Review of the Retona ultrasonic washing machine: price, reviews, rules of use

foto18164-1Among all household appliances designed for washing things, the small-sized Retona device stands out. The device works by producing ultrasonic waves.

The operation of the device requires prior familiarization with the technical specifications and operating instructions.

An objective idea of ​​the effectiveness of the use of Retona can be made on the basis of the manufacturer's presentation and feedback from those consumers who have already tested the ultrasonic washing machine in practice.

What is this device?

foto18164-2Two models are produced under the name "Retona": USU-0710T-01 (Retona-classic) and USU-0708. Both products represent a compact ultrasonic device designed for washing clothes from any fabric.

Externally, the device is a small emitter placed in a plastic case... It is connected with a wire to the power supply, which plugs into an electrical outlet.

The developer and manufacturer of the device (Russian NPO Retona, based in Tomsk) first proposed the innovation to the consumer market in 1998.

Technical characteristics of the machine

The total weight of the miniature household appliance is 360 grams... The case with the emitter measures 5x7 cm, the length of the power cord is 2 meters.

Thanks to its small size and light weight, Reton is easy to take on the road. The device is equipped with an overheating protection function, while in operation it is silent.

Two ultrasonic piezoceramic emitters are mounted in the body of the device, the power consumption of which is from 9 to 30 W. This is about several dozen times less than the power of a conventional washing machine. The frequency of the ultrasonic waves that Retona emits is 50 Hz.

How is it washed?

The operation of the device is based on the production of ultrasonic waves that penetrate deep into the tissue fibers and create microvibration. In parallel, ultrasonic radiation enhances the effect of washing powder, gel or soap.

According to the manufacturer, the waves generated by the device:

  • foto18164-3do not have a damaging mechanical effect on the fibers and structure of the fabric, so the device is suitable for washing delicate materials;
  • have good performance when washing things with stains from coffee, tea, green grass, wine, vegetable and fruit juices;
  • remove pigment particles from the surface of the fibers of faded things, which have caused color damage;
  • restores the microstructure of fibers, increasing their volume and enhancing the natural color;
  • give a disinfecting effect, as they destroy up to 70% of pathogenic microorganisms contained on the surface of things.

During the operation of the device, a short circuit does not occur, which is possible when operating more powerful equipment. Retona allows you to save energy during washing.

At the same time, the ultrasonic principle of operation does not make it possible to wash very strong and old dirt. In such cases, the machine is recommended to be used in combination with a hand or machine wash.

How to use: step by step instructions

The algorithm for using an ultrasonic washing machine is quite simple. Since Retona is powered by the mains, it is necessary that an electrical outlet is located within the reach.

Washing with this device must be carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. Water at a temperature of 60-65 degrees is poured into a deep container (preferably enameled).
  2. Dissolve the detergent in water. Gel is preferred over powder.
  3. foto18164-4Things are evenly laid out in the container so that the water completely covers them.
  4. The Retona working element is placed in the center on the bottom of the container with the emitter upward.
  5. The device is plugged into a 220 volt electrical outlet.
  6. During washing, things are mixed twice, having previously disconnected the device from the network.
  7. Before the end of the wash, Retona is unplugged and the clothes are taken out.
  8. The washed products are first rinsed without spinning by hand or machine.
  9. After operation, the device is washed in running water and dried.

How long does the wash take? A normal wash with light to medium soiling takes about an hour. To clean heavily soiled items, a longer ultrasound exposure time and higher power (30 W) are required.

When filling the container, hot and cold water is collected separatelyto reduce the amount of air bubbles that impede the propagation of ultrasound in the water.

Where to buy, how much does the machine cost?

Original Retona models are sold via the Internet on the manufacturer's website, as well as on dealer websites and online stores:

  1. The average price for ultrasonic washing machines USU-0710T-01 is 3500 rubles.
  2. The cost of the newer USU-0708 model ranges from 3800 to 5000 rubles.


Retona is not the only device of this type. There are similar devices on the market for household appliances for washing. The most popular options are presented in the table:

NameManufacturerPower consumption, WWeight, gWashing temperature, ° СAverage price, rub.
DuneCJSC "Medical and ecological center" Dunes "(Russia)20165601400
CinderellaNPP BIOS (Russia)20500701200
UltratonNPF Nevoton LLC (Russia)15320652000
HummingbirdJSC Elpa (Russia)25350602100

Consumer opinions

foto18164-5Reton devices have been on the market for over two decades. During this time, a lot of reviews have accumulated about their work.

Some consumers note that the device refreshes linen well enough and washes stains from coffee, fruit, sweat... During operation, a very weak sound is heard, which does not strain your hearing.

The positive aspects also include the fact that Retona can wash things in non-standard situations - on a business trip, in the country.

In other positive reviews, it is noted that when hand washing white linen, Retona shows itself at its best. It does an excellent job of general pollution in one hour., it remains only to lightly rub the thing with your hands. In the absence of a standard washing machine, ultrasonic Retona is an excellent solution.

Other users state that all the advantages of Retona are only in its small size and the absence of noise during operation. The device does not give the declared effect of removing stains.

If, after soaking the laundry with a working device, you then wash things in another way, the result will be. In addition, the consumption of water when washing with Retona in a basin is much higher than when washing in an automatic machine.


Retona's miniature ultrasonic apparatus in both models is a convenient portable device for washing items made of different fabrics. The equipment has a large number of advantages that explain the ease of use and the final effect..

At the same time, the presence of a certain share of negative reviews indicates the need for a competent and appropriate use of the device for domestic purposes.



