Particularly harmful component, or what are phosphates in washing powder?

foto26113-1Any washing powder is a multi-component composition that contains substances designed to improve the quality of washing.

However, cleanliness is sometimes achieved to the detriment of human health, since some chemistry has a negative effect on the body.

Phosphates are one of these dubious ingredients in washing powder. About what these substances are, why they are needed in washing powder and why they are dangerous, read the article.

What is it and why are they added?

Phosphates are represented by compounds of mineral phosphorus, oxygen and hydrogen. These substances belong to the class of salts that are formed during the chemical reaction of phosphoric acid with other components.

Phosphates can be powdered or liquid. They are added to laundry detergents to increase detergency.

The main effects that can be achieved due to their inclusion in the composition powder:

  • foto26113-2hard water becomes soft;
  • Surfactants penetrate fibers more easily;
  • pollution washed off the surface of things no longer settles on them;
  • mineral deposits are better washed out from fabric fibers;
  • stains with a fatty component are well washed;
  • the quality of washing is improved by breaking large particles of dirt into small ones.

Phosphates can be found not only in powders, but also in food, where they function as acidity stabilizers and regulators. However, in household chemicals, crude compounds are used that contain impurities of harmful components.

What is their harm to humans?

Phosphates can harm human health. First of all, they pose a danger to the skin, as they violate its natural acid-base balance.

This becomes the reason:

  • dermatitis,
  • hives,
  • itching
  • rashes and inflammatory reactions.

In addition, regular contact with phosphates threatens the following problems:

  1. Decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  2. Disorders in the liver and kidneys.
  3. Increased risk of developing cancerous tumors.
  4. General intoxication of the body.
  5. Metabolic failure.
Phosphates are especially dangerous for children. Therefore, use such detergents for washing baby things Not recommended.

It is not for nothing that European countries introduced strict restrictions on the use of phosphates in household chemicals back in 2010.

Why are they dangerous for the environment?

foto26113-3The widespread use of washing powders with phosphates is harmful to nature. Due to the imperfection of sewage systems, soapy water enters natural reservoirs.

Them oversaturation with phosphorus leads to water bloom and an increase in the number of cyanobacteriawhich are sources of toxins. Poisonous substances cause mass death of fish, poisoning among animals and people.

The accumulation of biomass in the upper layers of the water prevents the penetration of sunlight. As a result, the flora growing at the bottom of rivers and lakes stops its growth and development. The fish and other microorganisms feeding on it suffer from hunger, their number is gradually decreasing.

Phosphates cause colossal harm to nature... You need to remember this when buying another pack of washing powder.

How do you know if the detergent contains them?

All manufacturers who are engaged in the production of washing powders are required to indicate information on its composition on the packaging. By reading the label, you can tell if phosphates are present in the selected detergent.

Buying packs without specifying the exact composition is risky to health. There may be any substances inside that can cause serious harm to health.

Phosphate-free formulations: features of choice

To choose a washing powder that does not contain harmful components, you need to carefully study its composition. This is easy to do both when buying in a store and when purchasing a product over the Internet.

List of phosphate-free powders:

  1. foto26113-4Chistown. The product is based on natural ingredients, so its use does not irritate the skin and does not lead to the development of allergic reactions. Price - 280 rubles.
  2. Attack. This product is from a Japanese manufacturer, does not contain chlorine and phosphates, washes things well and is economical. Price - 480 rubles.
  3. Bio-Mio... This powder from a Russian manufacturer, which is economically consumed, belongs to the class of biodegradable products and contains natural ingredients. Price - 440 rubles.

The list of phosphate-free washing powders for washing children's clothes is presented in this article.

The composition and purpose of the components of the washing powder is discussed in given section.


Phosphates are harmful components that are present in most laundry detergents. If possible, the use of such household chemicals should be discarded. This is the only way to preserve health, as well as make a tangible contribution to the environment.



