Rating of baby washing powders without phosphates: composition, price, reviews

foto24910-1Child in the house - washing every day. If our mothers and grandmothers, taking care of the delicate skin of the baby, washed things only with laundry soap, then for modern mothers the choice of washing powders is not limited.

When choosing detergents for washing children's clothes, phosphate-free powders deserve special attention, which, while maintaining the high quality of washing, minimize the risks of developing allergic reactions on the delicate skin of the child.

In this article, we'll show you which phosphate-free baby laundry detergents have been tested for safety and effectiveness.

What are phosphates and how are they dangerous for children?

Phosphates (salts of phosphoric acids) help soften hard tap water, remove stubborn stains from fabric... It is on their basis that budget options for detergents are produced that can wash even very dirty laundry with high quality.

But, unfortunately, along with the numerous positive properties of powders with phosphates, there is one significant drawback that makes such agents unsuitable for washing baby clothes.

The fact is that when they come into contact with the child's skin through clothing (phosphates accumulate in the fibers of the fabric), these substances can cause certain health problems.

Most often, phosphates provoke the development of severe allergic reactions (severe itching, redness, peeling). Over time, if you ignore the problem, phosphates can cause metabolic disorders, intoxication of the body, which are extremely dangerous for a small child.

foto24910-2Parents should be alerted:

  • sneezing,
  • tearing,
  • dryness and redness of the skin.

If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to show the baby to the pediatrician as soon as possible, who will conduct a more detailed examination and make the correct diagnosis.

When choosing a detergent for washing baby clothes, you need to make sure that the composition contains a minimum amount of surfactants (surfactants) and is free of phosphates. This will help keep the baby healthy.

TOP 5 best laundry detergents

The child's very delicate skin, sensitive to synthetic components, forces parents to pay special attention to the choice of washing powders. The use of the best phosphate-free products will help prevent the appearance of allergic rashes on the baby's skin:


Faberlic universal concentrated washing powder washes well white and colored items, completely rinsed out of the fabric... The detergent is active even at low temperatures and water of any hardness.

The safety of the product is confirmed by the certificate of the international research institute Research Institute for reliable results Dermatest Gmbh (Germany). Ideal for washing baby clothes.

The average cost is 290 rubles. (pack 800 gr).


our mother

Baby soap powder "Our Mom" ​​is an excellent detergent for washing children's clothes. Suitable for both soaking and hand wash, machine wash.

Created on the basis of soap chips, without the use of synthetic substances, the powder perfectly cleans stubborn stains, rinses out perfectly, making the child's clothes soft and delicate to the touch.

The average cost is 400 rubles. (pack 900 gr).



Eco-friendly washing powder BioMio. The absence of phosphates, the minimum content of surfactants, cotton extract and other plant components make this product as safe as possible for washing children's clothes. Suitable for both white and colored laundry.

The powder rinses out perfectly, leaving no foreign odors on the fabric. High efficiency and economical consumption (no more than 40 g per 3 kg of laundry) make BioMio very popular among mothers.

The average cost is 450 rubles. (pack 1.5 kg).


Sodasan Comfort Sensitive

Sodasan Comfort Sensitive hypoallergenic washing powder is specially designed for washing children's clothes. Suitable for people with sensitive skin and prone to allergic reactions.

Created on the basis of vegetable oils and soda, the powder washes stubborn stains the first time (does not require soaking), after rinsing, it does not leave unpleasant odors on the fabric.

The average cost is 600 rubles. (pack 1.2 kg).



Phosphate-free washing powder "Chistown for children" based on natural soap, soda and citric acid.

The product is absolutely harmless to delicate baby skin. If there are stubborn stains, soak is required. Suitable for both white and colored fabrics.

The average cost is 380 rubles. (pack 1.5 kg).


Before buying a washing powder, it will not be superfluous to once again carefully study the composition and method of using the selected product.

What is important to consider when choosing?

You can choose the right detergent for washing baby clothes, subject to some recommendations:

  1. It is important to make sure that the composition of the washing powder does not include bleaches, fragrances, conditioners, phosphates. If any of the listed components are declared by the manufacturer, then it is better to refuse such a product. It is necessary that the packaging be marked "hypoallergenic", and if the product is intended for washing the things of a child in the first months of life, then "for a newborn."
  2. You can minimize the risks of buying a falsified, fake washing powder if you choose the product in specialized outlets (stores or departments of goods for children of large supermarkets). The appropriate certificates, which the seller must provide at the request of the buyer, will help to ensure the quality of the goods and their safety.
  3. When choosing a powder for children's things, you need to pay attention to what age it is intended for. For infants, the manufacturer makes a special mark “0+” on the packaging.
  4. When making a purchase, you must make sure that the packaging is not damaged, there are no wet marks on the cardboard box. It is good if the packaging is airtight and the manufacturer has provided for the possibility of tightly closing the already opened container (for example, a zip fastener).
High-quality, safe, phosphate-free laundry detergent for baby clothes cannot be cheap. When choosing a cheaper analogue of a detergent, you should think carefully about the advisability of such a purchase.

All the most important and useful information about children's washing powders is presented here.


The use of phosphate-free washing powders will help maintain the health of the child, minimize contacts with negative environmental factors.



