3 Best Chemicals for Fighting Shedding Stains:
Vanish oxi action... Bleach is effective at low temperatures (which is important for washing delicate fabrics), has a pleasant smell. The cost of this funds starts from 171 rubles.
- BOS Maximum - oxygen bleach, suitable for both white and colored laundry. BOS Maximum is available in dry powder form. It is added to the washing machine in the compartment along with detergents or used for soaking during hand washing. The cost of bleach starts at 80 rubles.
- Clean Home - liquid stain remover, which can be used both in cold (30 ° C) and very hot (90 ° C) water. Clean Home does not contain chlorine, retains the brightness of colors and structure of fabric fibers, enhances the effect of washing powder. The cost of a liquid stain remover starts at 260 rubles.
When choosing a product in a store, you must carefully study the manufacturer's information on the label regarding the method of application and dosage.
To find the necessary tool, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
- oxygenated bleaches will help in removing stains from faded white clothes;
- washing with a stain remover will save colored fabrics from faded stains;
- laundry soap will work well with colored spots, but it is better to use it for dark clothes (on white fabrics, yellow soap can leave a dirty coating).
Experts do not recommend washing faded clothes more than three times. Frequent washing leads to thinning of the fabric fibers, permanent loss of color and shape of the garment.
The simultaneous use of chemicals with different properties is not recommended. Entering into a reaction, such combined compounds can cause the final damage of a favorite thing (color changes, color pigment is washed out of the fabric).
other methods
If household chemicals and folk methods could not cope with stains on faded clothes, The following methods will help you save your favorite thing:
Painted with acrylic paints. Having shown imagination or using a stencil, the faded places on the fabric are painted with acrylics. They are easy to apply and dry quickly.
- Boiling in aniline dye. As a result, faded clothing acquires a uniform color, masking any defects on the fabric.
- Decorating the painted areas with applique, rhinestones, embroidery.
Washed clothes can be the basis for new home furnishings (such as cushion covers).
How to remove stains and restore white?
There are several ways to restore shining whiteness to plump things:
- Digestion with the addition of hydrogen peroxide... It is enough to dilute hydrogen peroxide (50 ml) in a liter of water and boil the faded white thing in the resulting solution for one hour.
- Treating stains with laundry soap... The faded areas are carefully rubbed with soap and the product is left for four hours, after which it is sent to the second wash.
- Treating stains with a mixture of citric acid, starch and salt... The components are mixed in equal proportions, water is added to the state of a thick slurry. The resulting composition treats stains on faded clothes.
- Washing in potassium permanganate... A very weak solution of potassium permanganate is prepared (several granules per 10 liters of water are enough), in which the thing painted after washing is soaked for twenty minutes. After the product is rinsed and washed again as usual.
Features depending on the material
When choosing a method for restoring the color of faded clothes, special attention is paid to the material from which the product is sewn.
Natural fabrics
You can wash faded things made from natural fabrics in the following ways:
Digestion method... Painted items are boiled for at least two hours in a bucket or large saucepan filled with water with the addition of food soda (2 tablespoons are enough for 10 liters). After digestion, the product must be thoroughly rinsed in cool water.
- Soaking method... Liquid ammonia is dissolved in warm water (200 ml of ammonia is used for 6 liters). Spoiled clothes are soaked for an hour, after which they are thoroughly rinsed under running cool water.
Unlike synthetic materials, faded stains are more difficult to remove from natural fabrics. If the product failed to return the original color the first time, the procedure will have to be repeated or seek help from a dry cleaner.
To restore the color of faded clothing made of synthetic fabrics use the following methods:
- Two pills aspirin crushed into powder and dissolved in 100 ml of warm water. The resulting composition is treated with stains, the product is left for twenty minutes, after which it is washed as usual.
- 5 tablespoons are dissolved in 10 liters of warm water. ammonia, 2 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and 2 tbsp. shavings of laundry soap. For half an hour, the faded things are soaked in the prepared composition, after which they are thoroughly rinsed in cold water.
Wool, silk, delicate
You can restore the original appearance of faded clothes made of delicate thin fabrics in the following ways:
In 5 liters of water, dissolve 1 tbsp. washing powder, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and 4 tbsp. table salt. In the resulting solution, the painted thing is soaked for two hours. After the product is washed as usual.
- Wash the faded thing in mustard tincture (1 tablespoon of dry mustard powder is brewed in 1 liter of hot water).
- Lemon juice will help to quickly remove stains from clothes stained after washing. It is enough to squeeze the juice of one lemon into warm water and soak the spoiled thing in the resulting solution for thirty minutes. After the soaked product is washed as usual.
Delicate fabrics require careful handling. During the washing process, clothes should not be actively rubbed, twisted or soaked in very hot water.
Prevention measures against staining
You can avoid the unpleasant surprise in the form of faded clothes after washing if you adhere to some rules:
- Before washing, all things must be sorted into white and color, as well as by type of fabric.
- Before the first wash of a new thing, a mini-test is carried out: a small area of the fabric is moistened with hot water, after which it is immersed in cold water. If the water is colored, then before the first wash it is worth taking measures to fix the color on the fabric (for example, rinse the clothes in water with the addition of vinegar).
- Before putting things in the washing machine tank, it is checked for foreign objects. The thing is that even one colored sock accidentally forgotten in the washing machine can ruin all the washed clothes.
- Before hanging the washed items to dry, they are carefully examined.If the clothes are shed, they start fixing the problem immediately, while the fabric is still wet. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to remove colored streaks.
Useful video
How to save faded things, the video will tell you:
A quick reaction to the problem of clothes dyed after washing, the use of correctly selected folk remedies or household chemicals will help preserve your favorite thing.