Advantages, disadvantages and methods of washing laundry with aspirin

foto12894-1Powders containing chlorine are used to bleach light colored items. They are corrosive to tissues.

Aspirin can be used instead. It has a softer effect on the fabric.

The use of acetylsalicylic acid for washing clothes has its pros and cons. It can also be used to remove scale from inside the washing machine.

Let's take a closer look at how to wash white and colored linen with aspirin in an automatic washing machine and whiten things.

What is it used for?

foto12894-2The tool has proven itself when washing clothes due to its composition. Its component is acetylsalicylic acid. It dissolves greasy dirt well.

The drug is used to get rid of old sweat stains and blood on clothes... The product is also used to whiten things. Acetylsalicylic acid is good at removing gray deposits from white linen.

Also, the drug removes yellow spots from sweat on such things. Aspirin is used to restore the original whiteness of clothes. How to remove sweat stains on light-colored clothes will tell you this article.

Pros and cons

The main advantages of the product are:

  • lack of aggressive effects on tissues;
  • the return of the original saturated color to the linen;
  • elimination of old stains;
  • the same effect from use both when washing in a machine and by hand.
The drug does not lead to stains on things. Unlike bleaches, acetylsalicylic acid does not cause grayish deposits on white clothing. The product is several times cheaper than special chemical bleaches.

Acetylsalicylic acid has several disadvantages:

  • possible irritant effect on the skin by hand washing;
  • negative effect on tissue fibers with frequent use of the product;
  • not always effective removal of old stains.

Repeated use of the detergent may be required. It can't always deal with pollution the first time.

What type of product should you choose?

foto12894-3It is recommended to choose "Aspirin-S" for washing. This type of drug is an effervescent tablet.They dissolve faster in water than regular tablets.

The composition additionally contains hydrocarbons... Also, such tablets, along with acetylsalicylic acid, contain other active acids.

When washed, they will more quickly cause a chemical reaction, during which carbon dioxide is released. Thanks to it, the whitening and cleansing effect will be greatly enhanced.

For washing it is recommended to choose effervescent tablets such as:

  • "Aspirin 1000",
  • "Upsarin",
  • "Asprovit".
Aspirin Cardio can be used. Expired tablets are allowed.

The use of a preparation for whitening things

The product can be used for both machine and hand wash. Taking into account its type, the number of aspirin tablets should be correctly selected. It matters in what form the product is used for whitening.

When processing in an automatic washing machine

foto12894-4You must first grind the tablets into powder... When bleaching, it is recommended to add 5 tablets for each kilogram of clothing. Crushed tablets must be mixed with powder.

It is recommended to immediately pour the mixture into the drum of the machine, where there are white things. Clothes should be washed for at least 40 minutes.

The optimal time is 50 minutes or 1 hour. The water temperature must be at least 60C.

When cleaning manually

Before the procedure itself, you must first soak white things... For this, a solution is made based on 140 g of powder, 6 crushed effervescent tablets and 7 liters of hot water.

Linen is put into the mixture for 12 hours. After that, things must be washed in the same newly prepared solution. Then the laundry must be rinsed three times in cold water.

Features of use for colored and white clothes

Aspirin is not harmful to colored fabrics. It has no effect on their elasticity. In rare cases, the product may have an excessive lightening effect on colored clothing.... This applies to effervescent tablets in which bicarbonates are present. In general, however, aspirin does not leach dyes from colored fabrics.

Before using detergent for colored items, a test must be performed. The ground aspirin is mixed with water to a gruel state and applied to an inconspicuous area of ​​tissue.

In this state, the mixture is left for half an hour. After that, the product is rinsed in cold water. If there are no stains on it, then you can use aspirin for washing.

Colored clothes are washed with acetylsalicylic acid only on a delicate cycle... The water temperature should not reach 60C. For 1 kg of colored laundry, put no more than two tablets.

As a stain remover

foto12894-5Acetylsalicylic acid can be used to remove stubborn sweat and blood stains from clothes.

The first type of dirt is recommended to be removed as follows:

  1. 6 tablets dissolve in 240 ml of warm water.
  2. The sponge is wetted in the solution. She is rubbing places on things where there are yellow spots from sweat.
  3. After 45 minutes, the clothes are washed as usual.

If necessary, the procedure must be repeated, and then washed in a typewriter at a temperature of 60C.

To remove blood stains from clothing, it is recommended to use the drug according to the following scheme:

  1. Crush three tablets.
  2. Pour 25 ml of cold water over the mass.
  3. Gruel the contamination.
  4. Wait 35 minutes.

Then it is necessary to thoroughly wash the things treated with gruel in cold water.

For descaling the machine

The tool can remove limescale deposits on the heating element in the washing machine. It is enough to finely crush 5 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, mix them with an anti-scale conditioner and place in a drum. It is necessary to run the machine idle for half an hour.

Aspirin will not be able to remove strong and old plaque on the heating element, but it will well remove fresh deposits from it.


When using the product, it is recommended:

  • foto12894-6wear rubber gloves on your hands to avoid irritation;
  • soak clothes made of delicate materials for a maximum of an hour and a half;
  • wash linen immediately after stains appear on it;
  • soften water with special means;
  • Combine the product with an air conditioner to remove scale on the machine's heating element (at least once a month).

You should not combine Aspirin with powders that contain enzymes. The preparation neutralizes their effect during washing.

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Acetylsalicylic acid can be used to wash clothes. Aspirin is a good bleach and stain remover at the same time. The product can be used for washing colored items.

The best effect is obtained by acid in the form of effervescent tablets, which are recommended to be pre-crushed... The tool is equally well used for both hand and machine wash. It can do a good job of cleaning the heating element of a washing machine from fresh limescale.



