Backfill question: is it possible to wash children's clothes with ordinary powder?

foto25405-1The arrival of a child in the home poses many questions for parents, the answers to which are not always obvious.

For example, can baby clothes and newborns' linen be washed with regular detergent?

What is the difference between "adult" household chemicals from those intended for children? You will find answers to questions in the article.

Should I use "adult" household chemicals?

It is not recommended to use ordinary detergent for washing children's clothes.

Any household chemicals intended for the care of things of an adult, contains many components that can harm the health of the baby... Moreover, the rest of the family can use such funds for many years without any consequences.

Why not?

Use the usual composition for washing baby clothes it is impossible for several reasons:

  1. foto25405-2The classic formula includes chemistry, to which the child's body can react in an unpredictable way. Dangerous are bleaches, zeolites, high concentration surfactants.
  2. Regular powders smell strong and do not rinse well when washed.
  3. The child's skin and respiratory tract are vulnerable, the immune system is not sufficiently developed, therefore, the use of inappropriate household chemicals can cause serious health problems.

Possible consequences

The child urinates in the washed things, he sweats in them. Any contact with moisture and mucous membranes leads to the fact that the substances that have settled in the fibers of the fabric after washing will be washed out, falling on children's skin.

This threatens with serious consequences, including:

  • skin rash;
  • itching;
  • allergic rhinitis and lacrimation;
  • dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma.
Even mild irritation can be easy to deal with, not to mention more serious allergic reactions.

What if the laundry has already been washed?

If things have already been washed, then they do not need to be washed.... It is enough to rinse them thoroughly by hand or in the washing machine. If the first method was chosen, then it is recommended to change the water 3-5 times.

2 cycles are sufficient for machining.Additional washing with soap or baby detergent is required only if there is dirt on the fabric.

How to choose a detergent for a child?

Choosing household chemicals for a child, you need to focus on the following recommendations:

  1. foto25405-3The composition should be free of toxic components in the form of phosphates, zeolites, highly concentrated surfactants, synthetic fragrances.
  2. The packaging must be marked "0+", or the inscription "for children / newborns".
  3. The product should not emit a pungent smell of household chemicals.
  4. Must be labeled "biodegradable" and "hypoallergenic".

The fewer synthetic components in the composition, the better.

What do they write on forums and reviews?

Parents on forums and testimonials are vigorously discussing the possibility of using ordinary washing powder to take care of the child's things.

Some women are of the opinion that the composition of powders for children and adults is almost identical.... However, they object that this is not always the case and there are products on the market based on natural ingredients. Moreover, such powders do their job very well.

As a rule, those parents who have never experienced an allergic reaction in a child wash with ordinary powders.

All the most important and useful information about children's washing powders is presented here.

Related videos

We will tell you a video about washing and caring for baby clothes:


You need to wash children's clothes with a special washing powder. Their choice must be approached responsibly, having carefully studied the composition. A poor quality product can cause many problems.



