Rating of the best automatic powders for white laundry: prices, customer reviews

foto26127-1Snow-white things look smart and attractive. In order to keep them in this state, quality care with the use of a suitable detergent is necessary.

The best option is to use special preparations that are marked "for white".

We will tell in the article about which powder machine for washing white linen is better to choose and why.

Features of these detergents

foto26127-2Detergents that are intended for the care white linen, differ from preparations for color or black.

Maintaining the brightness of white, its snowy whiteness, other means will not give in full. This is due to the inclusion of whitening components in the composition.

Detergents for white may include:

  • chlorine;
  • oxygen bleach;
  • optical brightener.


Sodium hydrochloride is included as an active ingredient in chlorine-containing powders. It is a powerful ingredient that will not only whiten things, but also remove most stains. The price of such bleaches is affordable.

Although chlorine is very effective in maintaining whiteness, it is not desirable to have it in powders used.


  • harm to health from vapors and skin contact,
  • unpleasant strong odor
  • and, which is also important, damage to the fabric itself.

When using chlorine-containing preparations, the material becomes tougher, deteriorates faster and loses strength. Chlorine bleach loses its activity during long-term storage.

Oxygenated bleaches

foto26127-3Such components can be included in synthetic and natural detergents.

The active substance in such mixtures is sodium percarbonate... This substance is highly effective both for soaking and for standard washing in a machine.

During processing, the molecules of the active substance penetrate between the fibers of the tissue. All contaminants are literally pushed out. As a result, things acquire purity, and matter is not damaged. In this case, the fabric is lightly disinfected.

Also, as in the case of chlorine, with long-term storage of gel preparations, the whitening effect is greatly reduced.

Optical brighteners

Optical brighteners are ingredients in laundry detergents that do not actually bleach fabrics. The result of their use is effective disguise.

After washing, optical brighteners remain on the surface of the fabrics, forming the thinnest film invisible to the eye. It is she who hides all imperfections, and creates the impression of the ideal whiteness of things.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, and the propensity for an allergic reaction, such drugs can provoke a negative reaction.

How to choose a good one?

Washing white items with an unsuitable detergent can lead to the fact that over time, white textiles acquire a yellowish or grayish coating. The best choice is to use special products that are designed for white.

It should be borne in mind that aggressive bleaching is harmful to tissues, health and the environment. In the process of selecting the best option for yourself, it is recommended to be guided by the following principles:

  1. foto26127-4Do not use "adult" white powder when caring for baby things.
  2. The presence of optical brighteners is not desirable for allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin.
  3. Chlorine is a substance with a lot of minuses, it should not be in the composition.
  4. Oxygen-based bleaches are a good option.
  5. It is better to give preference to the goods of proven manufacturers who have been on the market for a long time and have a reliable reputation.

It is important to purchase intact packaging and check the expiration date before purchasing, which is especially important for liquid powder form.

TOP-7 popular brands

Most manufacturers of laundry products separate powders for white items. These product lines are very popular and in demand among buyers..


Tide for white is a product that effectively removes dirt, including complex ones. It is economical. It is produced in various packaging - from compact packs to multi-kilogram bags. The peculiarity of Tide is a pronounced strong perfume.

For washing in a typewriter, you can also use Alpine freshness gel - a light aroma of purity that remains on the laundry after processing.

The price depends on the packaging. A large capacity of 2.5 liters will cost the buyer about 800 rubles.



Powder is a quality product that copes with pollution of various nature... After washing, this product rinses out well, but leaves an odor on things. Gels and powders are intended for the care of light-colored products.

Persil gives good results without pre-soaking and washing. The price of a gel in a package with a capacity of 1.5 liters is 600 rubles. You can find reviews here and here.



Detergent Gloss for white removes stains and makes things even whiter... The tool is presented in powder and gel form, contains enzymes. Has a light aroma of freshness.

The product is available in various volumes. 1.3 liters of relays costs from 220 rubles. Reviews can be read here and here.



TM Synergetic produces liquid detergents... The manufacturer is a domestic company that manufactures products from high-quality foreign raw materials. Among several dozen items, there is also a detergent for washing white textiles.

Like all Synergetic products, it is a bio-soluble preparation that is safe for health and nature. It is based on vegetable tensides.

The preparation is suitable for white and light-colored clothes, it includes components that prevent the loss of whiteness and yellowing of things. After washing, a light chamomile aroma remains on the clothes.

Since the tool has an economical consumption, the rather big price is fully justified. A 0.75 liter container costs about 300 rubles, a large 5 liter container costs about 1200 rubles. Find reviews here.



Laska is a washing gels produced by the German company Henkel. The preparation for the care of white clothes is included in the line of "Recovery Effect" products.It is a synthetic agent with enzymes and surfactants.

This series is based on the use of the patented Fibex-tech formula, which:

  • maintains color brightness;
  • cares for the fabric itself, smoothes the fibers, preventing pellets from forming;
  • removes pollution.

Laska gel for white is produced in packaging from 0.5 liters to several liters. The minimum volume costs from 130 rubles, 3 liters - from 900 rubles.



Sarma "Mountain Freshness" preparation is suitable for washing in a machine and by hand. In the process of washing, the fabric is cleaned of dirt and undergoes antibacterial treatment from linen mites.

The composition does not contain chlorine. After washing, a slight aroma of freshness remains on the clothes. To enhance the effect of washing, bleach from the same manufacturer can be added to the powder. In this case, the powder rate is halved.

It goes on sale in volumes from 400 grams to 6 kg. The price of the product is from 120 rubles. You can find reviews here.



Burti is a product of the German company Burnus, which has been on the market for nearly 200 years. Powders and gels marked "Oxi" are used to maintain the purity of the white.

They include:

  • optical brightener,
  • Surfactant,
  • enzymes,
  • soap and other ingredients.

All products are different:

  • high quality;
  • the absence of harmful components in the composition;
  • economical consumption;
  • oxygen bleach in the composition;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • health safety.

Oxi Liquid - in liquid form, supplied in containers of 1.45 liters. The powder is available only in large packaging - 5 kg 700 g. The price of the product is from 400 rubles. Read reviews here and here.


Application rules

Use the powder machine for white should be in accordance with the instructions on the package.

All products that are designed for the washing machine have a low foam formation. This is achieved by using it in the composition of defoamers. Such powders are better rinsed out during automatic processing and do not harm the washing machine itself.

Application for powders is standard:

  1. The required amount of the product (according to the instructions on the packaging) is poured into the dish of the machine, into the compartment for the main wash cycle.
  2. The mode is set.
  3. The heating temperature and other parameters are corrected, if necessary.

Most white laundry detergents allow higher temperatures than color preparations.

What else can they wash?

foto26127-12Having powder for washing white linen, it must be borne in mind that it is not applicable for the care of products of other shades.

Violation of this rule can lead to tarnishing of bright pigments and the acquisition of a whitish coating on things. Localized discoloration of materials is also possible. As a result, things will be ruined.

The best option is to have separate detergents for white, color and black. A compromise option is the purchase of a universal drug that will not harm things.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about washing powder here.


Powder machine for white allows you to take good care of light-colored items from wash to wash. With this care, the products do not become dull and do not lose the saturation of the snow-white shade.



