Expert advice on how to choose a washing powder

foto26538-1There are many washing powders on store shelves. They differ not only in name, but also in purpose.

How to choose a high-quality washing powder for washing by hand and in an automatic machine, what should be in its composition, what form of release to give preference to, read the article.

Selection rules

To choose a quality washing powder, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with its composition, to exclude the presence of harmful components in it.

The scope of application of the detergent (hand wash or machine), as well as its intended purpose, are no less carefully studied. Not the least factor when buying household chemicals is their price.

What components should be included?

As part of washing powder the following components may be present:

  1. foto26538-2Surfactants (surfactants). They are divided into cationic, anionic, nonionic. The most harmful are anionic surfactants, so their concentration should not exceed 5%. It is even better if they are not included at all.
  2. Phosphates (phosphoric acid salts). They make the water softer, increase the efficiency of washing, but increase the negative effect of surfactants on the human body, and also pollute the environment.

    The presence of phosphates in the powder is acceptable, but it is better if the manufacturer replaces them with zeolites.

  3. Polymers that protect the fabric from dirt settling.
  4. Bleaches: oxygen and optical.
  5. Enzymes (enzymes). They are responsible for breaking down various types of contaminants, while being absolutely safe for humans.
  6. Flavors and fragrances. It's good if they are natural and hypoallergenic.

What shouldn't be?

As part of a high-quality washing powder the following components are missing:

  1. Phosphates and phosphonates.
  2. Anionic surfactants.
  3. Ammonia, which corrodes living tissues and irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
  4. Petroleum distillates. They negatively affect the nervous system and the visual apparatus.
  5. Nitrobenzene.
  6. Phenols and cresols, which penetrate the human body, leading to its intoxication.
  7. Formaldehyde, which is the strongest carcinogen.
  8. Phthalates.They are used to trap odors, but they are dangerous for women, as they negatively affect the functioning of the reproductive system.
  9. Chlorine, leading to diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia, allergic reactions.
A less dangerous but undesirable ingredient is optical brightener. It does not wash out of the tissue, is in constant contact with the skin and leads to irritation and inflammation.

Hand wash or machine wash?

Powders for hand and automatic washing wash away dirt equally well. However, they have a number of differences:

  • foto26538-3powder for washing in a basin foams more strongly, therefore it is not recommended to pour it into the machine, an abundance of foam can cause the device to break down;
  • detergents for hand washing may contain components that can interfere with the operation of the washing machine;
  • automatic powder granules dissolve more slowly, therefore, such compositions are not suitable for hand washing;
  • the formula of washing powders intended for washing machines often includes components that can harm the skin of the hands, provoke eczema and contact dermatitis.

There should be 2 types of powder in the house: for hand and machine washing, which must be used as intended. He will tell you about the differences between powders for hand washing and an automatic machine this article.

What linen is it for?

There are compounds on sale designed for fabrics of different colors. Their main features:

  1. Detergents white things contain whitening ingredients. They allow the fabrics to remain crisp white, not yellow or gray.
  2. Compositions for colored fabrics. Their formula includes substances designed to protect the pigment from being washed out of the fabric fibers. most often they are polymers.
  3. Powders for black things... They contain the ingredients and pigment fixers needed to maintain color saturation. Thanks to the use of such products, black clothes stay like new longer.

Release form

There are 3 forms of release of washing powders:

  1. foto26538-4Powdery agent... This is the most common form of release. The powder is represented by small free-flowing white granules with or without blue, red and blue inclusions.
  2. Gels. Liquid concentrates are convenient in that they do not generate dust during dosing and do not clump during storage. They dissolve quickly in water and are better washed out of fabric fibers.
  3. Capsules. This is a relative novelty in the household chemicals market. The capsules are dosed detergent. In addition to concentrated gels, most of them contain fabric softener. Capsules are convenient to use, but they are more expensive than gels and powders.

The cost

Powder prices differ. The final cost consists of several factors:

  • point of sale, discounts and markups for detergent;
  • brand and country of origin - foreign compositions are more expensive than domestic ones;
  • the safety and naturalness of the composition, the presence of a stain remover or conditioner in it;
  • washing ability;
  • brand awareness and recognition;
  • form of release: the most expensive are capsules, and the most affordable are powders.

As a rule, the average cost of a 0.4 kg package of powder is 60-80 rubles, although you can also find premium compositions on sale at a price of 200 rubles per pack.

How to choose a remedy for children?

When choosing a washing powder for children, the following recommendations should be considered:

  • foto26538-5the composition must be hypoallergenic, without synthetic flavors and fragrances;
  • preference should be given to liquid concentrates, as they rinse out their things better;
  • the package must be marked "0+";
  • the composition should not contain aSAS, phosphates, optical brightener, chlorine and other aggressive substances.

The safest laundry detergents children's things contain:

  • soap,
  • soda,
  • citric acid
  • natural supplements,
  • zeolites and enzymes.

Helpful information

Purchase and Application Tips washing powders:

  1. Laundry detergent quality is a market concept. Each consumer must independently choose a product for himself in terms of price and functionality.
  2. Allergy sufferers are advised to use either specialized formulations or household chemicals for children.
  3. Optical brightener can be part of the product for colored items, but it should be absent in baby powders.
  4. Products containing enzymes can be used in water no higher than 50 degrees.
  5. You should not blindly trust the manufacturer's assurances about the safety of his household chemicals. Before buying, you need to carefully study the composition.

A lot of useful and important information about washing powder is presented in given section of the site.

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The choice of washing powder must be approached responsibly. In the pursuit of profit, unscrupulous manufacturers add harmful components to household chemicals that can cause serious damage to health and the environment.

Especially carefully you need to study the composition of household chemicals intended for the care of children's things... This will avoid allergic reactions, irritation and inflammation of the skin.



